Anne Sved-Williams

Anne Sved-Williams

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Anne Sved Williams MBBS FRANZCP Dip Psychother. TITLEHOLDER.
Anne Sved Williams currently works at the Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide. Anne does research in the treatment of mentally ill mothers and their families, with a particular interest in borderline personality disorder and advocacy. Her most recent publication is 'Perinatal and infant mental health: Further fruitful twists of Rubik’s cube'.

My research is mainly in the field of perinatal borderline personality disorder (PBPD).  In particular, we have been evaluating the benefits of a new program we have initiated - Mother-Infant Dialectical Behaviour therapy and there are many spin-off projects available with this research.  In addition my work with mothers with PBPD has led me to see there are many many gaps in the literature around PBPD as it has been highly under-researched eg in comparison to postnatal depression despite a significant prevalence

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2019 - ongoing Senior Consultant Psychiatrist Womens and Childrens Health Network, South Australia
    2019 - ongoing Associate Professor University of Adelaide
    2005 - 2008 Psychiatric consultant South Australian Divisions of General Practice
    1995 - 2019 Director Women's and Children's Hospital
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2019 Award Ann Morgan Literary Prize, , 2019 Australian Association of Infant Mental Health (Vic Branch) Australia -
    2019 Recognition Australasian Marce Society Medallist, 2019 Australasian Marce Society Australia -
    2012 Award Member of Order of Australia Australian Government Australia -
Research Grants
Title of Grant Investigators Funding Organisation (incl. ARHRF) Total Funding Years Comments
Urgent Psychiatric Advice, South Australia Dr Victoria Wade, Dr Anne Sved Williams Department of Health and Aging (DoHA) $388,937 2004-5 Telephone and one-off consultation service
New Urgent Psychiatric Advice, South Australia Dr Victoria Wade, Dr Anne Sved-Williams DoHA $123,475     Evaluation of the use of Item 291 by psychiatrists
GP-PASA 291 Dr Victoria Wade, Dr Anne Sved Williams Department of Health, South Australia (DoH) $54 500          months August 2005-August 2006  
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health in the Community (PIMHIC) Dr Anne Sved Williams SA Department of Health Human Services Research and Innovation Program (HRSIP)

$325575.40 total

$279000 from HSRIP, matching funds other organisations


May 2004-August 2006 Teaching program for GPs and other primary health care workers: intended for SA but now taken to WA, NT and ACT
Primary care mental health consultation-liaison between GP and psychiatrist: consumer and carer evaluation Dr Anne Sved-Williams, Dr Cate Howell, Dr Tori Wade, Prof Nigel Stocks, Robert Burke, Lyn English Rotary Evaluation Grant $59,945 March 2007-March 2008 Consumer and Carer views of one-off consultations
Diagnosis and outcome in a mother-baby unit Anne Sved Williams

Lane Bequest

(for research at Glenside Hospital South Australia)

$75000 (funding given for this project and the next one jointly) 2010-2012  
Development of a parenting capacity instrument for women with schizophrenia Anne Sved Williams, Kathryn Knights, Ros Powrie

Lane Bequest

(for research at Glenside Hospital)


1. Diagnosis and outcome in a mother-baby unit

2. Development of an outpatient group for women with borderline personality disorder along with their infants, using a dialectical behavior therapy model

Anne Sved Williams Lane Bequest $106000 2012-2015  
Ongoing development of an outpatient group for women with borderline personality disorder along with their infants, using a dialectical behavior therapy model Anne Sved Williams Hopscotch Foundation $200,000 2015-2020  


1. Certificates of perinatal and infant mental health available through Womens and Childrens Health Network

2.  Annual Helen Mayo House Conference

3. Multiple community sites in South Australia and interstate as invited speaker

  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2019 - ongoing Advisory Board Member Doctors Health South Australia DHSA Australia
    2001 - ongoing Board Member Australasian Psychiatry - -
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2013 - 2015 President Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health - -
    2013 - 2015 President Marce Society for Perinatal Mental Health - -
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    1992 - ongoing Member Australian Infant Mental Health Association Australia
    1988 - ongoing Member Child Psychiatry Faculty, RANZCP -

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