Anne Hewitt

Ms Anne Hewitt

Associate Professor

Adelaide Law School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

A Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK, Anne's research focuses on equitable access to high quality work and education. Within that field, her current projects consider prohibitions of discrimination, the rights of non-traditional workers including student interns, the regulation of higher education and work integrated learning. She was an author of an International Labour Organization (ILO) study on the regulation internships in 13 jurisdictions in 2018, in 2019 she was an organizer of both Australian and international (ILO) symposia considering the regulation of work experience, was an editor and contributor to a significant international analysis of the regulation of work experience, published jointly by Edward Elgar and the ILO in 2021, has authored major reports on the role Australian universities are playing in regulating work experience and considering scholarships for work-integrated learning. Anne is a member of the Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group and the Berkeley Centre for Comparative Equality. She is active in promoting law reform to enhance equality, and regularly makes submissions and provides advice regarding the operation and reform of anti-discrimination laws.

She is currently investigating the role of universities in regulating work experience in Finland, France and Australia, and regulatory responses to improve equitable engagement with compulsory work experience.

Anne is passionate about curriculum design and teaching, and has won numerous local and national teaching awards, including an OLT Citation and a national LexisNexis ALTA award. She has undertaken extensive research considering the rights of students in the workplace, equitable access to workplace learning, the regulation of higher education and role of equality and labour laws in work experience, and has completed high profile projects on the nature, scope and regulation of work experience for the International Labour Organization, Australian Collaborative Education Network, and federal Department of Employment. In addition she has completed a nationwide Australian examination of the regulatory role undertaken by universities in relation to work experience, funded by the Australian Research Council. 

Anne was appointed as Editor in Chief of the Legal Education Review in 2023 after serving as a member of its editorial committee of more than a decade, and her teaching related research has  been funded by a number of significant grants, including two Category 1 OLT grants to support the Smart Casual project (

Anne is a member of the Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender and an Associate of the South Australia Centre for Economic Studies (SACES).

Anne was recently awarded:

  • DFAT funding to run a knowledge exchange with representatives of the government of Vietnam on Gender Equality Law,
  • USAID/GRI funding to develop and deliver workshops on integrating gender equality in the curricula of the law schools at University of Jaffna and University of Jaffna in Sri Lanka,
  • WACE funding to research the equity implications of online internships (in a project being run by Professor Grant-Smith, QUT), and
  • Department of Social Services funding to use the Household Income and Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA) data to examine Women’s Progress 2001-2021.
  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2005 - ongoing Associate Professor University of Adelaide, Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2020 Recognition Principal Fellow Higher Education Academy Higher Education Academy United Kingdom -
    2014 Award LexisNexis ALTA Mentor of Teaching Award for Innovation and Excellence in the Teaching of Law - - -
    2009 Teaching Award Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation - - -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    King's College London, London United Kingdom LLM
    University of Western Australia, Perth Australia LLB
    University of Western Australia, Perth Australia BA
    University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia Graduate Certificate in Online Learning (Higher Education),
    University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia Graduate Certificate in Education (Higher Education)
  • Research Interests

Category 1 funding

Chief Investigator, 2016-2021 Australian Research Council Discovery project grant ‘Regulating Post-secondary Work Experience: Labour Law at the Boundary of Work and Education’  DP150104516 (with Professor Rosemary Owens, Professor Andrew Stewart and Dr Joanna Howe) AU$207k

Chief Investigator, 2015-2016 Office for Learning and Teaching Innovation and Development grant ‘Smart Casual’: Promoting Excellence in Sessional Teaching in Law’  ID14-4320 (with Ass Professor Mary Heath (Flinders), Professor Alex Steel (UNSW), Professor Mark Israel (UWA), Ass Professor Natalie Skead (UWA) and Ast Professor Kate Galloway (Bond)) AU$225k

Project Leader, 2013-2014 Office for Learning and Teaching Seed Grant 'Smart casual: towards excellence in sessional teaching in Law' SD-13-2745 AU$49k

Other funding

Project Lead, 2024, DFAT 'Knowledge exchange: Gender Equality Law (Government of Vietnam)' (with Duygu Yengin, Laura Grenfell, Pam Papadelos, Adriana Sanchez, and Tiffany Machedo de Soussa) AU$358k

CI, 2023-2024, WACE Canada, 'A best practice framework for virtual international WIL placements' (project lead, Prof Grant Smith, QUT) CA$15k

CI, 2023-2024 Department of Social Services 'Household Income and Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA) Women’s Progress Research Report 2001-2022' (project lead: Dr Moskos) AU$420k

Project Lead, 2022-2024 Law Foundation of South Australia grant A596-3.22 'Enabling engagement of the legal profession to maximise outcomes for a diverse range of legal interns' (with Dr Nosworthy and Dr Henderson) AU$23k

Project Lead, 2022 HEA Global Impact Grant, 'Facilitating discipline specific development opportunities for sessional teachers' £1000

Project Lead, 2020-2021 Australian Collaborative Education Network Chief (ACEN) 'Risks associated with studentships' (with Dr Craig Cameron, Griffith) AU$10k

Chief Investigator, 2018, ILO 'A comparative study of the regulation of internships in 13 jurisdictions' AU$28k

Chief Investigator, 2017 Law Foundation South Australia Grant Funding 'Smart casual LIVE' A510-3.16 (with Dr Mary Heath, Flinders) AU$18k

Chief Investigator, 2016 Department of Employment Grant ‘Unpaid work experience in Australia: Prevalence, nature and impact’ (with Dr Damian Oliver (UTS), Professor Paula McDonald (QUT) and Professor Andrew Stewart (Adelaide)) AU$86k



I am passionate about teaching, and research, publish and speak about excellence in teaching.  I teach civil procedure and anti discrimination law.

I welcome applications from prospective PhD students in areas of discrimination and equality law, equitable access to quality work and education, and legal education.

  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Disability Discrimination in Education: A Mixed-Methods Study Examining Complaints about Compulsory-Aged South Australian and Victorian Students with Disability-Related Challenging Behaviour Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Peta Spyrou
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2017 - 2020 Member Stirling Community Child Care Management Committee Stirling Community Child Care Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2017 - 2020 Co-Chair Career Readiness Community of Practice Career Readiness Community of Practice Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2017 - ongoing Member Employability Community of Practice Australia
    2017 - ongoing Member Diversity and Inclusion Community of Practice -
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2023 - ongoing Editor-In-chief Legal Education Review Legal Education Review Australia
    2010 - 2023 Board Member Legal Education Review Legal Education Review Australia
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Associate Dean Gender, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Faculty of ABLE Australia
  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Phone: 83134453
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83134344
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Ligertwood, floor 3
  • Org Unit: Adelaide Law School

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