Anne Hamilton-Bruce
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
PhD(Adel)., MBA., MSc., LLB.(Hons.), BSc.
(Monica) Anne Hamilton-Bruce is a Principal Medical Scientist and Research and Education Co-Lead, Neurology Senior Management Team as well as Co-Director of the Stroke Research Programme at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, and an Affiliate Associate Professor at the Adelaide Medical School in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide. With a neuroscience and management background, her principal research interest is cerebrovascular disease, including primary and secondary stroke prevention, treatment and management, and clinical models of care.
Anne undertakes and supervises research (undergraduate, Honours, Masters and PhD) on the provision of stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) services including community TIA services, stroke genomics, proteomics and environmental risk factors, health literacy in stroke, health economics and organisational management (including animal assisted interventions).
She also has an interest in other interdisciplinary research, having collaborated with allied health and nursing on the evaluation of patients with stroke by means of surveys, focus groups and in-depth interviews, as well as evaluation research with the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the Roseworthy Campus of the University of Adelaide and the School of Health Sciences at the University of South Australia. Currently Anne is Chief Investigator for the DOgSS (Dogs Offering Support after Stroke) project, an animal assisted activity on the Stroke Wards at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, with research opportunities currently available for post-graduate students. Anne also contributes management and evaluation expertise to the team, and plays a role in the ultimate translation of the research to humans.
Date Position Institution name 2021 - ongoing Director, Stroke Research Programme Central Adelaide Health Network 2020 - ongoing Principal Research Fellow South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute 2015 - ongoing Co-Lead, Research and Education, Neurology Central Adelaide Local Health Network 2014 - ongoing Affiliate Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2013 - 2014 Affiliate Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2002 - 2012 Affiliate Lecturer University of Adelaide 1996 - ongoing Principal Medical Scientist, Neurology The Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1996 - ongoing Management Co-ordinator, Neurology The Queen Elizabeth Hospital -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2016 Honour Poster chosen for oral defence: "Quantifying and overcoming barriers to stroke unit access" - Australia - 2014 Award Best Poster Presentation Award Stroke Society of Australasia Annual 25th Scientific Meeting Australia - 2013 Honour Dignity in Care Champion SA Health: Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Australia - 2012 Recognition Certificate of Appreciation Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide SA Australia - 2010 Achievement Rights Advocates External ‘Dream Team’ Winner (team member) Charles Darwin University, Darwin NT Australia - 2009 Nomination SA Women’s Honour Roll Nominee Government of South Australia Australia - 2007 Recognition National Stroke Foundation 2007 Strokesafe(TM) Awards The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South, SA Australia - 2005 Recognition Volunteer Certificate of Recognition Friends of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South, SA Australia - 2005 Award Vocational Excellence Award Rotary Club of Woodville Inc., Woodville SA Australia - 2005 Award Best Financial Plan Award (team member) South Australian Enterprise Workshop, Adelaide SA Australia - 2005 Scholarship BIO 2005 Travel Scholarship BioInnovation SA, Adelaide SA Australia - 2003 Nomination Marjorie Hele Employee Excellence Award Nominee The Queen Elizabeth Hospital & Health Service, Woodville South, SA Australia - 2001 Award Intellectual Property Assessment Winner Spruson & Ferguson, Sydney Australia - 2001 Award Cairns Society Travel Award Cairns Society, Adelaide SA Australia - 2000 Award Best Poster Presentation Prize Association of Neurophysiological Technologists of Australia (ANTA) Australia - 1997 Award Best Poster Presentation Prize 1997 North Western Adelaide Health Service, Woodville South, SA Australia - 1996 Award Best Poster Presentation Prize (co-author) 1996 North Western Adelaide Health Service, Woodville South, SA Australia - 1993 Research Award Research Achievement Award Association of Neurophysiological Technologists of Australia (ANTA) Australia - 1987 Fellowship Silver Jubilee Travelling Fellowship The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South, SA Australia - 1971 Award Class Medal, Physiology II University of Cape Town, Cape South Africa - 1969 Scholarship Cape Provincial Administration Grant Cape Provincial Government South Africa - 1969 Scholarship South African Public Service Bursary South African Public Service South Africa - 1969 Award London Workshop Grant – Biology London Workshop South Africa - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Afrikaans Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title University of South Australia Australia MBA University of Adelaide Australia PhD University of London United Kingdom MSc University of Cape Town South Africa BSc Charles Darwin University Australia LLB (Hons) -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 1993 - 1994 Certificate in Management and Organisational Leadership Health Industry Development Centre (HIDC) Australia -
Date Title Institution name Country 2015 Fellow and Chartered Biologist Royal Society of Biology United Kingdom 1995 Associate Fellow, ACHSM Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) Australia 1991 Member Royal Society of Biology United Kingdom 1984 Fellow; Chartered Scientist Institute of Biomedical Science United Kingdom 1981 Member Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences United Kingdom -
Research Interests
Biological Sciences Biomarkers Central Nervous System Humane Animal Treatment Law and Legal Studies Medical and Health Sciences Neurogenetics Neurosciences Preventive Medicine Regenerative Medicine Rehabilitation and Therapy Innovative Therapeutics Neuroscience, Behaviour and Brain Health Translational Health Outcomes
Year Citation 2024 McDowall, S., Hazel, S. J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Stuckey, R., & Howell, T. J. (2024). Association of Socioeconomic Status and Reasons for Companion Animal Relinquishment. Animals, 14(17), 17 pages.
2024 Gancheva, M. R., Kremer, K., Breen, J., Arthur, A., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Thomas, P., . . . Koblar, S. (2024). Effect of Octamer-Binding Transcription Factor 4 Overexpression on the Neural Induction of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 20(3), 797-815.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12024 Crossley, G. H., Sanders, P., Hansky, B., De Filippo, P., Shah, M. J., Shoda, M., . . . Smith, T. (2024). Safety, efficacy, and reliability evaluation of a novel small-diameter defibrillation lead: Global LEADR pivotal trial results. Heart Rhythm, 21(10), 1914-1922.
Scopus12024 Simpson, A., Glorie, S., Hand, M., Gilbert, S. E., Spandler, C., Dmitrijeva, M., . . . Münker, C. (2024). In situ apatite and carbonate Lu-Hf and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology for ore deposit research: Method validation and example application to Cu-Au mineralisation. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(5), 101867-1-101867-16.
Scopus22024 Boyle, T. A., Ha, B., Haq, I., Killu, A., Yadav, R., Spragg, D., . . . Frankel, D. S. (2024). Atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with pulmonary hypertension: Multicenter experience. Heart Rhythm, 21(9), 1684-1685.
Scopus12024 Sise, A., Azzopardi, P., Brown, A., Tewhaiti-Smith, J., Westhead, S., Kurji, J., . . . Crengle, S. (2024). Health and well-being needs of Indigenous adolescents: a protocol for a scoping review of qualitative studies. BMJ Open, 14(5), e079942-1-e079942-6.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12024 Thirumanickam, A., Rillotta, F., Walker, R., Watson, E., Balandin, S., & Raghavendra, P. (2024). Social Media Use Training for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pilot Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION, 72(1), 18 pages.
2024 McDowall, S., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Cobb, M., & Hazel, S. (2024). Evaluation of current practices for dogs engaged in assistance and therapy support programs within Australia. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 73, 1-9.
2024 Darvishi, S., Gupta, A. D., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Koblar, S., Baumert, M., & Abbott, D. (2024). Enhancing poststroke hand movement recovery: Efficacy of RehabSwift, a personalized brain-computer interface system. PNAS Nexus, 3(7), 10 pages.
Scopus12023 McDowall, S., Hazel, S., Chittleborough, C., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Stuckey, R., & Howell, T. (2023). The Impact of the Social Determinants of Human Health on Companion Animal Welfare. Animals, 13(6), 1113-1-1113-18.
Scopus15 Europe PMC52023 McDowall, S., Hazel, S. J., Cobb, M., & Hamilton-Bruce, A. (2023). Understanding the Role of Therapy Dogs in Human Health Promotion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(10), 5801.
Scopus8 Europe PMC22023 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J., Nottle, C., Hazel, S. J., Milton, A. G., McDowall, S., . . . Koblar, S. (2023). Developing and Planning a Protocol for Implementing Health Promoting Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) in a Tertiary Health Setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(18), 1-25.
2022 Milton, A. G., Lau, S., Kremer, K. L., Rao, S. R., MAS, E., Snel, M. F., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2022). FAST-IT: Find A Simple Test - In TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) - a prospective cohort study to develop a multivariable prediction model for diagnosis of TIA through proteomic discovery and candidate lipid mass-spectrometry, neuroimaging and machine learning - study protocol. BMJ Open, 12(4), 1-9.
2022 Howell, T. J., Nieforth, L., Thomas-Pino, C., Samet, L., Agbonika, S., Cuevas-Pavincich, F., . . . Bennett, P. (2022). Defining Terms Used for Animals Working in Support Roles for People with Support Needs. Animals, 12(15), 18 pages.
Scopus43 WoS9 Europe PMC182021 Nagpal, A., Milton, A. G., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2021). Clinical Translation of Cell Therapies in Stroke (CT2S) Checklist—a pragmatic tool to accelerate development of cell therapy products. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 12(1), 7 pages.
Scopus12020 Holliday, E., Lillicrap, T., Kleinig, T., Choi, P. M. C., Maguire, J., Bivard, A., . . . Levi, C. (2020). Developing a multivariable prediction model for functional outcome after reperfusion therapy for acute ischaemic stroke: study protocol for the Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes (TOTO) multicentre cohort study. BMJ Open, 10(4), e038180-1-e038180-7.
Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC32020 Lillicrap, T., Keragala, C. B., Draxler, D. F., Chan, J., Ho, H., Harman, S., . . . Medcalf, R. L. (2020). Plasmin generation potential and recanalization in acute ischaemic stroke; an observational cohort study of stroke biobank samples. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 589628-1-589628-4.
Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC22020 Pandos, O. C., Milton, A. G., Nagpal, A., Kleinig, T. J., Jannes, J., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2020). Stroke Unit Legislation – Mandating a Uniform Standard of Care?. International Journal of Stroke, 15(2), NP6-NP7.
Scopus12019 Nagpal, A., Hillier, S., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2019). PERSPECTIVES: Stroke survivors' views on the design of an early-phase cell therapy trial for patients with chronic ischaemic stroke. HEALTH EXPECTATIONS, 22(5), 1069-1077.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC42019 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. (2019). Case 3: Vilija presents with difficulty writing. Check, Unit 562(July 2019), 13-16. 2019 Nagpal, A., Milte, R., KIM, S. W., Hillier, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Ratcliffe, J., & Koblar, S. A. (2019). Economic Evaluation of Stem Cell Therapies in Neurological Diseases: A Systematic Review. Value in Health, 22(2), 254-262.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC62018 Graham, C. M., Kremer, K. L., Koblar, S. A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Pyecroft, S. B. (2018). Dental pulp stem cells - exploration in a novel animal model: the Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii). Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 14(4), 500-509.
Scopus12017 Nagpal, A., Choy, F., Howell, S., Hillier, S., Chan, F., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2017). Safety and effectiveness of stem cell therapies in early-phase clinical trials in stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 8(1), 13 pages.
Scopus58 WoS49 Europe PMC402017 Nagpal, A., Juttner, C., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Rolan, P., & Koblar, S. (2017). Stem cell therapy clinical research: a regulatory conundrum for academia. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 122, 105-114.
Scopus12 WoS8 Europe PMC62017 Traylor, M., Malik, R., Nalls, M. A., Cotlarciuc, I., Radmanesh, F., Thorleifsson, G., . . . Markus, H. S. (2017). Genetic variation at 16q24.2 is associated with small vessel stroke. Annals of Neurology, 81(3), 383-394.
Scopus74 WoS57 Europe PMC452017 Koblar, S. A., Nagpal, A., Choy, F. C., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Hillier, S. L. (2017). Regenerative neurology: Meeting the need of patients with disability after stroke. Medical Journal of Australia, 206(8), 334-336.e1.
Scopus1 WoS12017 Li, J. J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Peterson, R., Howell, S., & Koblar, S. A. (2017). Medical Student Perspective of Undergraduate (Honours) Research Training. Ergo, 4, 1-6. 2017 Pandos, O., Milton, A. G., Nagpal, A., Kleinig, T. J., Jannes, J., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2017). Legislative requirements increase availability of access to certified stroke unit care. International Journal of Stroke. 2016 Nagpal, A., Kremer, K. L., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Kaidonis, X., Milton, A. G., Levi, C., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2016). TOOTH (The Open study Of dental pulp stem cell Therapy in Humans): Study protocol for evaluating safety and feasibility of autologous human adult dental pulp stem cell therapy in patients with chronic disability after stroke. International Journal of Stroke, 11(5), 575-585.
Scopus47 WoS36 Europe PMC402016 Sutton, J., Koblar, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Jannes, J., Karnon, J., Sutton, D. A., . . . Kramer, S. (2016). Advanced management services for transient ischaemic attacks and minor stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016(5), 1-14.
2015 Krawczyk, V., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. (2015). The origins of compassion for animals: legal privileging of non-wild animals in late Georgian Britain. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 18(4), 322-336.
Scopus52015 Appleton, S., Biermann, S., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Piantadosi, C., Tucker, G., Koblar, S., & Adams, R. (2015). Functional health literacy is significantly associated with risk factors for stroke in a population sample. International Journal of Stroke, 10(3), E23.
Scopus9 WoS3 Europe PMC42015 Rudaks, L. I., Ahangar, I., Dodd, L., Milton, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. A. (2015). Endovascular treatment for acute ischaemic stroke: experience in South Australia. International Journal of Stroke, 10(6), E64-E65.
2014 Krawczyk, V., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Koblar, S., & Crichton, J. (2014). Group organization and communities of practice in translational research: A case study of a research team. SAGE Open, 4(4), 1-11.
Scopus12014 Leung, E., Price, C., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Stocks, N., & Koblar, S. (2014). Stroke. Australian Family Physician, 43(11), 750-751. 2013 Benedict, A., Khoo, E., Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2013). Letter by Benedict et al regarding article, What causes disability after transient ischemic attack and minor stroke? results from the CT and MRI in the triage of TIA and minor cerebrovascular events to identify high-risk patients (CATCH) study. Stroke, 44(4), 32.
2013 Islam, M. A., Uddin, M., Aziz, M. A., Muzaffar, S. B., Chakma, S., Chowdhury, S. U., . . . Akter, R. (2013). Status of bears in Bangladesh: Going, going, gone?. Ursus, 24(1), 83-90.
Scopus302012 Tran, H., Lewis, M., Tan, L. W., Lester, S., Baker, L., Ng, J., . . . Lang, C. (2012). Immunolocalization of NLRP3 inflammasome in normal murine airway epithelium and changes following induction of ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation. Journal of Allergy, Online(819176), 1-13.
Europe PMC362012 Leong, W., Henshall, T., Arthur, A., Kremer, K., Lewis, M., Helps, S., . . . Koblar, S. (2012). Human adult dental pulp stem cells enhance poststroke functional recovery through non-neural replacement mechanisms. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 1(3), 177-187.
Scopus145 WoS122 Europe PMC1052012 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Price, C., & Koblar, S. (2012). Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) knowledge in general practice: a cross-sectional study of Western Adelaide general practitioners. BMC Research Notes, 5(1), 278-1-278-9.
Scopus8 Europe PMC62012 Lester, S., Rischmueller, M., Tan, L., Wormald, P., Zalewski, P., Hamilton-Bruce, M., . . . Hill, C. (2012). Sicca symptoms and their association with chronic rhinosinusitis in a community sample. The Open Rheumatology Journal, 6(1), 170-174.
Scopus8 Europe PMC52011 Milton, A., Aykanat, V., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Nezic, M., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. (2011). Association of the phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) gene and cardioembolic stroke in an Australian cohort. International Journal of Stroke, 6(6), 480-486.
Scopus20 WoS18 Europe PMC122011 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Stocks, N., & Koblar, S. (2011). 10-minute consultation: funny turn. British Medical Journal, 343(7835), D7465.
2011 Mclennan, S. N., Lam, A. K., Mathias, J. L., Koblar, S. A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Jannes, J. (2011). Role of vasodilation in cognitive impairment. International Journal of Stroke, 6(3), 280.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC22011 Leung, E. S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2011). Reply - Transient ischaemic attacks: assessment and management. Australian Family Physician, 40(1-2), 9. 2011 Leung, E. S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2011). Napady Przemijajacego Niedokrwienia Mozgu. Translation.. Lekarz Rodzinny, 16(3), 224-229. 2010 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2010). Transient ischaemic attacks: Assessment and management. Australian Family Physician, 39(11), 820-824.
Scopus4 WoS4 Europe PMC12008 Lam, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. (2008). Cerebral small vessel disease - Genetic risk assessment for prevention and treatment. Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy, 12(3), 145-156.
Scopus1 WoS12008 Milton, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Koblar, S. A., & Jannes, J. (2008). The ClC-KbT481S chloride channel gene polymorphism, ischaemic stroke and hypertension. The Open Neuroscience Journal, 2(1), 6-8.
2008 Leung, E., Koblar, S., Hamilton-Bruce, A., & Price, C. (2008). TIA assessment. Australian Family Physician, 37(3), 103. 2007 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Hudson, N., & Smith, H. (2007). Epilepsy Artwork Collaboration. ANTA Journal, (November), 11-12. 2006 Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2006). Tissue plasminogen activator-7351C/T polymorphism and lacunar stroke - Response. Stroke, 37(2), 329-330.
2006 Milton, A., Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2006). Activating mutation of the renal epithelial chloride channel ClC-Kb predisposing to hypertension. Hypertension, 47(3), E12.
Scopus2 WoS3 Europe PMC32004 Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Pilotto, L., Smith, B., Mullighan, C., Bardy, P., & Koblar, S. (2004). Tissue plasminogen activator-7351C/T enhancer polymorphism is a risk factor for lacunar stroke. Stroke, 35(5), 1090-1094.
Scopus53 WoS45 Europe PMC312002 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Donk, M. B., Stratos, K., & Black, A. B. (2002). Referring medical officer satisfaction with neurophysiology services. ANTA Journal, 47-52. 2002 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Donk, M. B., Stratos, K., & Black, A. B. (2002). Neurology staff satisfaction survey. ANTA Journal, 41-46. 2001 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Adey, M., & Blackwell, L. (2001). IP in Neurology and the Neurophysiology/Molecular Neurogenetics Laboratories.. ANTA Journal, 9-11. 1996 Anne Hamilton-Bruce, M., Black, A. B., Duong, L., & Purdie, G. H. (1996). Peripheral nerve conduction in the elderly: Reference data and comparison with patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Medical Science Research, 24(7), 491-494.
Scopus11994 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Black, A. B., & Stratos, K. (1994). Quality assurance in a neurophysiology laboratory. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 17(2), 94-95.
Scopus2 Europe PMC11994 Richards, A. K., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (1994). Calibration assessment in quantitative electroencephalographic brainmapping and evoked potential studies. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 17(3), 150-154.
Europe PMC11991 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Boundy, K. L., & Purdie, G. H. (1991). Interoperator variability in quantitative electroencephalography.. Clinical and experimental neurology, 28, 219-224.
Scopus14 Europe PMC61991 Collins, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Black, A. B. (1991). Electrophysiological evaluation of the effects of aging on peripheral nerve function. Medical Science Research, 19(5), 131-133.
Scopus11991 Panegyres, P. K., Purdie, G. H., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Rischbieth, R. H. (1991). Familial spastic paraplegia: an electrophysiological study of central sensory conduction pathways.. Clinical and experimental neurology, 28, 97-111.
Scopus4 Europe PMC11989 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Black, A. B., Chappell, D. J., & Pannall, P. R. (1989). Evaluation of evoked potentials and cerebrospinal fluid analysis in the differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.. Clinical and experimental neurology, 26, 89-97. 1988 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Black, A. B. (1988). The flight of colours test. Its value as an indicator of dysfunction of the visual pathways.. Clinical and experimental neurology, 25, 97-102. 1987 Rischbieth, R. H., Thompson, G. N., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Purdie, G. H., & Peters, J. H. (1987). Acute encephalopathy following petrol sniffing in two aboriginal patients.. Clinical and experimental neurology, 23, 191-194.
Scopus4 Europe PMC51974 Visser, C. J., & Searle, M. A. (1974). The energy spectrum of a low specific activity kilocurie 60Co source for agricultural research. Agrochemophysica, 6, 43-48. 1973 Visser, C. J., & Searle, M. A. (1973). Energie en Fotopiekdoeltreffendheids-kalibrasie van 'n Multikanaal Gammaspektrometer. Stellenbosch, 27, 2-6. - Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. (n.d.). TIAs Reply. AUSTRALIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN, 40(1-2), 9. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Sharma, D., Barnes, S. A., Edwards, S., Mahadevan, J., Kurunawai, C., Kleinig, T., . . . Kostecki, R. (2024). Use of macromolecule carbonylation to differentiate between Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs), TIA mimics, and minor stroke. In CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES Vol. 53 (pp. 35). KARGER. 2024 Sharma, D., Rozek, T., Mas, E., Barnes, S., Kostecki, R., Snel, M., . . . Noschka, E. (2024). Use of prostanoids to differentiate between Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs), TIA mimics, and minor stroke. In CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES Vol. 53 (pp. 199). KARGER. 2024 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J. O., Hazel, S. J., Koblar, S. A., Milton, A. G., Nottle, C., . . . Mani, B. (2024). <i>Dogs</i> <i>O</i>ffering Support after Stroke (DOgSS) - Two Cycles of Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) Action Research at the Royal Adelaide Hospital's Stroke Unit. In CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES Vol. 53 (pp. 288). KARGER. 2022 Sharma, D., Rao, S., Snel, M., Lau, S., Edwards, S., Mahadevan, J., . . . Koblar, S. (2022). FAST-IT: Finding A Simple Test In TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack): A pilot study at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 17 (pp. 33-34). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Milton, A. G., Lau, S., Edwards, S., Duvenage, H. A., Djukic, M., Snel, M., . . . Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2021). Searching for de novo Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) biomarkers using new-generation mass spectrometry. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 22). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Sharma, D., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2021). Biomarkers for Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs): A review. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 28). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Hazel, S. J., Young, J. O., Nottle, C., Milton, A. G., Kinnear, L., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2021). DOgSS: An action research protocol for dogs offering support after stroke. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 12). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Nagpal, A., Milton, A., Hamilton-Bruce, A., & Koblar, S. (2021). CRITICAL DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESSFUL TRANSLATION OF CELL THERAPIES IN ISCHAEMIC STROKE: A REVIEW. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 121). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2019 Nagpal, A., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Milton, A. G., & Koblar, S. (2019). Clinical Translation of Cell Therapies in Stroke (CT2S) Checklist - a tool to accelerate cell therapy research in academic setting. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 14 (pp. 25). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2019 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2019). Issues at the Interface of Science and Law - Where to from here?. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 14 (pp. 20). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2019 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Gerry, F. (2019). Science and the Law - Consent in Stroke. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 14 (pp. 20-21). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Nagpal, A., Hillier, S., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2018). PERSPECTIVES: Stroke survivors' perspectives on the design of an early phase cellular therapy study for chronic ischemic stroke. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 13 (pp. 18). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Lillicrap, T., Harman, S., Draxler, D., Niego, B., Ho, H., McCutcheon, F., . . . Medcalf, R. (2018). Ex-vivo generation of plasmin from patients with acute ischaemic stroke is predictive of successful thrombolysis. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 13 (pp. 4). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Milton, A. G., Kleinig, T., Young, A. -M., Nagpal, A., Kim, S., Koblar, S. A., . . . Jannes, J. (2018). Central Adelaide Local Health Network - Stroke Unit Access Update. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 13 (pp. 47). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2015 Moey, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Howell, S., Leyden, J., Chong, W., Dodd, L., . . . Jannes, J. (2015). Significant increase in thrombolysis therapy rates for stroke in South Australia. In International Journal of Stroke Vol. 10 (pp. E49). England: Wiley.
DOI Scopus2 WoS4 Europe PMC22005 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Tsui, A., Donk, M. B., Dowling, K. J., Jones, J. A., Lee, A., & Purdie, G. H. (2005). Nerve conduction tests (NCTs): inter-equipment and intra-examiner assessment. In JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES Vol. 238 (pp. S461). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER. 2000 Smith, B., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Chivell, J. M. (2000). Home survey evaluation of early supported discharge for stroke patients and their carers (published conference abstract). In Stroke Vol. 31 (pp. 2815). Melbourne, Australia: American Heart Association. 2000 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Daniel, B. I., Massy-Westropp, M. G., Thomas, E. M., Tomlinson, E. L., Rowe, C. C., . . . Florance, J. M. (2000). Partnership between The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) and community groups in an early supported discharge program far stroke patients (published conference abstract). In Stroke Vol. 31 (pp. 2815). Melbourne, Australia. 1988 HAMILTONBRUCE, M. A., & BLACK, A. B. (1988). THE FLIGHT OF COLORS TEST - ITS VALUE AS AN INDICATOR OF DYSFUNCTION OF THE VISUAL PATHWAYS. In AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Vol. 18 (pp. 472). ADIS PRESS AUSTRALASIA P/L. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Sharma, D., Snel, M., Trim, P., Lau, S., Jenkinson, M., Edwards, S., . . . Hamilton-Bruce, A. (2023). Discovery Lipidomics to Differentiate between Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs), TIA Mimics, and Minor Stroke: A Clinical Study at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of Stroke 2023 - The Combined Stroke Society of Australasia and Smart Strokes Nursing and Allied Health Scientific Meeting, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Melbourne, Australia: SAGE Publications.
DOI2023 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J., Hazel, S. J., Koblar, S. A., Milton, A. G., Nottle, C., . . . Mani, B. (2023). Dogs Offering Support after Stroke (DOgSS) - Animal Assisted Intervention Action Research at the Royal Adelaide Hospital’s Stroke Unit. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of Stroke 2023 - The Combined Stroke Society of Australasia and Smart Strokes Nursing and Allied Health Scientific Meeting, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Melbourne, Australia: SAGE Publications.
DOI2020 Milton, A. G., Kremer, K. L., Rao, S. R., Mas, E., Snel, M. F., Trim, P. J., . . . Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2020). A Prospective Cohort Study to Develop and Validate a Multivariable Prediction Model for Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) Diagnosis Using Proteomic Discovery and Candidate Lipid Mass Spectrometry, Neuroimaging and Machine Learning: Study Protocol. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Stroke Organization (APSO 2020), as published in Cerebrovascular Diseases. Korea: Karger.
DOI2019 Milton, A., Harvey, J., Edwards, S., Young, A. -M., Dodd, L., Hampton, C., . . . Koblar, S. (2019). Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Stroke Unit (SU) administrative data and Stroke Clinical Registry data analyses. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Journal of Stroke. Canberra, Australia: International Journal of Stroke. 2018 Levi, C., Lillicrap, T., Harman, S., Draxler, D., Niego, B., Ho, H., . . . Medcalf, R. (2018). EX-VIVO GENERATION OF PLASMIN FROM PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ISCHAEMIC STROKE IS PREDICTIVE OF SUCCESSFUL THROMBOLYSIS. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. Darwin, AUSTRALIA: BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP.
DOI2018 Nagpal, A., Milte, R., Kim, S. W., Hillier, S., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2018). Economic evaluation of stem cell therapies in neurological diseases: a systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2017 Pandos, O., Nagpal, A. N., Milton, A., Kleinig, T., Jannes, J., Koblar, S., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2017). Legislative requirements increase availability of access to certified stroke unit care. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2017 Milton, A., Kleinig, T., Nagpal, A., Young, A. -M., Kim, S., Koblar, S. A., . . . Jannes, J. (2017). Stroke unit access update. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2017 Nottage, C., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2017). Research biobanks and privacy disruptions What needs to change and how?. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2016 Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2016. Abstracts of the Annual Conference of theAsia Pacific Stroke Organization (APSO) Combined with Stroke Society of Australasia, Brisbane, Qld., Australia, July 14-17, 2016: Abstracts (2016). Poster session presented at the meeting of Cerebrovascular Diseases. S. Karger AG.
DOI2016 Hamilton-Bruce, A., Milton, A., Miller, S., Kleinig, T., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. (2016). Transforming Stroke Research in South Australia - A Management Program to Support Change. Poster session presented at the meeting of CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. KARGER. 2016 Hamilton-Bruce, A., Kleinig, T., Royle, E., Milton, A., Koblar, S., & Jannes, J. (2016). Quantifying and Overcoming Barriers to Stroke Unit Access. Poster session presented at the meeting of CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. KARGER. 2015 Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Milton, A. G., Koblar, S. A., & MacFarlane, P. (2015). Stroke and exceptions from informed consent (EFIC): Literature review. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2015 Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Milton, A. G., Koblar, S. A., & MacFarlane, P. (2015). Stroke and Exceptions from Informed Consent (EFIC): Exploring the interface between law, ethics and clinical research. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL.
WoS12014 Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Hazel, S., Krawczyk, V. J., Milton, A. G., & Koblar, S. A. (2014). Exploration of ethological issues in Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) for stroke sufferers: Recommendations for action. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2014 Djukic, M., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Lewis, M. D., Leung, E., Jannes, J., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2014). Targeted peptide quantification of candidate plasma proteins to diagnose Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australasia, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Hamilton Island, Qld.: Wiley-Blackwell.
DOI WoS12013 Appleton, S., Biermann, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Piantadosi, C., Tucker, G., Koblar, S. A., & Adams, R. (2013). Health literacy (HL) mediates the relationship of socioeconomic status (SES) and stroke in a population sample. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Krawczyk, V. J., Crichton, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Perspectives on language, medicine and the human body in a multidisciplinary biomedical research group. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Gowland, J., Hazel, S., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Animal assisted therapy (AAT) for stroke victims: the need for objective assessment?. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) and stroke: heterogeneity of studies. Poster session presented at the meeting of 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australia, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Darwin, Australia: Wiley.
DOI2012 Koblar, S., Djukic, M., Lewis, M. D., Leung, E., Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Chataway, T. (2012). Candidate Plasma Biomarkers for Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2012 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. (2012). Genetic testing - operational framework changes needed?. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2005 Jannes, J., Milton, A., HAMILTON-BRUCE, M. A., & KOBLAR, S. A. (2005). Chloride channel gene polymorphism and stroke. Poster session presented at the meeting of Journal of Neurological Sciences. Sydney, AUSTRALIA: Elsevier.
Original Creative Works
Year Citation 2019 Authors: Milton A, Kremer K, Rao S, Trim P, Snel M, Kleinig T, Jannes J, Koblar S. Title: FAST-IT TIA Biomarker Study. Description: N/A. Extent: Poster and Oral presentation (AGM). -
Year Citation 1998 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (1998). Conventional and Topographic Electroencephalography and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Studies in Ischaemic Stroke. (PhD Thesis, University of Adelaide).
Grants and Funding
Year | Amount | Funding Details |
2020 | $22,500 | The Hospital Research Foundation Project Grant. Kremer K, Hamilton-Bruce M, Koblar S, Gancheva M |
2019 | $90,000 | The Hospital Research Foundation Project Grant. Koblar S, Hamilton-Bruce M, Kremer K |
2017 | $25,000 | Rebecca L. Cooper Medical Research Foundation Grant. Koblar S, Kremer K, Hamilton-Bruce M |
2016 | $54,225 | Royal Adelaide Hospital Clinical Project Grant. Koblar S, Jannes J, Kleinig T, Hamilton-Bruce M, Kremer K, Milton A |
2016 | $50,000 | Stroke SA Research Grant. Koblar SA, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Milton AG |
2014 | $40,000 | Stroke SA Research Grant. Koblar S, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Milton AG |
2014 | $15,490 | Rebecca L. Cooper Medical Research Foundation Grant. Koblar SA, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Kaidonis K, Winderlich J, Milton AG |
2011-2012 | $15,000 | Stroke SA Research Grants. Koblar SA, Hamilton-Bruce, MA, Milton AG |
2010 | $590,048 | NHMRC Project Grant. CIs: Koblar SA, Lin Y, Lewis M. Associate Investigator ‘A’: Hamilton-Bruce MA |
2010 | $18,500 |
Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation. Koblar SA, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Lewis M, Milton AG, Kremer K, Rich J, Leong WK. |
2010 | $3,000 | Stroke SA Research Grant. Koblar SA, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Milton AG |
2009 | $14,500 |
Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV) Trustees. Koblar SA, Jannes J, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Milton AG |
2009 | $6,000 |
Australian Neurology Research Grant. Stroke Research. Koblar SA, Lewis M, Hamilton-Bruce A, Milton A, Leong WK |
2008 | $4,839 |
Friends of TQEH - Ward Equipment Grant. Jannes J, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Milton AG, Webb K |
2008 | $3,185 |
Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV) Trustees Equipment grant. Koblar SA, Jannes J, Hamilton-Bruce MA |
2006 | $80,000 | Australian Government Commercialising Emerging Technology (COMET) - ‘Genomic Diagnostics in Stroke’ CIs – Koblar SA, Jannes J, Hamilton-Bruce MA |
2006 | $18,000 | BioInnovation SA - ‘Genomic Diagnostics in Stroke’ CIs – Koblar SA, Jannes J, Hamilton-Bruce MA |
2001 | $17,000 |
North Western Adelaide Health Service (NWAHS) IT&T Grant - Pattichis C for Robinson MK, Hamilton-Bruce MA. Epilepsy Database System design, implementation and development to capture Epilepsy patient demographics, EEG, medications/trials, surgery, neurological and psychiatric data |
1997 | $200,152 |
South Australian Health Commission (SAHC) - Primary Healthcare Initiatives Program. Homestroke – Early Supported Discharge for Stroke Patients, TQEH & LMHS (1998-2001), Hamilton-Bruce MA, Chivell JM |
1996 | $4,500 |
South Australian Health Commission (SAHC) Primary Healthcare Initiatives Program Seeding Grant: Homestroke, a pilot program of early discharge for stroke patients, with rehabilitation at home. Hamilton-Bruce MA, Chivell JM |
1993 - 1997 | $500 | Friends of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital – 2 CD player/ tape deck/radios for patients undergoing ophysiological tests - Evoked Potential (MAHB) and Laboratories. Hamilton-Bruce MA and Donk MD |
1992 - 1993 | $530 | Neurology Trust Fund – Software upgrade. Hamilton-Bruce MA |
1992 | $4000 |
Australian Brain Foundation - Neuroreceptor Imaging in Alzheimer’s Disease: Rowe CC, Reid M, Barnden LR, Hamilton-Bruce MA, Fewings JD and Boundy KL |
1991 | $1,500 | Marion Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals - attend and present work at the 19th International Epilepsy Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hamilton-Bruce MA |
1991 | $7,000 |
Neurology Trust Fund, TQEH - Computer with software, plus SPSS upgrade. Hamilton-Bruce MA |
1990 | $1,000 | TQEH Research Foundation - top-up for purchase of computer. Hamilton-Bruce MA |
1990 | $10,000 |
Neurology Trust Fund, TQEH - Brainmapping t-test and other software, plus printer. Hamilton-Bruce MA |
1990 | $10,000 |
Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals - Neurometrics Software. Hamilton-Bruce MA and Schapel GJ. |
Teaching and Mentoring
*Co-supervisor for all of the below
Program | Year | Number of students |
Doctorate of Philosophy | 2003 - 2021 | 8 |
Master of Philosophy, Medicine (for upgrade to PhD) |
2013 | 1 |
Master of Science |
2001 - 2009 | 1 |
Master of Business Administration – University of South Australia Industry Placement Co-Supervisor |
2007 - 2008 | 2 |
Honours | 1999 - 2020 | 5 |
Medical Students |
1991 - 2007 | 2 |
Vacation and Departmental Scholarship Students supervised | 1999 | 1 |
Mentoring has included SRP and Neurology postgraduate, MBBS students, departmental and vacation scholarship students in medicine, science and management, as well as those working on associated projects (1999 -) and including doctoral, masters and honours students listed above. Additionally, I have mentored a doctoral research student (2013) from the ‘Talking with Aussies Program’ at the University of Adelaide, as well as Human Rights (2010 - 2011) and Torts (2013) in the Bachelor of Laws (Graduate) (BLAWSG) course at Charles Darwin University, informally. More recently I was accepted by the 2015 Mentoring Program at the University of Adelaide as a mentor for a small group (3) of University of Adelaide BSc students. Currently I am also informally mentoring a Master of Environmental Policy and Management (Applied) student at the University of Adelaide (2014 -) and since May 2015 a part-time Masters by Research student (‘Improving Wellbeing by Developing a Connection to Nature’) in the School of Natural and Built Environments at The University of South Australia.
2015 - Mr Mark Donk BHSc – TMS for chronic stroke (University of Adelaide & Neurology, Central Adelaide Health Network)
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 Principal Supervisor FAST-IT Study: Investigation for Plasma Biomarkers for Transient Ischaemic Attack Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Deeksha Sharma -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Exploring Determinants of Execution in Early Phase Clinical Studies with Cell Therapies in Stroke Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Anjali Nagpal 2009 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Proteomic Investigations and Biomarker Discovery in Transient Ischaemic Attack Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Djukic 2009 - 2009 Co-Supervisor Acetylcholine And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Master of Medical Science Master Full Time Ms Elizabeth Goble 2009 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Transient Ischaemic Attack: A Primary Care Perspective of Stroke Prevention Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Elaine Leung 2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Endothelial Function & Genetic Polymorphisms in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Ada Lam 2005 - 2010 Co-Supervisor ''What is going to happen to me now?' Systemic Uncertainty and Complexity Between Hospital and Home for Older People, People with Disability, Carers and Service Providers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Rosie King
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 1998 - 2000 Board Member Neurological Resources Centre, Adelaide SA - Australia -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2017 - ongoing Member PCF Storke Forum Portfolio Construction Forum Australia 2016 - ongoing Member BHI, Policy Committee Basil Hetzel Institute Australia 2015 - ongoing Co-Chair Research and Education Co-lead, Neurology Senior Management Team Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia 2015 - 2015 Member Stroke/Neurology Inpatient Services Relocation Workgroup The Queen Elizabeth Hospital & Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia 2015 - ongoing Member Helping Stroke Physicians Choose who to Thrombolyse - the Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes (TOTO) Study Working Group The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - 2015 - ongoing Member Cure4Stroke Australia Advisory Committee Hospital Research Foundation Australia 2014 - ongoing Member Discipline of Medicine Review (Travel Grant) Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2014 - ongoing Member Peter Couche Foundation Scientific Advisory Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2014 - 2014 Member Invited member of the MBBS Research Committee University of Adelaide, SA Australia 2013 - ongoing Member Year 3 MBBS Research Committee, Medical School University of Adelaide Australia 2013 - ongoing Member Higher Education Research Group Adelaide (HERGA) Seminar Committee University of Adelaide - 2013 - ongoing Member South Australian Medical Scientists' Association (SAMSA) Committee - Australia 2013 - ongoing Member South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) Stroke Strategic Group South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Australia 2010 - ongoing Member Stroke SA Management Committee. Adelaide SA Stroke SA Inc. Australia 2010 - ongoing Member South Australian Medical Heritage Society (SAMHS), Adelaide SA - - 2010 - 2011 Member Local Organising Committee, 2011 Stroke Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide SA Stroke Society of Australasia Australia 2010 - 2011 Member Scientific Committee, 2011 Stroke Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide SA Stroke Society of Australasia Australia 2010 - 2010 Member TIA/Primary Care Work Group, Statewide Stroke Clinical Network Department of Health, Adelaide SA Australia 2007 - ongoing Member The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Heritage Society, Woodville South SA The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia 2005 - 2008 Member Basil Hetzel Institute Management Committee, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia 2004 - 2008 Member South Australian Stroke Unit Network (SASUN) Executive Committee, Adelaide, SA Dept. Health, Adelaide, SA Australia 2003 - 2004 Member Association of Neurophysiological Technologists of Australia (ANTA) 2004 Conference Planning Committee, Adelaide SA Association of Neurophysiological Technologists of Australia Australia 2002 - 2005 Member Sponsorship, Membership and Information Technology (SMIT) Sub-committee of the Australian College of Health Service Executives, Adelaide SA - Australia 2000 - 2005 Member South Australian Medical Scientists' Association (SAMSA) Committee, Adelaide SA - Australia 2000 - 2001 Treasurer South Australian Medical Scientists' Association (SAMSA) Committee, Adelaide SA - Australia 2000 - 2001 Member Homestroke Advisory Group, Lyell McEwin Health Service Dept. of Health, Adelaide SA Australia 2000 - ongoing Member Neurology User Group The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA Australia 1997 - 1998 Member Neurology - 5C Redevelopment Committee The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, SA Australia 1996 - 1996 Member Neurology - 5C Computer Usage Working Group The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA Australia 1996 - 1996 Member Communications Strategy Group The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA Australia 1995 - 1996 Member Neurology - 5C Space Allocation Committee The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA Australia 1994 - 1996 Member Neurology Finance Committee The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA Australia 1989 - 1990 Member TQEH Women’s Interest Group Committee The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH), Woodville South SA Australia 1986 - 1989 Member South Australian Medical Scientists' Association (SAMSA) Committee, Adelaide SA South Australian Medical Scientists' Association Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2013 - ongoing Member World Stroke Organisation - 2013 - ongoing Member Healthy Development Adelaide Australia 2011 - ongoing Member Stroke Society of Australasia Australia 2009 - ongoing Member The Law Society of South Australia Australia 2007 - 2007 Member Stroke Society of Australasia Australia 1997 - 2000 Member New York Academy of Sciences United States 1996 - 2009 Member Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (APESMA) Australia 1995 - ongoing Member Australasian College of Health Service Management Australia 1994 - ongoing Member Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) Australia 1994 - 2000 Member British Society for Ageing, England United Kingdom 1992 - 1992 Member Centre for Ageing Studies, Science Park, Adelaide SA Australia 1991 - ongoing Member Society of Biology UK (formerly Institute of Biology UK) - Member and Chartered Biologist United Kingdom 1991 - ongoing Member Cairns Society of South Australia, Adelaide SA Australia 1991 - ongoing Member Society for Medical and Biomedical Engineering (SMBE), South Australian Division, Adelaide SA Australia 1990 - 2003 Member Australian Federation of University Women (AFUW), Adelaide SA Australia 1986 - ongoing Member Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ALSA), Associate Investigator, Science Park, Adelaide SA Australia 1986 - ongoing Member South Australian Medical Scientists' Association (SAMSA) Australia 1985 - ongoing Member Association of Neurophysiological Technicians of Australia (ANTA) Australia 1985 - ongoing Member Centre for Neurosciences (CNS), Associate Member, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide SA Australia 1984 - ongoing Member Institute of Biomedical Science (formerly Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences) UK - Fellow and Charted Scientist United Kingdom 1980 - 1980 Member Medical Laboratory Scientist State Registration, Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine United Kingdom -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2016 - 2016 THERAPEUTIC GOODS ADMINISTRATION Stroke Research Programme, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia - - 2016 - 2016 Scientific Methods (Nature Publishing Group) (Impact Factor 5.288) - - - 2016 - ongoing International Journal of Stroke, the official journal of the World Stroke Organization; impact factor 4.3 (2014 Thomson Reuters) - Scientific research - 2016 - ongoing The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Basil Hetzel Institute for Translational Medical Research Health services and related Australia 2016 - 2016 a Hindawi Press journal, impact factor 2.813 (2014 Thomson Reuters) Stem Cells International - - 2016 - 2016 World Stroke Organisation - - - 2015 - ongoing South Australian Government Department of Health - Australia 2014 - 2014 University of Adelaide - Instructional and training Australia 2013 - 2013 Association of Neurophysiological Technologists of Australia (ANTA) Neurophysiology Working Party - Australia 2013 - ongoing University of Adelaide Year 4 MBBS Research Elective Seminars Health services and related Australia 2013 - ongoing University of Adelaide Faculty of Medicine Health services and related Australia 2010 - ongoing University of Adelaide Register of Editors Instructional and training Australia 2005 - 2011 Atherogen - - Australia 1998 - ongoing South Australian Premier's Office Office for Women Business and professional Australia 1995 - 1996 Western Area Advisory Panel - Health services and related Australia 1995 - ongoing NHMRC Health Outcomes Task Force Branch Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health Scientific research Australia -
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2015 - ongoing Chairperson Stroke SA Inc. Management Committee Australia 2012 - ongoing Acting Chairperson, Australian Neurology Research The Hospital Research Foundation Australia 2007 - 2012 Acting Secretary, Australian Neurology Research The Hospital Research Foundation Australia 1998 - ongoing Chairperson, Stroke Support Service (formerly Homestroke Volunteer co-ordination), The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South SA Australia 1989 - 1994 Co-ordinator and Fund Manager, TQEH Yoga, Stress Management and Relaxation Courses The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH), Woodville South SA Australia 1986 - 1991 SA State President Association of Neurophysiological Technicians of Australia (ANTA), Adelaide SA Australia
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