Anne Carter

Dr Anne Carter

Senior Lecturer

Adelaide Law School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Anne Carter joined Adelaide Law School in 2023 after spending several years at Deakin University. She completed her undergraduate studies in law and history at the University of Adelaide, the BCL and MPhil at the University of Oxford and a PhD at the University of Melbourne. Her PhD research investigated the role of facts in proportionality reasoning in constitutional adjudication. Her PhD was published as a monograph with Hart Publishing: Proportionality and Facts in Constitutional Adjudication. Anne has research interests in public law, evidence law and comparative law, and has published both in Australia and internationally.

Prior to becoming an academic Anne worked as a practising lawyer, specialising in constitutional and administrative law. She previously worked as a Judge’s Associate in the Supreme Court of South Australia and the Federal Court, as Researcher to the Solicitor-General for Victoria, and as a solicitor at the Crown Solicitor’s Office of South Australia.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2022 Boughey, J., & Carter, A. (2022). Constitutional Freedoms and Statutory Executive Power. Melbourne University Law Review, 45(3), 903-949.
    2021 Carter, A. (2021). Moving Beyond the Common Law Objection to Structured Proportionality. Federal Law Review, 49(1), 73-95.
    DOI Scopus2
    2021 Appleby, G., & Carter, A. (2021). Parliaments, Proportionality and Facts. Sydney Law Review, 43(3), 259-286.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1
    2020 Carter, A. (2020). Bridging the Divide? Proportionality and Calibrated Scrutiny. Federal Law Review, 48(2), 282-285.
    2018 Carter, A. (2018). Brown v Tasmania: Proportionality and the Reformulation of the Lange Test. Public Law Review, 29(1), 11-12.
    2016 Carter, A. (2016). Proportionality in Australian Constitutional Law: Towards Transnationalism. Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 76, 951.
    2015 Carter, A. (2015). Political Donations, Political Communication and the Place of Proportionality Analysis: Case Note on McCloy v New South Wales. Public Law Review, 26(245).
    2008 Carter, A. (2008). The Definition and Discovery of Facts in Native Title: The Historian's Contribution. Federal Law Review, 36(3), 299-330.
  • Books

    Year Citation
    2023 Carter, A., & Tomlinson, J. (Eds.) (2023). Facts in Public Law Adjudication. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    2023 Carter, A., & Tomlinson, J. (Eds.) (2023). Facts in Public Law Adjudication. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    2022 Carter, A. (2022). Proportionality and Facts in Constitutional Adjudication (Vol. 1). Great Britain: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2023 Carter, A., & Appleby, G. (2023). Parliaments and Facts: Deepening Deliberation. In J. Tomlinson, & A. Carter (Eds.), Facts in Public Law Adjudication (pp. 29-47). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
    2023 Carter, A., & Appleby, G. (2023). Parliaments and Facts: Deepening Deliberation. In J. Tomlinson, & A. Carter (Eds.), Facts in Public Law Adjudication (pp. 29-47). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
    2023 Carter, A., & Tomlinson, J. (2023). Introduction. In J. Tomlinson, & A. Carter (Eds.), Facts in Public Law Adjudication (pp. 1-8). Hart Publishing.
    2023 Carter, A., & Tomlinson, J. (2023). Introduction. In J. Tomlinson, & A. Carter (Eds.), Facts in Public Law Adjudication (pp. 1-8). Hart Publishing.
    2018 Carter, A. (2018). Constitutional Convergence? Some Lessons from Proportionality. In M. Elliott, J. N. E. Varuhas, & S. Wilson Stark (Eds.), The Unity of Public Law? Doctrinal, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (pp. 373-394). Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing.
    2016 McDonald, S. A., & Carter, A. (2016). Uther's Case (1947): Justice Dixon and the Troubled Legacy of the Commonwealth Immunity Doctrine. In A. Lynch (Ed.), Great Australian Dissents (pp. 80-96). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    2001 Anderson, K., McRae, C., & Wilson, D. (2001). Introduction. In K. Anderson, C. McRae, & D. Wilson (Eds.), The economics of quarantine and the SPS Agreement (pp. 1-6). Adelaide, SA: University of Adelaide.
  • Report for External Bodies

    Year Citation
    2023 Koch, C., Carter, A., Grenfell, L., Lindell, G., Olijnyk, A., Owens, R., . . . Williams, J. (2023). Submission to the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum.
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2019 - ongoing Member International Association of Constitutional Law Australia
    2012 - ongoing Member Australian Association of Constitutional Law Australia
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83131769
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Ligertwood, floor Third Floor
  • Room: 310
  • Org Unit: Adelaide Law School

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