Ancret Szpak

— Ancret Szpak


School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

I am a part-time Lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide. I am currently teaching courses in the Online Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced). My research focuses on the practical applications of using virtual reality and other wearable technologies to improve performance and well-being. I also research virtual reality side-effects and mitigation strategies.

My primary area of interest is using virtual reality to develop or enhance real-world skills. I have expertise in virtual and augmented reality in healthcare, sports training, and cognitive abilities.

My research covers the following themes:

  • Improving collaborative telehealth consultations with Augmented Reality.
  • Virtual Reality training and assessment for remote community healthcare.
  • Combining Extended Reality technologies and wearable sensors to improve health and well-being.
  • Transferring skills learnt in Virtual Reality to the real world.
  • Investigating virtual reality aftereffects on vision, cognition, balance and well-being.
  • Factors that influence and mitigate cybersickness.

Jul 2023 Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), Augmented Reality to Improve Telemedicine Delivery and Wound Research.

Sep 2020 Indigenous Australian’s Health Programme (Dept. of Health), Improving telemedicine delivery for Aboriginal people with diabetes-related foot complications using Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR).

Oct 2020 Augusta Zadow Awards (SafeWorkSA), Testing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Training for Forklift Operation Safety Skills among Young People.

Oct 2020 Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation, Helping children with intellectual disabilities develop real-world life skills in virtual reality.

Jul 2020 Road Safety Innovation Fund (Dept. of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications), Testing user experience methods for older vulnerable road users.

I am a Lecturer in the School of Psychology and I am currently coordinating online courses in the Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced (GDPA).

  • Position: Lecturer
  • Phone: 83136907
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Hughes, floor Level Seven
  • Org Unit: School of Psychology

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