Allyson Dutschke

Allyson Dutschke

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Education

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

With over 30 yrs in the Early Childhood field, Allyson was a Lecturer with TAFE SA from 2000-2019. She has facilitated training and assessment for students studying Certificate II Community Services to Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. Her teaching passions are cultural diversity, inclusion, child development and child protection.
A late starter at University, she completed her B.Ed (AVWL) in 2012 and the spark for Higher Education learning was ignited. A chance opportunity saw Allyson complete the Master of Education (career education), and her interest in research began.
Participating in the TAFE SA Leadership program in 2015 provided the opportunity to see the bigger picture of VET in South Australia, and she was a founding member of the TAFE SA Action research group, with her paper from this research being published in the International journal of Training Research in 2018.
Beginning her PhD in Education studies in 2018, she aims to redefine supportive learning environments for VET students, and change VET policy along the way.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2018 Dutschke, A. (2018). Understanding VET teacher attitudes to student support in a major public VET provider. International Journal of Training Research, 16(2), 163-181.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS4
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2019 Nguyen, N. N., Dutschke, A. K., Hayford, J. A., Oko, J., & White, C. A. (2019). Theories and practice for 21st century learning and teaching in higher education, TAFE and secondary education. In HERGA 2019. Adelaide.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2021 Dutschke, A. (2021). The trials and triumphs of being a Certificate III student. Poster session presented at the meeting of AVETRA 21 Virtual Conference: Recover, Rethink, Rebuild: All Eyes on VET. Virtual Conference.
    2021 Dutschke, A. (2021). CTE & TVET in Australia: The view from down under. Poster session presented at the meeting of CTE/TVET Summit 2021.
    2019 Dutschke, A. (2019). Help! I'm starting tertiary study - Now what?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 28th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference 'No Frills'.
  • Community Engagement

    Date Title Engagement Type Institution Country
    2018 - ongoing Community Representative Public Community Engagement Playford Alive Community Reference Group Australia
  • Industry Partnerships

    Date Engagement Type Partner Name
    2019 - ongoing Consultant Puddle Jumpers Inc.
    2017 - ongoing Consultant Teen Challenge

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