Alison Dundon

Dr Alison Dundon

Senior Lecturer

School of Social Sciences

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

I am an anthropologist with long term field research in rural Papua New Guinea and recent research online.I hold an undergraduate degree from the University of New South Wales and a PhD in Anthropology from the Australian National University. I have written and published on sexual and gendered health and HIV/AIDS, the anthropology of Christianity, Israel and ancestral and environmental spirituality, community development and engagement with the state, art, material culture and cultural tourism, space, place and dance, embodiment, emotion and the senses. Gendered and family violence has become a more recent focus, particularly its relational and embodied, as well as legal and political, dimensions and impact. I have also initiated research on Papua New Guineans interacting online for the purpose of dating, finding love, and seeking sexual and emotional intimacy. Recent publications and presentations focus on global connections between Israel and PNG, figured in a localised Messianic Church; Ancestral women, sexuality and HIV/AIDS in rural PNG; the category and study of gender in the discipline of Anthropology, an edited collection on the ethnographic intersection of space, the senses and emotions, and a paper exploring the relational tensions underlying gender violence in PNG, the Family Protection Act and its implications, and the intimacy and intergenerational dynamics of violence in Western Province.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2020 Principal Supervisor Towards a cashless economy: Exploring the concept of economic democracy through cashless monetary instruments in the lives of Adelaide's elderly during COVID-19. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Seenying Lau Meaney
    2017 Principal Supervisor 'Natural' and 'Holistic' Mothering: an Ethnographic Case Study in Adelaide Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Jaye Louise Litherland-De Lara
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2025 Co-Supervisor Bodies Under Pressure: Multispecies Care, Ecological Grief, and Sub-Immersive Coral Restorations along the Great Barrier Reef Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Ella Chiara Vallelonga
    2019 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Time, Personhood and Sacrifice in the Ritual Pragmatics and Cosmological Dynamics of a Parbatiya Village, Nepal. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Glen Clarke Michalski
    2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Wanbel: Conflict, Reconciliation and Personhood among the Sam People, Madang Province Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David Eric Troolin
    2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor A Critical Evaluation of the Relationship between Microcredit Programs and Women's Empowerment in Bogra, Bangladesh Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Sultan Salah Uddin
    2011 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Landscapes of Participation and Tradition: The Australian Folk Festival as Process and Public Event Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Rachel Massey
    2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Fermenting place: wine production and terroir in McLaren Vale, South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Bill Skinner
    2009 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Bacchus on Tour: Tasting Wine and Sensing Place Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr John Claridge
    2009 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Exile and Migration of Pontic Greeks The Experience of Loss as Presence of Absence Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Valerie Liddle
    2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Living Hip Hop: Defining Authenticity in the Adelaide and Melbourne Hip Hop Scenes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Dianne Rodger
    2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Consuming Identities: Contemporary Japanese Foodways in a Global Locale Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time APrf Micah Peters
    2009 - 2018 Principal Supervisor 'There's Always Bits of me in the Art'
    An Exploration of the Artist as Cultural and Creative Worker, Social Facilitator and Meaning Maker
    Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Sandra Howe-Piening
    2009 - 2017 Principal Supervisor In the Name of 'Empowerment': Women and Development in Urban Nepal Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Margaret Becker
    2008 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Rebirthing: the transformation of personhood through embodiment and emotion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Elise Mary Carr
    2008 - 2017 Principal Supervisor "You Can't be a Feminist and be a Daughter-In-Law": Negotiations of Honour and Womanhood in Urban Nepal Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sarah Faye Eliza Homan
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2015 - ongoing Member ASA United Kingdom United Kingdom
    2006 - ongoing Member Australian Anthropological Society Australia
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83137188
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Napier, floor 1
  • Org Unit: School of Social Sciences

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