Alexis Puvrez

Alexis Puvrez

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2024 - ongoing Post-Doctoral Researcher University of Adelaide
    2020 - 2024 Doctoral Researcher KU Leuven
    2019 - 2020 Occupational Health Physician Securex
    2018 - 2019 Emergency Medicine Registrar ZNA Middelheim Hospital
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    Dutch; Flemish Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    French Can read, write, speak and understand spoken
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2020 - 2024 KU Leuven Belgium PhD
    2011 - 2018 KU Leuven Belgium Master
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Hammersboen, L. -E. R., Stugaard, M., Puvrez, A., Larsen, C. K., Remme, E. W., Kongsgård, E., . . . Aalen, J. M. (2024). Mechanism and Impact of Left Atrial Dyssynchrony on Long-Term Clinical Outcome During Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, S1936-878X(24)00395-4.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2024 Puvrez, A., Mirea, O., Marchetta, S., Vandenberk, B., Vörös, G., Donal, E., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Beyond the PROSPECT Trial: Markers of Mechanical Dyssynchrony to Improve Patient Selection for CRT. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 17(12), 1511-1512.
    2024 Youssef, A. S., Petrescu, A., Salaets, T., Bézy, S., Wouters, L., Orlowska, M., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Evolution of Natural Myocardial Shear Wave Behavior in Young Hearts: Determinant Factors and Reproducibility Analysis. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 37(11), 1051-1061.
    2024 Puvrez, A., Duchenne, J., Donal, E., Gorcsan, J., Patel, H. C., Marwick, T. H., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Mechanical dyssynchrony as a selection criterion for cardiac resynchronization therapy: Design of the AMEND-CRT trial. ESC Heart Failure, 11(6), 4390-4399.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2024 Bamps, K., Bertels, J., Minten, L., Puvrez, A., Coudyzer, W., De Buck, S., & Ector, J. (2024). Phantom study of augmented reality framework to assist epicardial punctures. Journal of Medical Imaging, 11(3), 20 pages.
    2024 Minten, L., Langenaeken, T., McCutcheon, K., Bennett, J., Van Hecke, M., Algoet, M., . . . Dubois, C. (2024). An interventional sheep model of severe aortic valve stenosis hemodynamics for the evaluation of alterations in coronary physiology and microvascular function. Journal of Applied Physiology, 136(3), 606-617.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC1
    2024 Mao, Y., Duchenne, J., Yang, Y., Garweg, C., Yang, Y., Sheng, X., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Left bundle branch pacing better preserves ventricular mechanical synchrony than right ventricular pacing: a two-centre study. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, 25(3), 328-336.
    DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC2
    2024 Youssef, A. S., Salaets, T., Bézy, S., Wouters, L., Orlowska, M., Caenen, A., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Shear-Wave Elastography Reflects Myocardial Stiffness Changes in Pediatric Inflammatory Syndrome Post COVID-19. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 17(2), 214-216.
    DOI Scopus1
    2023 Minten, L., Algoet, M., Bennett, J., Oosterlinck, W., Meuris, B., Langenaeken, T., . . . Dubois, C. (2023). Optimal Measurement of Coronary Flow and Microvascular Function in Animals and Humans. Circulation Research, 133(8), 720-722.
    DOI Scopus4 Europe PMC1
    2023 Duchenne, J., Larsen, C. K., Cvijic, M., Galli, E., Aalen, J. M., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). Mechanical Dyssynchrony Combined with Septal Scarring Reliably Identifies Responders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(18), 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus5
    2023 Duchenne, J., Calle, S., Aalen, J., Galli, E., Larsen, C. K., Mirea, O., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). A strain-based LBBB classification predicts the degree of reverse remodeling and outcome in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2023 Youssef, A., Salaets, T., Bezy, S., Wouters, L., Orlowska, M., Caenen, A., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). Behaviour of natural myocardial shear waves in children and adolescents: determinants and reproducibility. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2023 Bezy, S., Orlowska, M., Van Craenenbroeck, A., Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Puvrez, A., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). The change in propagation speed of natural shear waves by altering preload might differentiate patients with increased myocardial stiffness. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2023 Wouters, L., Papangelopoulou, K., Bezy, S., Duchenne, J., Puvrez, A., Voros, G., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). Cardiac shear wave elastography can detect myocardial remodelling in LBBB patients undergoing CRT. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2023 Puvrez, A., Mirea, O., Wouters, L., Bezy, S., Beela, A., Duchenne, J., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). Should we use a semi-quantitative assessment of apical rocking to predict outcome in CRT patients?. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2023 Minten, L., Algoet, M., Bennett, J., Oosterlinck, W., Puvrez, A., Degroote, S., . . . Dubois, C. (2023). TCT-25 In Vivo Validation of Intracoronary Absolute Flow Measurements and Hyperemia Using Continuous Coronary Thermodilution. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 82(17), B11.
    2023 Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Bézy, S., Papangelopoulou, K., Puvrez, A., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). Septal Scar Detection in Patients With Left Bundle Branch Block Using Echocardiographic Shear Wave Elastography. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 16(5), 713-715.
    DOI Scopus6
    2023 Youssef, A., Salaets, T., Bezy, S., Wouters, L., Orlowska, M., Caenen, A., . . . Voigt, J. W. (2023). Natural shear waves show sequential changes in myocardial stiffness In paediatric multi-inflammatory systemic syndrome post COVID. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2023 Duchenne, J., Larsen, C. K., Galli, E., Aalen, J. M., Cvijic, M., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2023). Mechanical dyssynchrony combined with septal scarring reliably identifies responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(Supplement_1).
    2022 Duchenne, J., Garweg, C., Puvrez, A., Mao, Y., Ector, J., Willems, R., & Voigt, J. U. (2022). The effect of leadless pacing on LV and RV systolic function is not inferior to conventional RV pacing. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 43(Supplement_2), 708.
    2022 Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Bezy, S., Papangelopoulou, K., Puvrez, A., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2022). Can cardiac shear wave elastography detect the presence of septal scar in patients with left bundle branch block?. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 23(Supplement_1).
    2022 Bezy, S., Caenen, A., Duchenne, J., Orlowska, M., Amoni, M., Puvrez, A., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2022). Myocardial stiffness assessed by shear wave elastography relates to pressure-volume loop derived measurements of chamber stiffness. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 23(Supplement_1).
    2022 Puvrez, A., Mirea, O., Duchenne, J., Beela, A., Donal, E., & Voigt, J. -U. (2022). Can echocardiography facilitate decision-making to CRT?. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 43(Supplement_2), 335.
    2022 Hammersboen, L. E. R., Aalen, J. M., Puvrez, A., Remme, E. W., Donal, E., Duchenne, J., . . . Stugaard, M. (2022). Left atrial mechanical dyssynchrony: an independent predictor of left ventricular reverse remodelling after cardiac resynchronization therapy. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 23(Supplement_1).
    2022 Puvrez, A., Mirea, O., Duchenne, J., Bezy, S., Wouters, L., Beela, A., . . . Voigt, J. -U. (2022). *Echocardiographic assessment of mechanical dyssynchrony: are the new parameters better?. ACTA CARDIOLOGICA, 77(Supplement_1), 22-23.
    2022 Hammersboen, L. E. R., Aalen, J., Puvrez, A., Larsen, C. K., Remme, E. W., Donal, E., . . . Smiseth, O. A. (2022). Resynchronization of the left atrium may play an important role in cardiac resynchronization therapy. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 43(Supplement_2), 76.
    2022 Duchenne, J., Larsen, C. K., Cvijic, M., Galli, E., Aalen, J. M., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2022). Visual Presence of Mechanical Dyssynchrony Combined With Septal Scarring Identifies Responders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15(12), 2151-2153.
    DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC3
    2022 Bézy, S., Duchenne, J., Orlowska, M., Caenen, A., Amoni, M., Ingelaere, S., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2022). Impact of Loading and Myocardial Mechanical Properties on Natural Shear Waves: Comparison to Pressure-Volume Loops. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15(12), 2023-2034.
    DOI Scopus15 Europe PMC2
    2022 Calle, S., Duchenne, J., Beela, A. S., Stankovic, I., Puvrez, A., Winter, S., . . . Timmermans, F. (2022). Clinical and Experimental Evidence for a Strain-Based Classification of Left Bundle Branch Block-Induced Cardiac Remodeling. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15(11), E014296.
    DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC1
    2021 Puvrez, A., Duchenne, J., Gorcsan, J., Marwick, T. H., Smiseth, O. A., & Voigt, J. U. (2021). Why mechanical dyssynchrony remains relevant to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Letter regarding the article ‘Optimized implementation of cardiac resynchronization therapy: a call for action for referral and optimization of care: a joint position statement from the Heart Failure Association (HFA), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) of the European Society of Cardiology’. European Journal of Heart Failure, 23(5), 843-844.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC2
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2024 Balinisteanu, A. E., Duchenne, J., Puvrez, A., Wouters, L., Bezy, S., Youssef, A., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Inter-Vendor differences in speckle tracking strain - A ten year follow-up on the Strain Standardization Task Force Inter-Vendor Comparison Study. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 45 (pp. 2 pages). ENGLAND, London: OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2024 Duchenne, J., Calle, S., Larsen, C. K., Devos, D., Aalen, J., Galli, E., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2024). Interplay between strain pattern-based classification of dyssynchrony and myocardial scar in CRT patients. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 45 (pp. 1 page). ENGLAND, London: OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2024 Puvrez, A., Mirea, O., Duchenne, J., De Groef, K., Vandenberk, B., Voros, G., & Voigt, J. U. (2024). CRT should be recommended for all heart failure patients with mechanical dyssynchrony and a ventricular conduction delay regardless of the QRS morphology. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 45 (pp. 1 page). ENGLAND, London: OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2023 Minten, L., Algoet, M., Bennett, J., Oosterlinck, W., Puvrez, A., Degroote, S., . . . Dubois, C. (2023). In Vivo Validation of Intracoronary Absolute Flow Measurements and Hyperemia Using Continuous Coronary Thermodilution. In JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY Vol. 82 (pp. B11). CA, San Francisco: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
    2023 Bamps, K., Bertels, J., Minten, L., Puvrez, A., Coudyzer, W., De Buck, S., & Ector, J. (2023). Augmented reality guidance platform for epicardial access: a phantom study. In C. A. Linte, & J. H. Siewerdsen (Eds.), Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 12466 (pp. 60). SPIE.
    DOI Scopus1
    2022 Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Bezy, S., Papangelopoulou, K., Puvrez, A., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2022). Reintroducing dyssynchrony significantly increases myocardial stiffness at mitral valve closure. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 43 (pp. 22). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2022 Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Bezy, S., Papangelopoulou, K., Puvrez, A., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2022). Cardiac shear wave elastography can detect the presence of a septal scar in patients with LBBB. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 43 (pp. 24). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2022 Bamps, K., Coudijzer, W., Minten, L., Puvrez, A., De Buck, S., & Ector, J. (2022). Augmented reality guidance platform for epicardial ablation: a phantom study. In ACTA CARDIOLOGICA Vol. 77 (pp. 12-14). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
    2022 Duchenne, J., Calle, S., Puvrez, A., Rega, F., Timmermans, F., & Voigt, J. -U. (2022). Progressive left ventricular electro-mechanical remodelling in presence of left bundle branch block. In ACTA CARDIOLOGICA Vol. 77 (pp. 8-9). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
    2022 Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Bezy, S., Papangelopoulou, K., Puvrez, A., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. -U. (2022). Myocardial stiffness is significantly increased at mitral valve closure during dyssynchronous contraction. In ACTA CARDIOLOGICA Vol. 77 (pp. 24-25). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
    2021 Calle, S., Duchenne, J., Puvrez, A., De Pootter, J., Volgt, J. U., & Timmermans, F. (2021). Strain-based staging classification of left bundle branch block-induced cardiac remodeling predicts reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronisation therapy. In ACTA CARDIOLOGICA Vol. 76 (pp. 3-4). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
    2021 Calle, S., Duchenne, J., Puvrez, A., De Pooter, J., Voigt, J. U., & Timmermans, F. (2021). Strain-based staging classification of left bundle branch block-induced cardiac remodeling predicts reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 42 (pp. 16). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2021 Wouters, L., Duchenne, J., Bezy, S., Papangelopoulou, K., Puvrez, A., Klop, B., . . . Voigt, J. U. (2021). Cardiac shear wave elastography can distinguish healthy and scarred myocardium in patients with conduction delays. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 42 (pp. 39). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2021 Duchenne, J., Calle, S., Puvrez, A., Rega, F., Timmermans, F., & Voigt, J. U. (2021). Sequential left ventricular electro-mechanical changes in presence of left bundle branch block. In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Vol. 42 (pp. 106). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2021 Bezy, S., Duchenne, J., Orlowska, M., Amoni, M., Caenen, A., Keijzer, L. B. H., . . . Voigt, J. -U. (2021). Natural shear wave propagation speed is influenced by changes in myocardial structural properties as well as loading conditions. In ACTA CARDIOLOGICA Vol. 76 (pp. 37-38). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
    2021 Bezy, S., Orlowska, M., Van Craenenbroeck, A., Cvijic, M., Duchenne, J., Puvrez, A., . . . Voigt, J. -U. (2021). The influence of hemodialysis-induced preload changes on the propagation speed of natural shear waves. In ACTA CARDIOLOGICA Vol. 76 (pp. 36-37). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD.
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2023 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Optimization of patient selection for cardiac resynchronization therapy using echocardiography KU Leuven - Master - Kelly De Groef
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2024 - ongoing Member Heart Rhythm Society United States
    2024 - ongoing Member European Society of Cardiology France

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