Professor David Kennaway
Grant-Funded Researcher (E)
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Professor David Kennaway
More than 1.4 million Australians work outside normal working hours. Shift work and increased light exposure at night has been associated with poor sleep and fatigue, resulting in workplace accidents and incidents. But there is now emerging evidence that shift work is a significant public health issue, with the workers being at significantly higher risk of developing or exacerbating chronic diseases. Since 2009 there have been more than 50 workplace-based studies reporting increased risk of Metabolic Syndrome, in particular vascular events, diabetes/impaired glucose tolerance, elevated BMI/obesity, as well as adverse impacts on fertility/pregnancy and increased risk of breast, ovary and prostate cancers.
We do not yet know why night-time activity and daytime sleep increase the risk of developing or exacerbating chronic diseases; but one strong possibility is that this lifestyle disrupts fundamental cellular circadian rhythms that are essential for normal physiological functions.
In 2012 the American Medical Association adopted a policy statement on night-time lighting and human health. They concluded that among the diseases exacerbated by circadian disruption are: “obesity, diabetes, depression and mood disorders, and reproductive problems. ... Due to the nearly ubiquitous exposure to light at inappropriate times relative to endogenous circadian rhythms, [we need] further multidisciplinary research on occupational and environmental exposure to light-at-night, the risk of cancer and effects on various chronic diseases.”
I have made major contributions to our understanding of circadian physiology and through unique and significant cutting-edge research, have revealed how disrupted circadian and cell rhythms affect major physiological systems. My group, for example, was the first to show that circadian rhythm disruption during pregnancy pre-disposes the offspring to metabolic disorders later in life.
Year Citation 2025 Centofanti, S., Heilbronn, L. K., Wittert, G., Dorrian, J., Coates, A. M., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2025). Fasting as an intervention to alter the impact of simulated night-shift work on glucose metabolism in healthy adults: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Diabetologia, 68(1), 203-216.
2024 Salkeld, M. D., & Kennaway, D. J. (2024). Heat Treatment of Saliva to Reduce Infectious Disease Contamination Does Not Impact the Analysis of Melatonin by Radioimmunoassay. Journal of Pineal Research, 76(8), e70009.
2024 Kennaway, D. J. (2024). The appropriate and inappropriate uses of saliva melatonin measurements. Chronobiology International, 41(11), 1351-1364.
2024 Yates, C. L., Centofanti, S., Heilbronn, L., Kennaway, D., Coates, A. M., Dorrian, J., . . . Banks, S. (2024). The effects of fasting compared to eating a meal or snack during simulated night shift on changes in metabolism associated with circadian misalignment: a protocol and methods paper. Sleep Advances, 5(1), zpae021-1-zpae021-10.
2023 Kennaway, D. J. (2023). The Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO) across ages, methodologies and sex and its relationship with Morningness/Eveningness. Sleep, 46(5), 1-14.
Scopus38 WoS3 Europe PMC132023 Boutin, J. A., Kennaway, D. J., & Jockers, R. (2023). Melatonin: Facts, Extrapolations and Clinical Trials. Biomolecules, 13(6), 1-26.
Scopus30 Europe PMC152023 Kennaway, D. J. (2023). The mammalian gastro-intestinal tract is a NOT a major extra-pineal source of melatonin in mammals. Journal of Pineal Research, 75(4), 1-16.
Scopus7 Europe PMC32022 Sletten, T. L., Sullivan, J. P., Arendt, J., Palinkas, L. A., Barger, L. K., Fletcher, L., . . . Lockley, S. W. (2022). The role of circadian phase in sleep and performance during Antarctic winter expeditions. Journal of Pineal Research, 73(2), 1-17.
Scopus11 WoS3 Europe PMC62021 Kennaway, D. J. (2021). What do we really know about the safety and efficacy of melatonin for sleep disorders?. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 38(2), 211-227.
Europe PMC102021 Kennaway, D. J. (2021). Melatonin insufficiency in the follicular fluid of aged mice; is it real?. Redox Biology, 38, 101829.
Scopus2 Europe PMC12021 Kennaway, D. J. (2021). Can we believe results obtained from plasma melatonin ELISA kits?. Chronobiol Int, 38(2), 1-4.
Scopus14 WoS8 Europe PMC22021 Kennaway, D. J. (2021). Trough Melatonin Levels Have No Physiological or Clinical Relevance.. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 19(2), 391-392.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC22021 Sletten, T. L., Raman, B., Magee, M., Ferguson, S. A., Kennaway, D. J., Grunstein, R. R., . . . Rajaratnam, S. M. W. (2021). A Blue-Enriched, Increased Intensity Light Intervention to Improve Alertness and Performance in Rotating Night Shift Workers in an Operational Setting. Nature and Science of Sleep, 13, 647-657.
Scopus28 WoS9 Europe PMC82021 Murray, J. M., Magee, M., Sletten, T. L., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Ambani, K., . . . Phillips, A. J. K. (2021). Light-based methods for predicting circadian phase in delayed sleep–wake phase disorder. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 10878-1-10878-12.
Scopus6 WoS2 Europe PMC42021 Kennaway, D. J. (2021). Measuring morning melatonin levels with plasma melatonin ELISA kits is a poor choice on two levels.. J Pineal Res, 72(1), e12773.
Scopus10 WoS5 Europe PMC42020 Kennaway, D. J. (2020). Measuring melatonin by immunoassay.. Journal of pineal research, 69(1), 1-25.
Scopus72 WoS41 Europe PMC232020 Magee, M., Sletten, T. L., Murray, J. M., Gordon, C. J., Lovato, N., Bartlett, D. J., . . . Delayed Sleep on Melatonin (DelSoM) Study Group. (2020). A PERIOD3 variable-number-tandem-repeat polymorphism modulates melatonin treatment response in Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder. Journal of Pineal Research, 69(4), e12684-1-e12684-13.
Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC32020 Gatford, K. L., Kennaway, D. J., Liu, H., Schultz, C. G., Wooldridge, A. L., Kuchel, T. R., & Varcoe, T. J. (2020). Simulated shift work during pregnancy does not impair progeny metabolic outcomes in sheep. The Journal of Physiology, 598(24), 5807-5819.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC12020 Gupta, C. C., Centofanti, S., Dorrian, J., Coates, A. M., Stepien, J. M., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2020). The impact of a meal, snack, or not eating during the night shift on simulated driving performance post-shift.. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 47(1), 78-84.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC12020 Kennaway, D. J. (2020). Melatonin rich foods in our diet: food for thought or wishful thinking?. Food & function, 11(11), 9359-9369.
Scopus9 WoS4 Europe PMC42020 Kennaway, D. J. (2020). Melatonin measurement in epilepsy; are the assays letting us down?. Epilepsy and Behavior, 114(Pt A), 2 pages.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC12019 Kennaway, D. (2019). Melatonin-Deficient Balb/c Mice and Their Use in Cancer Research. Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center, 26(1), 1073274819886825.
Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC12019 Murray, J. M., Phillips, A. J. K., Magee, M., Sletten, T. L., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., . . . Yu, K. (2019). Sleep regularity is associated with sleep-wake and circadian timing, and mediates daytime function in Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder. Sleep Medicine, 58, 93-101.
Scopus40 WoS27 Europe PMC192019 Gupta, C. C., Centofanti, S., Dorrian, J., Coates, A. M., Stepien, J. M., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2019). Subjective hunger, gastric upset, and sleepiness in response to altered meal timing during simulated shiftwork. Nutrients, 11(6), 1-24.
Scopus30 WoS20 Europe PMC172019 Kennaway, D. J. (2019). Melatonin research in mice: a review. Chronobiology International, 36(9), 1167-1183.
Scopus61 WoS38 Europe PMC382019 Gupta, C. C., Centofanti, S., Dorrian, J., Coates, A., Stepien, J. M., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2019). Altering meal timing to improve cognitive performance during simulated nightshifts.. Chronobiology International, 36(12), 1-23.
Scopus23 WoS15 Europe PMC142019 Kennaway, D. J. (2019). A critical review of melatonin assays: Past and present. Journal of Pineal Research, 67(1), 14 pages.
Scopus102 WoS63 Europe PMC392019 Gatford, K. L., Kennaway, D. J., Liu, H., Kleemann, D. O., Kuchel, T. R., & Varcoe, T. J. (2019). Simulated shift work disrupts maternal circadian rhythms and metabolism, and increases gestation length in sheep. Journal of Physiology, 597(7), 1889-1904.
Scopus32 WoS18 Europe PMC172018 Sletten, T., Magee, M., Murray, J., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Kennaway, D., . . . Rajaratnam, S. (2018). Efficacy of melatonin with behavioural sleep-wake scheduling for delayed sleep-wake phase disorder: a double-blind, randomised clinical trial. PLoS Medicine, 15(6), e1002587-1-e1002587-24.
Scopus95 WoS58 Europe PMC412018 Bescos, R., Boden, M., Jackson, M., Trewin, A., Marin, E., Levinger, I., . . . Mcconell, G. (2018). Four days of simulated shift work reduces insulin sensitivity in humans. Acta Physiologica, 223(2), e13039-1-e13039-13.
Scopus57 WoS40 Europe PMC282018 Dorrian, J., Hursh, S., Waggoner, L., Grant, C., Pajcin, M., Gupta, C., . . . Banks, S. (2018). How much is left in your "sleep tank"? Proof of concept for a simple model for sleep history feedback. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 126, 177-183.
Scopus6 WoS3 Europe PMC22017 Varcoe, T., Gatford, K., & Kennaway, D. (2017). Maternal circadian rhythms and the programming of adult health and disease. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 314(2), R231-R241.
Scopus42 WoS32 Europe PMC212017 Gupta, C. C., Dorrian, J., Grant, C. L., Pajcin, M., Coates, A. M., Kennaway, D. J., . . . Banks, S. (2017). It’s not just what you eat but when: The impact of eating a meal during simulated shift work on driving performance. Chronobiology International, 34(1), 66-77.
Scopus36 WoS26 Europe PMC212017 Kennaway, D. J., & Salkeld, M. D. (2017). Pitfalls in saliva melatonin measurement. Chronobiology International, 34(3), 297-299.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC22017 Fletcher, E., Morgan, J., Kennaway, D., Bienvenu, L., Rickard, A., Delbridge, L., . . . Young, M. (2017). Deoxycorticosterone/salt-mediated cardiac inflammation and fibrosis are dependent on functional CLOCK signaling in male mice. Endocrinology, 158(9), 2906-2917.
Scopus20 WoS12 Europe PMC82017 Murray, J., Sletten, T., Magee, M., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Bartlett, D., . . . Rajaratnam, S. (2017). Prevalence of circadian misalignment and its association with depressive symptoms in delayed sleep phase disorder. Sleep, 40(1), 1-10.
Scopus133 WoS88 Europe PMC582017 Grant, C. L., Coates, A. M., Dorrian, J., Kennaway, D. J., Wittert, G. A., Heilbronn, L. K., . . . Banks, S. (2017). Timing of food intake during simulated night shift impacts glucose metabolism: A controlled study. Chronobiology International, 34(8), 1003-1013.
Scopus73 WoS57 Europe PMC512017 Grant, C. L., Dorrian, J., Coates, A. M., Pajcin, M., Kennaway, D. J., Wittert, G. A., . . . Banks, S. (2017). The impact of meal timing on performance, sleepiness, gastric upset, and hunger during simulated night shift. Industrial Health, 55(5), 423-436.
Scopus32 WoS24 Europe PMC202017 Sletten, T., Ftouni, S., Nicholas, C., Magee, M., Grunstein, R., Ferguson, S., . . . Rajaratnam, S. (2017). Randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of a blue-enriched light intervention to improve alertness and performance in night shift workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 74(11), 792-801.
Scopus45 WoS29 Europe PMC262017 Kennaway, D. (2017). Are the proposed benefits of melatonin-rich foods too hard to swallow?. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(5), 958-962.
Scopus25 WoS17 Europe PMC152016 Kentish, S. J., Vincent, A. D., Kennaway, D. J., Wittert, G. A., & Page, A. J. (2016). High-fat diet-induced obesity ablates gastric vagal afferent circadian rhythms. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(11), 3199-3207.
Scopus58 WoS48 Europe PMC362016 Gradisar, M., Jackson, K., Spurrier, N., Gibson, J., Whitham, J., Sved-Williams, A., . . . Kennaway, D. (2016). Behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics, 137(6), e20151486-1-e20151486-10.
Scopus121 WoS92 Europe PMC402016 Lovato, N., Lack, L., & Kennaway, D. (2016). Comparing and contrasting therapeutic effects of cognitive-behavior therapy for older adults suffering from insomnia with short and long objective sleep duration. Sleep Medicine, 22, 4-12.
Scopus45 WoS38 Europe PMC202016 Varcoe, T., Voultsios, A., Gatford, K., & Kennaway, D. (2016). The impact of prenatal circadian rhythm disruption on pregnancy outcomes and long-term metabolic health of mice progeny. Chronobiology International, 33(9), 1171-1181.
Scopus23 WoS16 Europe PMC182016 Lovato, N., Micic, G., Gradisar, M., Ferguson, S., Burgess, H., Kennaway, D., & Lack, L. (2016). Can the circadian phase be estimated from self-reported sleep timing in patients with Delayed Sleep Wake Phase Disorder to guide timing of chronobiologic treatment?. Chronobiology International, 33(10), 1376-1390.
Scopus19 WoS13 Europe PMC92016 Magee, M., Sletten, T., Ferguson, S., Grunstein, R., Anderson, C., Kennaway, D., . . . Rajaratnam, S. (2016). Associations between number of consecutive night shifts and impairment of neurobehavioral performance during a subsequent simulated night shift. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & heal, 42(3), 217-227.
Scopus15 WoS15 Europe PMC112015 Micic, G., Lovato, N., Gradisar, M., Burgess, H., Ferguson, S., Kennaway, D., & Lack, L. (2015). Nocturnal melatonin profiles in patients with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder and control sleepers. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 30(5), 437-448.
Scopus57 WoS42 Europe PMC242015 Micke, G., Sullivan, T., Kennaway, D., Hernandez-Medrano, J., & Perry, V. (2015). Maternal endocrine adaptation throughout pregnancy to nutrient manipulation: consequences for sexually dimorphic programming of thyroid hormones and development of their progeny. Theriogenology, 83(4), 604-615.
Scopus25 WoS22 Europe PMC132015 Kennaway, D., Hughes, P., & van Wettere, W. (2015). Melatonin implants do not alter estrogen feedback or advance puberty in gilts. Animal Reproduction Science, 156, 13-22.
Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC22015 Kennaway, D. J. (2015). Potential safety issues in the use of the hormone melatonin in paediatrics. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(6), 584-589.
WoS52 Europe PMC382015 Kennaway, D. J. (2015). Paediatric use of melatonin. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19(4), 489-490.
WoS32015 Whittaker, A., Plush, K., Terry, R., Hughes, P., Kennaway, D., & Van Wettere, W. (2015). Effects of space allocation and parity on selected physiological and behavioural measures of well-being and reproductive performance in group-housed gestating sows. Livestock Science, 176, 161-165.
Scopus2 WoS12015 Kennaway, D. J. (2015). Potential safety issues in the use of the hormone melatonin in paediatrics. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(6), 584-589.
Scopus702015 Kennaway, D. J. (2015). Paediatric use of melatonin. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19(4), 489-490.
Scopus4 Europe PMC22015 Ftouni, S., Sletten, T., Nicholas, C., Kennaway, D., Lockley, S., & Rajaratnam, S. (2015). Ocular measures of sleepiness are increased in night shift workers undergoing a simulated night shift near the peak time of the 6-sulfatoxymelatonin rhythm. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 11(10), 1131-1141A.
Scopus17 WoS12 Europe PMC112015 Kennaway, D., Varcoe, T., Voultsios, A., Salkeld, M., Rattanatray, L., & Boden, M. (2015). Acute inhibition of casein kinase 1δ/ε rapidly delays peripheral clock gene rhythms. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 398(1-2), 195-206.
Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC92014 Varcoe, T., Gatford, K., Voultsios, A., Salkeld, M., Boden, M., Rattanatray, L., & Kennaway, D. (2014). Rapidly alternating photoperiods disrupt central and peripheral rhythmicity and decrease plasma glucose, but do not affect glucose tolerance or insulin secretion in sheep. Experimental Physiology, 99(9), 1214-1228.
Scopus22 WoS17 Europe PMC142014 Akison, L., Boden, M., Kennaway, D., Russell, D., & Robker, R. (2014). Progesterone receptor-dependent regulation of genes in the oviducts of female mice. Physiological Genomics, 46(16), 583-592.
Scopus29 WoS27 Europe PMC212014 Lovato, N., Lack, L., Wright, H., & Kennaway, D. J. (2014). Evaluation of a brief treatment program of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia in older adults. Sleep, 37(1), 117-126.
Scopus81 WoS70 Europe PMC402014 Swinbourne, A., Kelly, J., Kind, K., Kennaway, D., & van Wettere, W. (2014). The effects of season and moderate nutritional restriction on ovarian function and oocyte nuclear maturation in cycling gilts. Theriogenology, 82(9), 1303-1309.
Scopus5 WoS32014 Kennaway, D. (2014). Light at night, melatonin and breast cancer. Chronobiology International, 31(2), 297-298.
Scopus3 WoS2 Europe PMC22014 Abu Shamsi, N., Salkeld, M., Rattanatray, L., Voultsios, A., Varcoe, T., Boden, M., & Kennaway, D. (2014). Metabolic consequences of timed feeding in mice. Physiology & Behavior, 128, 188-201.
Scopus34 WoS30 Europe PMC282013 Boden, M., Varcoe, T., & Kennaway, D. (2013). Circadian regulation of reproduction: From gamete to offspring. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 113(3), 387-397.
Scopus59 WoS51 Europe PMC442013 Kentish, S., Frisby, C. L., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., & Page, A. (2013). Circadian variation in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(49), 19238-19242.
Scopus49 WoS41 Europe PMC362013 Terry, R., Kind, K., Hughes, P., Kennaway, D., Herde, P., & Van Wettere, W. (2013). Split weaning increases the incidence of lactation oestrus in boar-exposed sows. Animal Reproduction Science, 142(1-2), 48-55.
Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC62013 Lovato, N., Lack, L., Wright, H., & Kennaway, D. (2013). Predictors of improvement in subjective sleep quality reported by older adults following group-based cognitive behavior therapy for sleep maintenance and early morning awakening insomnia. Sleep Medicine, 14(9), 888-893.
Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC52013 Van Wettere, W., Kaisler-Smith, C., Terry, R., Weaver, A., Herde, P., Kennaway, D., . . . Kind, K. (2013). Boar contact is an effective stimulant of ovulation during early lactation. Livestock Science, 155(2), 454-458.
Scopus9 WoS72013 Kennaway, D., Varcoe, T., Voultsios, A., & Boden, M. (2013). Global loss of Bmal1 expression alters adipose tissue hormones, gene expression and glucose metabolism. PLoS One, 8(6), 1-11.
Scopus64 WoS57 Europe PMC472013 Athorn, R., Stott, P., Bouwman, E., Chen, T., Kennaway, D., & Langendijk, P. (2013). Effect of feeding level on luteal function and progesterone concentration in the vena cava during early pregnancy in gilts. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 25(3), 531-538.
Scopus21 WoS17 Europe PMC112013 Varcoe, T., Boden, M., Voultsios, A., Salkeld, M., Rattanatray, L., & Kennaway, D. (2013). Characterisation of the maternal response to chronic phase shifts during gestation in the rat: implications for fetal metabolic programming. PLoS One, 8(1), 1-13.
Scopus64 WoS53 Europe PMC452012 Pitcher, J., Riley, A., Doeltgen, S., Kurylowicz, L., Rothwell, J., McAllister, S., . . . Ridding, M. (2012). Physiological evidence consistent with reduced neuroplasticity in human adolescents born preterm. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(46), 16410-16416.
Scopus44 WoS40 Europe PMC282012 Paech, G., Ferguson, S., Sargent, C., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2012). The relative contributions of the homeostatic and circadian processes to sleep regulation under conditions of severe sleep restriction. Sleep, 35(7), 941-948.
Scopus19 WoS12 Europe PMC112012 Matthews, R., Ferguson, S., Zhou, X., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2012). Time-of-day mediates the influences of extended wake and sleep restriction on simulated driving. Chronobiology International, 29(5), 572-579.
Scopus34 WoS26 Europe PMC142012 Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Ferguson, S., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2012). Sleep restriction masks the influence of the circadian process on sleep propensity. Chronobiology International, 29(5), 565-571.
Scopus34 WoS32 Europe PMC212012 Ogeil, R., Kennaway, D., Salkeld, M., Rajaratnam, S., & Broadbear, J. (2012). MDMA induces Per1, Per2 and c-fos gene expression in rat suprachiasmatic nuclei. Psychopharmacology, 220(4), 835-843.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC12012 Ferguson, S., Kennaway, D., Baker, A., Lamond, N., & Dawson, D. (2012). Sleep and circadian rhythms in mining operators: Limited evidence of adaptation to night shifts. Applied Ergonomics, 43(4), 695-701.
Scopus56 WoS43 Europe PMC312012 Kennaway, D., & Varcoe, T. (2012). The role of circadian clock in endocrinology - Foreword. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 349(1), 1-2.
WoS1 Europe PMC12012 Kennaway, D., Boden, M., & Varcoe, T. (2012). Circadian rhythms and fertility. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 349(1), 56-61.
Scopus67 WoS55 Europe PMC502012 Ferguson, S., Paech, G., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2012). The influence of circadian time and sleep dose on subjective fatigue ratings. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45(Suppl), 50-54.
Scopus32 WoS27 Europe PMC132012 Matthews, R., Ferguson, S., Zhou, X., Kosmadopoulos, A., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2012). Simulated driving under the influence of extended wake, time of day and sleep restriction. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45(SUPPL.), 55-61.
Scopus57 WoS47 Europe PMC162012 Kennaway, D., Owens, J., Voultsios, A., & Wight, N. (2012). Adipokines and adipocyte function in clock mutant mice that retain melatonin rhythmicity. Obesity, 20(2), 295-305.
Scopus21 WoS18 Europe PMC172012 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S., Matthews, R., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2012). Mismatch between subjective alertness and objective performance under sleep restriction is greatest during the biological night. Journal of Sleep Research, 21(1), 40-49.
Scopus92 WoS68 Europe PMC512012 Weaver, A., Kelly, J., Kind, K., Gatford, K., Kennaway, D., Herde, P., & Van Wettere, W. (2012). Oocyte maturation and embryo survival in nulliparous female pigs (gilts) is improved by feeding a lupin-based high-fibre diet. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 2012(8), 1-8.
Scopus24 WoS15 Europe PMC122012 Kennaway, D. J., & Varcoe, T. J. (2012). Circadian rhythms research or "chronobiology" has come of age.. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 349(1), 1-2. 2012 Blooma, M. J., Goh, D. H. -L., & Chua, A. Y. -K. (2012). Predictors of high-quality answers. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 36(3), 383-400.
WoS332011 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S., Matthews, R., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2011). Sleep, Wake and Phase Dependent Changes in Neurobehavioral Function under Forced Desynchrony. Sleep, 34(7), 931-941.
Scopus76 WoS63 Europe PMC482011 Varcoe, T., Wight, N., Voultsios, A., Salkeld, M., & Kennaway, D. (2011). Chronic phase shifts of the photoperiod throughout pregnancy programs glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in the rat. PLoS One, 6(4), 1-10.
Scopus99 WoS84 Europe PMC642011 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S., Matthews, R., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2011). Dynamics of neurobehavioral performance variability under forced desynchrony: Evidence of state instability. Sleep, 34(1), 57-63.
Scopus33 WoS24 Europe PMC252010 Ferguson, S., Baker, A., Lamond, N., Kennaway, D., & Dawson, D. (2010). Sleep in a live-in mining operation: the influence of start times and restricted non-work activities. Applied Ergonomics, 42(1), 71-75.
Scopus45 WoS31 Europe PMC222010 Kennaway, D. (2010). Clock genes at the heart of depression. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 24(8), 5-14.
Scopus48 WoS37 Europe PMC292010 Sargent, C., Ferguson, S., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2010). The influence of circadian phase and prior wake on neuromuscular function. Chronobiology International, 27(5), 911-921.
Scopus36 WoS32 Europe PMC342010 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S., Matthews, R., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2010). Interindividual differences in neurobehavioral performance in response to increasing homeostatic sleep pressure. Chronobiology International, 27(5), 922-933.
Scopus17 WoS16 Europe PMC122010 Darwent, D., Ferguson, S., Sargent, C., Paech, G., Williams, L., Zhou, X., . . . Roach, G. (2010). Contribution of core body temperature, prior wake time, and sleep stages to cognitive throughput performance during forced desynchrony. Chronobiology International, 27(5), 898-910.
Scopus40 WoS36 Europe PMC342010 McFarlane, A., Barton, C., Briggs, N., & Kennaway, D. (2010). The relationship between urinary melatonin metabolite excretion and posttraumatic symptoms following traumatic injury. Journal of Affective Disorders, 127(1-3), 365-369.
Scopus25 WoS19 Europe PMC142010 Boden, M., Varcoe, T., Voultsios, A., & Kennaway, D. (2010). Reproductive biology of female Bmal1 null mice. Reproduction, 139(6), 1077-1090.
Scopus120 WoS104 Europe PMC852010 Firth, B., Christian, K., Belan, I., & Kennaway, D. (2010). Melatonin rhythms in the Australian freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni): a reptile lacking a pineal complex?. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology, 180(1), 67-72.
Scopus16 WoS13 Europe PMC42010 Roach, G. D., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D. J., & Ferguson, S. A. (2010). Lost in transit: the journey of ingestible temperature sensors through the human digestive tract. Ergonomia, 32(1), 49-61. 2010 Paech, G. M., Ferguson, S. A., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Williams, L., Kennaway, D. J., & Roach, G. D. (2010). A 28 hour day, sleep and a single beat period; revisiting forced desynchrony studies?. Ergonomia, 32, 125-132. 2010 Matthews, R. W., Ferguson, S. A., Zhou, X., Darwent, D., Sargent, C., Kennaway, D. J., & Roach, G. D. (2010). The interactive influence of the internal body clock and prior wake on task vigilance. Ergonomia, 32, 37-48. 2010 Kennaway, D. (2010). Letters to the editor. Journal of Periodontology, 81(8), 1102.
WoS1 Europe PMC22010 Kennaway, D. (2010). Re: "salivary and gingival crevicular fluid melatonin in periodontal health and disease".. Journal of periodontology, 81(8).
Scopus42009 Fagan, A., Kennaway, D., & Oakley, A. (2009). Pinealectomy in the chicken: a good model of scoliosis?. European Spine Journal, 18(6), 1154-1159.
Scopus28 WoS22 Europe PMC212008 Varcoe, T., & Kennaway, D. (2008). Activation of 5-HT2C receptors acutely induces Per1 gene expression in the rat SCN in vitro. Brain Research, 1209(C), 19-28.
Scopus27 WoS23 Europe PMC192007 Kennaway, D., Owens, J., Voultsios, A., Boden, M., & Varcoe, T. (2007). Metabolic homeostasis in mice with disrupted Clock gene expression in peripheral tissues. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 293(4), R1528-R1537.
Scopus122 WoS108 Europe PMC912007 Tran, M., Owens, J. A., & Kennaway, D. J. (2007). Shiftwork simulation in rats impairs glucose tolerance and insulin secretion and sensitivity. Endocrine Journal, 54, 161. 2006 Kennaway, D. J., Owens, J. A., & Voultsios, A. (2006). A lack of peripheral tissue rhythmicity alters metabolic homeostasis in mice. Endocrine Society of Australia, Annual Scientific Meeting, A108. 2006 Boden, M., & Kennaway, D. (2006). Circadian rhythms and reproduction. Reproduction, 132(3), 379-392.
Scopus124 WoS115 Europe PMC852006 Kennaway, D., Owens, J., Voultsios, A., & Varcoe, T. (2006). Functional central rhythmicity and light entrainment, but not liver and muscle rhythmicity, are Clock independent. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 291(4), R1172-R1180.
Scopus45 WoS43 Europe PMC342006 Firth, B., Belan, I., & Kennaway, D. (2006). Persistence of a plasma melatonin rhythm in constant darkness and its inhibition by constant light in the sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. Journal of Pineal Research, 41(1), 15-20.
Scopus11 WoS11 Europe PMC72006 Ashwood, P., Crowther, C., Willson, K., Haslam, R., Kennaway, D., Hiller, J., & Robinson, J. (2006). Neonatal adrenal function after repeat dose prenatal corticosteroids: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 194(3), 861-867.
Scopus37 WoS34 Europe PMC242005 Morrison, J., Rurak, D., Chien, C., Kennaway, D., Gruber, N., McMillen, I., & Riggs, K. (2005). Maternal fluoxetine infusion does not alter fetal endocrine and biophysical circadian rhythms in pregnant sheep. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 12(5), 356-364.
Scopus16 WoS16 Europe PMC92005 Kennaway, D. (2005). The role of circadian rhythmicity in reproduction. Human Reproduction Update, 11(1), 91-101.
Scopus94 WoS82 Europe PMC562005 Boden, M. J., & Kennaway, D. J. (2005). Reproduction in the arrhythmic Bmal1 knockout mouse. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 17, (Suppl) 126-126. 2005 Kennaway, D. J., Moyer, R. W., Voultsios, A., & Varcoe, T. J. (2005). Serotonin-induced phase advances of SCN neuronal firing in vitro:: A possible role for 5-HT<sub>5A</sub> receptors?: Synapse 54:111-118.: (vol 54, pg 111, 2001). SYNAPSE, 55(1), 71.
2004 Boden, M. J., & Kennaway, D. J. (2004). Reproductive consequences of circadian dysfunction: fertility in the Bmal1 null mouse. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 16, (Suppl) 280-280. 2004 Kennaway, D., Boden, M., & Voultsios, A. (2004). Reproductive performance in female ClockΔ19 mutant mice. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 16(8), 801-810.
Scopus66 WoS63 Europe PMC462004 Kennaway, D. (2004). Resetting the suprachiasmatic nucleus clock. Frontiers in Bioscience, 9(1-3), 56-62.
Scopus13 WoS13 Europe PMC82004 Wright, H., Lack, L., & Kennaway, D. (2004). Differential effects of light wavelength in phase advancing the melatonin rhythm. Journal of Pineal Research, 36(2), 140-144.
Scopus156 WoS121 Europe PMC782003 Rogers, N., Dinges, D., Kennaway, D., & Drew, D. (2003). Potential action of melatonin in insomnia. Sleep, 26(8), 1058-1059.
Scopus31 WoS25 Europe PMC112003 Varcoe, T., Kennaway, D., & Voultsios, A. (2003). Activation of 5-HT₂C receptors acutely induces Per gene expression in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus at night. Molecular Brain Research, 119(2), 192-200.
Scopus36 WoS32 Europe PMC292003 Kennaway, D., Voultsios, A., Varcoe, T., & Moyer, R. (2003). Melatonin and activity rhythm responses to light pulses in mice with the Clock mutation. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 284(5), R1231-R1240.
Scopus43 WoS42 Europe PMC312003 Kennaway, D., Varcoe, T., & Mau, V. (2003). Rhythmic expression of clock and clock-controlled genes in the rat oviduct. Molecular Human Reproduction, 9(9), 503-507.
Scopus66 WoS55 Europe PMC442003 Rogers, N., Kennaway, D., & Drew, D. (2003). Neurobehavioural performance effects of daytime melatonin and temazepam administration. Journal of Sleep Research, 12(3), 207-212.
Scopus38 WoS29 Europe PMC192002 Kennaway, D., & Wright, H. (2002). Melatonin and circadian rhythms. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2(2), 199-209.
Scopus84 Europe PMC432002 Kennaway, D. (2002). Programming of the fetal suprachiasmatic nucleus and subsequent adult rhythmicity. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 13(9), 398-402.
Scopus76 WoS64 Europe PMC482002 Rowe, S., & Kennaway, D. (2002). Melatonin in rat milk and the likelihood of its role in postnatal maternal entrainment of rhythms. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 282(3), R797-R804.
Scopus35 WoS27 Europe PMC192002 Kennaway, D., Voultsios, A., Varcoe, T., & Moyer, R. (2002). Melatonin in mice: rhythms, response to light, adrenergic stimulation, and metabolism. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 282(2), R358-R365.
Scopus119 WoS97 Europe PMC802002 Lushington, K., Galka, R., Sassi, L., Kennaway, D., & Drew, D. (2002). Extraocular light exposure does not phase shift saliva melatonin rhythms in sleeping subjects. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 17(4), 377-386.
Scopus16 WoS9 Europe PMC72001 Tast, A., Love, R., Evans, G., Telsfer, S., Giles, R., Nicholls, P., . . . Kennaway, D. (2001). The pattern of melatonin secretion is rhythmic in the domestic pig and responds rapidly to changes in daylength. Journal of Pineal Research, 31(4), 294-300.
Scopus37 WoS30 Europe PMC192001 Kennaway, D., Flanagan, D., Moore, V., Cockington, R., Robinson, J., & Phillips, D. (2001). The impact of fetal size and length of gestation on 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion in adult life. Journal of Pineal Research, 30(3), 188-192.
Scopus36 WoS30 Europe PMC172001 Stepien, J., & Kennaway, D. (2001). Phase response relationships between light pulses and the melatonin rhythm in rats. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 16(3), 234-242.
Scopus6 WoS3 Europe PMC32001 Kennaway, D., Moyer, R., Voultsios, A., & Varcoe, T. (2001). Serotonin, excitatory amino acids and the photic control of melatonin rhythms and SCN c-FOS in the rat. Brain Research, 897(01-Feb), 36-43.
Scopus36 WoS34 Europe PMC232001 Tast, A., Love, R., Evans, G., Andersson, H., Peltoniemi, O., & Kennaway, D. (2001). The photophase light intensity does not affect the scotophase melatonin response in the domestic pig. Animal Reproduction Science, 65(03-Apr), 283-290.
Scopus26 WoS19 Europe PMC122000 Kennaway, D. (2000). Cause of idiopathic scoliosis. Spine, 25(19), 2552-2553.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC22000 Kennaway, D. (2000). Circadian rhythms and sport. Todays Life Science, 12(5), 28-32.
Scopus12000 Kennaway, D. (2000). Melatonin and development: Physiology and pharmacology. Seminars in Perinatology, 24(4), 258-266.
Scopus49 WoS37 Europe PMC222000 Moyer, R., & Kennaway, D. (2000). Serotonin depletion decreases light induced c-fos in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroreport, 11(5), 1021-1024.
Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC72000 Gilbert, S., Burgess, H., Kennaway, D., & Drew, D. (2000). Attenuation of sleep propensity, core hypothermia, and peripheral heat loss after temazepam tolerance. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 279(6 48-6), R1980-R1987.
Scopus29 WoS19 Europe PMC102000 Ferguson, S., & Kennaway, D. (2000). The ontogeny of induction of c-fos in the rat SCN by a 5-HT2A/2C agonist. Developmental Brain Research, 121(2), 229-231.
Scopus10 WoS9 Europe PMC72000 Ferguson, S., & Kennaway, D. (2000). Prenatal exposure to SKF-38393 alters the response to light of adult rats. Neuroreport, 11(7), 1539-1541.
Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC112000 Kennaway, D., & Rowe, S. (2000). Effect of stimulation of endogenous melatonin secretion during constant light exposure on 6-sulphatoxymelatonin rhythmicity in rats. Journal of Pineal Research, 28(1), 16-25.
Scopus16 WoS12 Europe PMC82000 Ferguson, S., Rowe, S., Krupa, M., & Kennaway, D. (2000). Prenatal exposure to the dopamine agonist SKF-38393 disrupts the timing of the initial response of the suprachiasmatic nucleus to light. Brain Research, 858(2), 284-289.
Scopus13 WoS12 Europe PMC92000 Ferguson, S. A., & Kennaway, D. J. (2000). Prenatal exposure to SKF-38393 alters the response to light of adult rats. NeuroReport, 11(7), 1539-1541.
2000 McFarlane, I., Breen, K. C., Di Giamberardino, L., & Moya, K. L. (2000). Inhibition of N-glycan processing alters axonal transport of synaptic glycoproteins in vivo.. Neuroreport, 11(7), 1543-1547.
Europe PMC131999 Lushington, K., Dawson, D., Kennaway, D., & Lack, L. (1999). The relationship between 6-sulphatoxymelatonin rhythm phase and age in self-reported good sleeping controls and sleep maintenance insomniacs aged 55-80 years. Psychopharmacology, 147(1), 111-112.
Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC51999 Gilbert, S., van den Heuvel, C., Kennaway, D., & Dawson, D. (1999). Peripheral Heat Loss: A Predictor of the Hypothermic Response to Melatonin Administration in Young and Older Women. Physiology and Behavior, 66(2), 365-370.
Scopus28 WoS26 Europe PMC171999 Moyer, R., & Kennaway, D. (1999). Immunohistochemical localisation of serotonin receptors in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience Letters, 271(3), 147-150.
Scopus53 WoS46 Europe PMC341999 Lushington, K., Dawson, D., Kennaway, D., & Lack, L. (1999). The relationship between 6-sulphatoxymelatonin and polysomnographic sleep in good sleeping controls and wake maintenance insomniacs, aged 55-80 years. Journal of Sleep Research, 8(1), 57-64.
Scopus29 WoS25 Europe PMC121999 Kennaway, D., Lushington, K., Dawson, D., Lack, L., van den Heuvel, C., & Rogers, N. (1999). Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion and aging: New results and a critical review of the literature. Journal of Pineal Research, 27(4), 210-220.
Scopus120 WoS104 Europe PMC631999 Noddegaard, F., & Kennaway, D. (1999). A method of achieving physiological plasma levels of melatonin in the chicken by oral administration. Journal of Pineal Research, 27(3), 129-138.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC51999 Firth, B., Belan, I., Kennaway, D., & Moyer, R. (1999). Thermocyclic entrainment of lizard blood plasma melatonin rhythms in constant and cyclic photic environments. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 277(6), R1620-R1626.
Scopus19 WoS17 Europe PMC121999 Ferguson, S., & Kennaway, D. (1999). Emergence of altered circadian timing in a cholinergically supersensitive rat line. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 277(4 46-4), R1171-R1178.
Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC61999 van den Heuvel, C., Kennaway, D., & Dawson, D. (1999). Thermoregulatory and soporific effects of very low dose melatonin injection. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 276(2 39-2), E249-E254.
Scopus34 WoS29 Europe PMC201999 Ferguson, S., Kennaway, D., & Moyer, R. (1999). Nicotine phase shifts the 6-sulphatoxymelatonin rhythm and induces c-Fos in the SCN of rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 48(5), 527-538.
Scopus24 WoS23 Europe PMC191999 Moyer, R., & Kennaway, D. (1999). MK-801 administration blocks the effects of a 5-HT2A/2C agonist on melatonin rhythmicity and c-fox induction in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 845(1), 102-106.
Scopus15 WoS16 Europe PMC121998 Fagan, A., Kennaway, D., & Sutherland, A. (1998). Total 24-hour melatonin secretion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A case-control study.. Spine, 23(1), 41-46.
Scopus51 WoS43 Europe PMC311998 Rogers, N. L., Phan, O., Kennaway, D. J., & Dawson, D. (1998). Effect of daytime oral melatonin administration on neurobehavioral performance in humans. Journal of Pineal Research, 25(1), 47-53.
Scopus34 WoS26 Europe PMC141998 Lushington, K., Lack, L., Kennaway, D. J., Rogers, N., Van Den Heuvel, C., & Dawson, D. (1998). 6-Sulfatoxymelatonin excretion and self-reported sleep in good sleeping controls and 55-80-year-old insomniacs. Journal of Sleep Research, 7(2), 75-83.
Scopus28 WoS26 Europe PMC141998 Kennaway, D. J. (1998). Generation and entrainment of circadian rhythms. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 25(10), 862-865.
Scopus6 WoS4 Europe PMC41998 Kennaway, D. J., & Moyer, R. W. (1998). Serotonin 5-HT2c agonists mimic the effect of light pulses on circadian rhythms. Brain Research, 806(2), 257-270.
Scopus93 WoS86 Europe PMC631998 Kennaway, D. J., & Voultsios, A. (1998). Circadian rhythm of free melatonin in human plasma. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 83(3), 1013-1015.
Scopus96 WoS81 Europe PMC501998 Van Den Heuvel, C. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Dawson, D. (1998). Effects of daytime melatonin infusion in young adults. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 275(1 38-1), E19-E26.
Scopus20 WoS15 Europe PMC81998 Dawson, D., Rogers, N. L., Van Den Heuvel, C. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Lushington, K. (1998). Effect of Sustained Nocturnal Transbuccal Melatonin Administration on Sleep and Temperature in Elderly Insomniacs. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 13(6), 532-538.
Scopus48 WoS41 Europe PMC241997 Moyer, R. W., Kennaway, D. J., Ferguson, S. A., & Dijstelbloem, Y. P. (1997). Quipazine and light have similar effects on c-fos induction in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 765(2), 337-342.
Scopus30 WoS27 Europe PMC191997 Lushington, K., Pollard, K., Lack, L., Kennaway, D. J., & Dawson, D. (1997). Daytime melatonin administration in elderly good and poor sleepers: Effects on core body temperature and sleep latency. Sleep, 20(12), 1135-1144.
Scopus32 WoS23 Europe PMC121997 Moyer, R., Firth, B., & Kennaway, D. (1997). Effect of variable temperatures, darkness and light on the secretion of melatonin by pineal explants in the gecko, Christinus marmoratus. Brain Research, 747(2), 230-235.
Scopus13 WoS13 Europe PMC111997 Kennaway, D. (1997). Light, neurotransmitters and the suprachiasmatic nucleus control of pineal melatonin production in the rat. Biological Signals, 6(4-6), 247-254.
Scopus16 WoS13 Europe PMC91997 Moyer, R., Kennaway, D., Ferguson, S., & Dijstelbloem, Y. (1997). Quizapine and light have similar effects on c-fos induction in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 765, 337-342. 1997 White, R., Kennaway, D., & Seamark, R. (1997). Estrogenic effects on urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion in the female rat. Journal of Pineal Research, 22(3), 124-129.
Scopus12 WoS11 Europe PMC81997 Kennaway, D., & Rowe, S. (1997). Controlled-release melatonin implants delay puberty in rats without altering melatonin rhythmicity. Journal of Pineal Research, 22(3), 107-116.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC51997 Klupiec, C., Evans, G., Love, R., & Kennaway, D. (1997). Clarifying plasma melatonin profiles in domestic pigs: a critical and comparative evaluation of two radioimmunoassay systems. Journal of Pineal Research, 22(2), 65-74.
Scopus18 WoS18 Europe PMC111997 Voultsios, A., Kennaway, D., & Dawson, D. (1997). Salivary melatonin as a circadian phase marker: validation and comparison to plasma melatonin. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(5), 457-466.
Scopus402 WoS350 Europe PMC2611997 Kennaway, D. (1997). Melatonin - What's all the fuss about?. Australian Prescriber, 20(4), 98.
1996 White, R., Kennaway, D., & Seamark, R. (1996). Reproductive seasonality of the bush rat (Rattus fuscipes greyi) in South Australia. Wildlife Research, 23(3), 317-336.
Scopus9 WoS81996 Kennaway, D., Rowe, S., & Ferguson, S. (1996). Serotonin agonists mimic the phase shifting effects of light on the melatonin rhythm in rats. Brain Research, 737(1-2), 301-307.
Scopus39 WoS38 Europe PMC271996 Ferguson, S. A., & Kennaway, D. J. (1996). Neurotransmitters mediating the effects of light on melatonin production in the rat. Frontiers of Hormone Research, 21, 30-41. 1996 Kennaway, D. J., Goble, F. C., & Stamp, G. E. (1996). Factors influencing the development of melatonin rhythmicity in humans. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 81(4), 1525-1532.
Scopus128 WoS101 Europe PMC661996 Rowe, S. A., & Kennaway, D. J. (1996). Effect of NMDA receptor blockade on melatonin and activity rhythm responses to a light pulse in rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 41(6), 351-358.
Scopus22 WoS19 Europe PMC111995 Moyer, R., Firth, B., & Kennaway, D. (1995). Effect of constant temperatures, darkness and light on the secretion of melatonin by pineal explants and retinas in the gecko, Christinus marmoratus. Brain Research, 675(1), 345-348.
Scopus23 WoS24 Europe PMC111995 Guerin, M. V., Deed, J. R., Kennaway, D. J., & Matthews, C. D. (1995). Plasma melatonin in the horse: Measurements in natural photoperiod and in acutely extended darkness throughout the year. Journal of Pineal Research, 19(1), 7-15.
Scopus43 WoS33 Europe PMC201995 Rowe, S. A., Ferguson, S. A., & Kennaway, D. J. (1995). Effect of NMDA receptor blockade on the pineal gland response to a light pulse. Physiologist, 38, A-24. 1995 Ferguson, S. A., Rowe, S. A., & Kennaway, D. J. (1995). A serotonin agonist phase shifts the melatonin rhythm in rats. Physiologist, 38, A-24. 1995 Schapel, G., Beran, R., Kennaway, D., McLoughney, J., & Matthews, C. (1995). Melatonin response in active epilepsy. Epilepsia, 36(1), 75-78.
Scopus67 Europe PMC441995 Kennaway, D., & Rowe, S. (1995). Melatonin binding sites and their role in seasonal reproduction. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 49(Supple.), 423-435.
Scopus43 WoS34 Europe PMC171995 Hugel, H., & Kennaway, D. (1995). Synthesis and chemistry of melatonin and of related compounds - A review. Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 27(1), 1-31.
WoS18 Europe PMC91994 Kennaway, D. J., Hugel, H. M., & Rowe, S. A. (1994). Characterization or the chicken brain melatonin‐binding protein using iodinated and triturated ligands. Journal of Pineal Research, 17(3), 137-148.
Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC31994 Kennaway, D. J. (1994). Effect of a phase advance of the light/dark cycle on pineal function and orcadian running activity in individual rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 33(6), 639-644.
Scopus20 WoS13 Europe PMC151994 Bryden, M. M., Buckendahl, P., Sanders, J., Ortiz, C. L., & Kennaway, D. J. (1994). Plasma melatonin concentration in neonatal northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part A: Physiology, 109(4), 895-904.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC11993 Vaughan, G. M. (1993). New sensitive serum melatonin radioimmunoassay employing the Kennaway G280 antibody: Syrian hamster morning adrenergic response. Journal of Pineal Research, 15, 88-103. 1993 Kennaway, D. J. (1993). Urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretory rhythms in laboratory rats: effects of photoperiod and light. Brain Research, 603(2), 338-342.
Scopus26 WoS25 Europe PMC191992 Kennaway, D. J., Stamp, G. E., & Goble, F. C. (1992). Development of melatonin production in infants and the impact of prematurity. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 75(2), 367-369.
Scopus222 WoS169 Europe PMC1091992 Kennaway, D. J., & Hugel, H. M. (1992). Mechanisms of action of melatonin within the central nervous system. Animal Reproduction Science, 30(1-3), 45-65.
Scopus9 WoS91992 Kennaway, D. J., & Hugel, H. M. (1992). Melatonin binding sites: Are they receptors?. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 88(1-3), C1-C9.
Scopus32 WoS30 Europe PMC191992 Staples, L. D., McPhee, S., Kennaway, D. J., & Williams, A. H. (1992). The influence of exogenous melatonin on the seasonal patterns of ovulation and oestrus in sheep. Animal Reproduction Science, 30(1-3), 185-223.
Scopus41 WoS401991 Kennaway, D. J., & Van Dorp, C. F. (1991). Free-running rhythms of melatonin, cortisol, electrolytes, and sleep in humans in Antarctica. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 260(6 29-6), R1137-R1144.
WoS71991 Firth, B. T., Kennaway, D. J., & Belan, I. (1991). Thermoperiodic influences on plasma melatonin rhythms in the lizard Tiliqua rugosa: Effect of thermophase duration. Neuroscience Letters, 121(1-2), 139-142.
Scopus12 WoS13 Europe PMC71991 Donaldson, E., & Kennaway, D. J. (1991). Effects of temazepam on sleep, performance, and rhythmic 6-sulphatoxymelatonin and cortisol excretion after transmeridian travel. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 62(7), 654-660.
Scopus33 WoS29 Europe PMC161990 Earl, C. R., D'Occhio, M. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1990). Mechanisms Controlling the Offset of Melatonin Secretion in the Ewe. Journal of Pineal Research, 8(1), 49-56.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC31990 Earl, C. R., D'Occhio, M. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1990). Temporal Changes in the Pattern of Melatonin Secretion in Sheep Held in Constant Darkness. Journal of Pineal Research, 8(2), 115-121.
Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC91989 Shaw, P. F., Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1989). Evidence of High Concentrations of Melatonin in Lateral Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid of Sheep. Journal of Pineal Research, 6(3), 201-208.
Scopus38 WoS40 Europe PMC211989 Kennaway, D. J., Blake, P., & Webb, H. A. (1989). A melatonin agonist and N-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynurenamine accelerate the re-entrainment of the melatonin rhythm following a phase advance of the light-dark cycle. Brain Research, 495(2), 349-354.
Scopus26 WoS26 Europe PMC201989 Firth, B. T., Thompson, M. B., Kennaway, D. J., & Belan, I. (1989). Thermal sensitivity of reptilian melatonin rhythms: 'cold' tuatara vs. 'warm' skink. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 256(5), R1160-R1163.
Scopus27 WoS29 Europe PMC121989 Firth, B. T., & Kennaway, D. J. (1989). Thermoperiod and photoperiod interact to affect the phase of the plasma melatonin rhythm in the lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. Neuroscience Letters, 106(1-2), 125-130.
Scopus22 WoS22 Europe PMC161988 Shaw, P. F., Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1988). Effects of Prior Exposure to Prolonged Continuous Light on the Pattern of Melatonin Secretion in Sheep Held Under Continuous Darkness. Journal of Pineal Research, 5(5), 469-477.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC51988 Sharp, K. H., Vaughn, G. M., Cosby, P. W., Sewell, C. E., & Kennaway, D. J. (1988). Alterations of Temperature, Sleepiness, Mood, and Performance in Residents Are Not Associated With Changes in Sulfatoxymelatonin Excretion. Journal of Pineal Research, 5(6), 499-512.
Scopus12 WoS15 Europe PMC61988 ROBERTS‐THOMSON, I. C., KNIGHT, R. E., KENNAWAY, D. J., & PANNALL, P. R. (1988). CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS IN PATIENTS WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN SYNDROMES. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 18(4), 569-574.
Scopus17 WoS15 Europe PMC101988 Kennaway, D. J. (1988). Short- and long-term effects of manipulation of the pineal/melatonin axis in ewes. Reproduction Nutrition Developpement, 28(2 B), 399-408.
Scopus10 WoS16 Europe PMC31988 Kennaway, D. J., Hugel, H. M., Clarke, S., Tjandra, A., Johnson, D. W., Royles, P., . . . Carbone, F. (1988). Structure-activity studies of melatonin analogues in prepubertal male rats. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 41(3), 393-400.
Scopus35 WoS34 Europe PMC171988 Kennaway, D. J., Royles, P., Webb, H., & Carbone, F. (1988). Effects of Protein Restriction, Melatonin Administration, and Short Daylength on Brain Benzodiazepine Receptors in Prepubertal Male Rats. Journal of Pineal Research, 5(5), 455-467.
Scopus16 WoS16 Europe PMC141987 Kennaway, D. J., Earl, C. R., Shaw, P. F., Royles, P., Carbone, F., & Webb, H. (1987). Phase Delay of the Rhythm of 6‐Sulphatoxy Melatonin Excretion by Artificial Light. Journal of Pineal Research, 4(3), 315-320.
Scopus18 WoS18 Europe PMC141987 Kennaway, D. J., Dunstan, E. A., & Staples, L. D. (1987). Photoperiodic control of the onset of breeding activity and fecundity in ewes.. Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement, 34, 187-199.
Scopus31 Europe PMC71987 Firth, B. T., & Kennaway, D. J. (1987). Melatonin content of the pineal, parietal eye and blood plasma of the lizard, Trachydosaurus rugosus: effect of constant and fluctuating temperature. Brain Research, 404(1-2), 313-318.
Scopus40 WoS43 Europe PMC261987 Boyce, P., & Kennaway, D. J. (1987). Effects of light on melatonin production. Biological Psychiatry, 22(4), 473-478.
Scopus45 WoS39 Europe PMC191986 Kennaway, D. J., Royles, P., Dunstan, E. A., & Hugel, H. M. (1986). Prolactin response in border-leicester × merino ewes to administration of melatonin, melatonin analogues, a melatonin metabolite and 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 39(4), 427-433.
Scopus11 WoS11 Europe PMC71986 Kennaway, D. J., & Royles, P. (1986). Circadian rhythms of 6-sulphatoxy melatonin, cortisol and electrolyte excretion at the summer and winter solstices in normal men and women. Acta Endocrinologica, 113(3), 450-456.
Scopus42 WoS41 Europe PMC281986 Kennaway, D. J., Peek, J. C., Gilmore, T. A., & Royles, P. (1986). Pituitary response to LHRH, LH pulsatility and plasma melatonin and prolactin changes in ewe lambs treated with melatonin implants to delay puberty. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 78(1), 137-148.
Scopus11 WoS12 Europe PMC51986 Griffiths, D. J., Bryden, M. M., & Kennaway, D. J. (1986). A Fluctuation in Plasma Melatonin Level in the Weddell Seal During Constant Natural Light. Journal of Pineal Research, 3(2), 127-134.
Scopus13 WoS14 Europe PMC71986 Bryden, M. M., Griffiths, D. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Ledingham, J. (1986). The pineal gland is very large and active in newborn antarctic seals. Experientia, 42(5), 564-566.
Scopus17 WoS17 Europe PMC91985 Kennaway, D. J., Gilmore, T. A., & Dunstan, E. A. (1985). Pinealectomy delays puberty in ewe lambs. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 74(1), 119-125.
Scopus19 WoS24 Europe PMC71985 Kennaway, D. J., & Gilmore, T. A. (1985). Effects of melatonin implants in ram lambs. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 73(1), 85-91.
Scopus16 WoS21 Europe PMC51985 Earl, C. R., D’occhio, M. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1985). Serum melatonin profiles and endocrine responses of ewes exposed to a pulse of light late in the dark phase. Endocrinology, 117(1), 226-230.
Scopus49 WoS53 Europe PMC371984 Kennaway, D. J., & Gilmore, T. A. (1984). Effects of melatonin implants in ewe lambs. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 70(1), 39-45.
Scopus24 WoS39 Europe PMC51984 Kennaway, D. J., Dunstan, E. A., Gilmore, T. A., & Seamark, R. F. (1984). Effects of pinealectomy, oestradiol and melatonin on plasma prolactin and LH secretion in ovariectomized sheep. Journal of Endocrinology, 102(2), 199-207.
Scopus17 WoS23 Europe PMC111984 Kennaway, D. J. (1984). Pineal function in ungulates. Pineal Research Reviews, 2, 113-140. 1983 Kennaway, D. J., Sanford, L. M., Godfrey, B., & Friesen, H. G. (1983). Patterns of progesterone, melatonin and prolactin secretion in ewes maintained in four different photoperiods. Journal of Endocrinology, 97(2), 229-242.
Scopus48 WoS72 Europe PMC261983 Kennaway, D. J. (1983). Radioimmunoassay of 5-methoxy tryptophol in sheep plasma and pineal glands. Life Sciences, 32(21), 2461-2469.
Scopus9 WoS13 Europe PMC51983 Kennaway, D. J., Dunstan, E. A., Gilmore, T. A., & Seamark, R. F. (1983). Effects of shortened daylength and melatonin treatment on plasma prolactin and melatonin levels in pinealectomised and sham-operated ewes. Animal Reproduction Science, 5(4), 287-294.
Scopus22 WoS261982 Kennaway, D. J., Gilmore, T. A., & Seamark, R. F. (1982). Effects of melatonin implants on the circadian rhythm of plasma melatonin and prolactin in sheep.. Endocrinology, 110(6), 2186-2188.
Scopus61 WoS90 Europe PMC391982 Kennaway, D. J., Gilmore, T. A., & Seamark, R. F. (1982). Effect of melatonin feeding on serum prolactin and gonadotropin levels and the onset of seasonal estrous cyclicity in sheep. Endocrinology, 110(5), 1766-1772.
Scopus154 WoS219 Europe PMC711981 Seamark, R. F., Kennaway, D. J., Matthews, C. D., Fellenberg, A. J., Phillipou, G., Kotaras, P., . . . Obst, J. M. (1981). The role of the pineal gland in seasonality.. Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement, 30, 15-21.
Scopus8 Europe PMC11981 Kennaway, D. J., Obst, J. M., Dunstan, E. A., & Friesen, H. G. (1981). Ultradian and seasonal rhythms in plasma gonadotropins, prolactin, cortisol, and testosterone in pinealectomized rams. Endocrinology, 108(2), 639-646.
Scopus38 WoS59 Europe PMC151981 Kennaway, D. J., Gilmore, T. A., & Seamark, R. F. (1981). The effect of melatonin feeding on serum prolactin, gonadotrophins and the onset of estrous activity in seasonally anestrous ewes. Biology of Reproduction, 24(Suppl.1).
Scopus11981 Matthews, C. D., Kennaway, D. J., Feilenberg, A. J. G., Phillipou, G., Cox, L. W., & Seamark, R. F. (1981). Melatonin in man. Advances in the Biosciences, 29(C), 371-381.
Scopus181980 Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1980). Circulating Levels of Melatonin following Its Oral Administration or Subcutaneous Injection in Sheep and Goats. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 33(3), 349-354.
WoS261979 Tulsi, R. S., & Kennaway, D. J. (1979). Observations on the secretions of the: Subcommissural organ and the pineal in the adult brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula). Neuroendocrinology, 28(4), 264-272.
Scopus6 WoS8 Europe PMC71979 Kennaway, D. J., McCulloch, G., Matthews, C. D., & Seamark, R. F. (1979). Plasma melatonin, luteinizing hormone, follicle- stimulating hormone, prolactin, and corticoids in two patients with pinealoma. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 49(1), 144-145.
Scopus17 WoS25 Europe PMC81979 Firth, B. T., Kennaway, D. J., & Rozenbilds, M. A. M. (1979). Plasma melatonin in the scincid lizard, Trachydosaurus rugosus: Diel rhythm, seasonality, and the effect of constant light and constant darkness. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 37(4), 493-500.
Scopus35 WoS38 Europe PMC251978 Kennaway, D. J., Porter, K. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1978). Changes in Plasma Tryptophan and Melatonin Content in Penned Sheep. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 31(1), 49-52.
Scopus2 WoS31977 Kennaway, D. J., Matthews, C. D., Seamark, R. F., Phillipou, G., & Schilthuis, M. (1977). On the presence of melatonin in pineal glands and plasma of foetal sheep. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, 8(5), 559-563.
Scopus22 WoS27 Europe PMC101977 Kennaway, D. J., Matthews, C. D., Seamark, R. F., Frith, R. G., & Phillipou, G. (1977). A Specific radioimmunoassay for melatonin in biological tissue and fluids and its validation by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Endocrinology, 101(1), 119-127.
Scopus165 WoS213 Europe PMC921977 LeCornu, A., Matthews, C. D., & Kennaway, D. J. (1977). Preliminary observations on the effect of various drugs on plasma melatonin in humans. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 4(5), 489. 1977 Matthews, C. D., Kennaway, D. J., Phillipou, G., Firth, B., LeCornu, A., Schilthuis, M., & Seamark, R. F. (1977). MELATON1N AND PINEAL GLAND FUNCTION DURING THE FETAL LIFE OF THE SHEEP AND DURING HUMAN PREGNANCY. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 84(3), 235.
Scopus1 WoS11976 Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1976). Increase in melatonin content of fetal sheep pineal tissue approaching term. Theriogenology, 6(6), 626.
1976 Kennaway, D., & Seamark, R. F. (1976). Proceedings: Pineal gland changes during the period of blastocyst activation in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii.. Journal of reproduction and fertility, 46(2), 503-504.
Scopus2 Europe PMC11975 Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1975). The occurrence of hydroxyindole O methyltransferase activity in fetal sheep pineal tissue and its relationship to preparturient endocrine changes. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 45(3), 529-531.
Scopus9 WoS10 Europe PMC7 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2003 Kennaway, D. (2003). Drug effects on suprachiasmatic nuclei function. In Peter Redfern (Ed.), Chronotherapeutics (pp. 343-368). 1 Lambeth High St, London SE1 7JN, UK: Pharmaceutical Press. 1992 Kennaway, D. J., & Seamark, R. F. (1992). Introduction. In Unknown Book (Vol. 30, pp. 7). Elsevier BV.
DOI1981 Kennaway, D. J., Matthews, C. D., & Seamark, R. F. (1981). Pineal function in pregnancy: studies in sheep and man. In Pineal Function (pp. 123-136). Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2018 Grant, C., Coates, A., Dorrian, J., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., Heilbronn, L., . . . Banks, S. (2018). Glucose metabolism is impacted by timing of food intake during simulated night shift. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 27 (pp. 1 page). Brisbane, AUSTRALIA: WILEY. 2018 Gupta, C., Dorrian, J., Centofanti, S., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., . . . Banks, S. (2018). Eating a large meal during the nightshift may increase accident risk on the commute home. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 27 (pp. 1 page). Brisbane, AUSTRALIA: WILEY. 2016 Gradisar, M., Jackson, K., Spurrier, N., Gibson, J., Whitham, J., Sved-Williams, A., . . . Kennaway, D. (2016). A randomised controlled trial of behavioural treatments for infant sleep problems: effects on sleep, infant and maternal stress, and attachment. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 138). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Gupta, C., Dorrian, J., Grant, C., Pajcin, M., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2016). Eating during the nightshift: the impact of meal timing on driving performance during simulated shift work. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 105-106). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Lovato, N., Lack, L., & Kennaway, D. J. (2016). Comparing the therapeutic effect of cognitive-behavior therapy for older adults suffering from insomnia with short and normal objective sleep duration. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 212). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Lovato, N., Micic, G., Gradisar, M., Ferguson, S. A., Burgess, H. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Lack, L. (2016). Can circadian phase be estimated in patients with Delayed Sleep Wake Phase Disorder?. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 204). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Magee, M., Sletten, T. L., Archer, S., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Bartlett, D. J., . . . Rajaratnam, S. M. (2016). The role of <i>PERIOD3</i> gene polymorphisms in the response to melatonin treatment in Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 56). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Sletten, T. L., Magee, M., Murray, J., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Kennaway, D. J., . . . Rajaratnam, S. W. (2016). Randomised controlled trial of melatonin to improve sleep initiation and daytime impairments in Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 298). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Murray, J. M., Sletten, T. L., Magee, M., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Bartlett, D. J., . . . Rajaratnam, S. M. W. (2016). Comparison of subjective sleep-wake characteristics and mood in Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder with and without an associated circadian phase angle disorder. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 25 (pp. 203). Bologna, ITALY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2014 Sweetman, A., Lack, L., Lovato, N., Wright, H., & Kennaway, D. (2014). Correlates of improvements in daytime impairments during cognitive behavioural therapy for primary insomnia. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 23 (pp. 135). Tallinn, ESTONIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2014 Micic, G., Lovato, N., Gradisar, M., Ferguson, S. A., Burgess, H. J., Kennaway, D. J., & Lack, L. C. (2014). Nocturnal melatonin profiles in delayed sleep phase disorder compared with normal sleepers. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 23 (pp. 125). Tallinn, ESTONIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2011 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S. A., Matthews, R. W., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D. J., & Roach, G. D. (2011). DOES SUBJECTIVE ALERTNESS PROVIDE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF PERFORMANCE IMPAIRMENT?. In SLEEP Vol. 34 (pp. A72-A73). Minneapolis, MN: OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2011 Paech, G. M., Ferguson, S. A., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Matthews, R. W., Heath, G., . . . Roach, G. D. (2011). CIRCADIAN REGULATION BEWARE, THERE'S HOMEOSTATIC PRESSURE FOR SLEEP IN THE AIR. In SLEEP Vol. 34 (pp. A55). Minneapolis, MN: OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2011 Kennaway, D. (2011). Genetic influences on the timing of sleep. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 20 (pp. 7). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2011 Matthews, R. W., Ferguson, S. A., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Zhou, X., Heath, G., . . . Roach, G. D. (2011). REACTION TIME AND ERRORS ON THE PSYCHOMOTOR VIGILANCE TASK: THE INFLUENCE OF INTERSTIMULUS INTERVAL. In SLEEP Vol. 34 (pp. A113). Minneapolis, MN: OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2011 Matthews, R. W., Ferguson, S. A., Zhou, X., Heath, G., Paech, G., Kennaway, D. J., & Roach, G. D. (2011). Driving with a cocktail of extended wake, sleep restriction and biological night. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH Vol. 20 (pp. 37). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2010 Kennaway, D. J. (2010). Chronobiology and assisted conception. In HUMAN REPRODUCTION Vol. 25 (pp. I17). Rome, ITALY: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. 2010 Kennaway, D. J. (2010). Clock genes at the heart of depression. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Vol. 20 (pp. S642). Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
DOI2010 Williams, L., Dorrian, J., Ferguson, S. A., Darwent, D., Sargent, C., Kennaway, D. J., . . . Roach, G. D. (2010). EFFECTS OF CIRCADIAN PHASE, PRIOR WAKEFULNESS AND SLEEP RESTRICTION ON MOOD REGULATION IN HEALTHY PARTICIPANTS. In SLEEP Vol. 33 (pp. A96-A97). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2010 Williams, L., Dorrian, J., Ferguson, S. A., Darwent, D., Sargent, C., Kennaway, D. J., . . . Roach, G. D. (2010). CIRCADIAN AND SLEEP/WAKE MODULATION OF MOOD IN HEALTHY SUBJECTS. In SLEEP Vol. 33 (pp. A70). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2010 Paech, G. M., Ferguson, S. A., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Zhou, X., Williams, L., . . . Roach, G. D. (2010). THE RELATIVE INFLUENCE OF CIRCADIAN AND HOMEOSTATIC PROCESSES ON SLEEP DURING FORCED DESYNCHRONY WITH A RESTRICTED SLEEP OPPORTUNITY. In SLEEP Vol. 33 (pp. A86). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2010 Roach, G. D., Sargent, C., Paech, G. M., Williams, L., Zhou, X., Matthews, R. W., . . . Ferguson, S. A. (2010). FORCED DESYNCHRONY WITH SLEEP RESTRICTION AFFECTS SLEEP EFFICIENCY IN HEALTHY YOUNG MALES. In SLEEP Vol. 33 (pp. A69-A70). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2010 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S. A., Matthews, R. W., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Williams, L., . . . Roach, G. D. (2010). SLEEP, WAKE, AND PHASE DEPENDENT CHANGES IN NEUROBEHAVIOURAL PERFORMANCE. In SLEEP Vol. 33 (pp. A69). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2010 Sargent, C., Ferguson, S. A., Heath, G., Kennaway, D. J., Dawson, D., & Roach, G. D. (2010). GLUCOSE TOLERANCE IS IMPAIRED FOLLOWING EIGHT CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF SLEEP RESTRICTION AND SLEEP DISPLACEMENT. In SLEEP Vol. 33 (pp. A70). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2010 Zhou, X., Ferguson, S., Matthews, R., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Kennaway, D., & Roach, G. (2010). Sleep, wake and phase dependent changes in subjective alertness. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chronobiology Society 7th Annual Meeting (pp. 19-23). Australia: Australasian Chronobiology Society. 2010 Hampton, L., Darwent, D., Matthews, R., Heath, G., Ferguson, S., Sargent, C., . . . Roach, G. (2010). The influence of circadian phase and prior wake on positive and negative mood during a sleep-restricted forced desynchrony protocol. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chronobiology Society 7th Annual Meeting (pp. 13-17). Australia: Australasian Chronobiology Society. 2010 Heath, G., Sargent, C., Darwent, D., Ferguson, S., Kennaway, D., Hampton, L., . . . Roach, G. (2010). Subjective mood is influenced by sleep-related and circadian processes in a forced desynchrony protocol with severe sleep restriction. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chronobiology Society 7th Annual Meeting (pp. 7-11). Australia: Australasian Chronobiology Society. 1991 FIRTH, B. T., KENNAWAY, D. J., & BELAN, I. (1991). THERMOPERIODIC FACTORS REGULATING MELATONIN RHYTHMS IN LIZARDS. In A. FOLDERS, & R. J. REITER (Eds.), ADVANCES IN PINEAL RESEARCH : 6 Vol. 6 (pp. 103-106). BOWRAL, AUSTRALIA: JOHN LIBBEY & CO.
WoS81976 MATTHEWS, C. D., KOWANKO, I. C., SEAMARK, R. F., & KENNAWAY, D. J. (1976). PINEAL FUNCTION IN PREGNANT SHEEP. In AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY Vol. 16 (pp. 250-251). AUSTRALIAN NZ J OBSTET GYNAEC. 1976 MATTHEWS, C. D., KENNAWAY, D. J., LECORNU, A., & SEAMARK, R. F. (1976). MELATONIN IN PREGNANT HUMANS AND SHEEP. In AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY Vol. 16 (pp. 252). AUSTRALIAN NZ J OBSTET GYNAEC. 1976 Matthews, C. D., Kowanko, I. C., Kennaway, D., & Seamark, R. F. (1976). Proceedings: Melatonin in fetal and maternal ovine plasma.. In Journal of reproduction and fertility Vol. 46 (pp. 498-499). England: J REPROD FERTIL INC.
WoS21974 Kennaway, D., Matthews, C. D., Umpathy, S. K., & Seamark, R. F. (1974). Proceedings: Pineal function in fetal and neonatal lambs.. In Journal of reproduction and fertility Vol. 36 (pp. 468-469). England: J REPROD FERTIL INC.
DOI WoS1 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Matthews, R., Roma, P., Hursh, S., Centofanti, S., Yates, C., Stepien, J., . . . Banks, S. (2019). Team Cohesion under sleep loss. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. Sydney, AUSTRALIA: WILEY. 2019 Stepien, J., Dorrian, J., Kennaway, D., Coates, A., Yates, C., Centofanti, S., . . . Banks, S. (2019). Individual variation in melatonin responses under constant lighting (100lux) during simulated night shiftwork. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. Sydney, AUSTRALIA: WILEY. 2018 Kennaway, D., Lack, L., Lovato, N., & Wright, H. (2018). Evaluation of a brief treatment program of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for insomnia (CBTi) in older adults. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2nd APS Congress: Psychology advancing into a new age (APS 2018), as published in Australian Psychologist. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Wiley.
DOI2018 Gupta, C., Dorrian, J., Centofanti, S., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., . . . Banks, S. (2018). Meal inertia: the impact of eating different sized meals on vigilant attention throughout the night. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS 2018), as published in Sleep. Baltimore, MD: Oxford University Press.
DOI2017 Gupta, C., Dorrian, J., Centofanti, S., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., . . . Coro, D. (2017). THE IMPACT OF A MEAL, SNACK, OR NOT EATING DURING THE NIGHTSHIFT ON DRIVING PERFORMANCE. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. Auckland, NEW ZEALAND: WILEY.
DOI WoS22017 Stepien, J., Dorrian, J., Centofanti, S., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., . . . Banks, S. (2017). PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF THE VARIABILITY IN MELATONIN ONSET IN SELF-REPORTED INTERMEDIATE CHRONOTYPES. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. Auckland, NEW ZEALAND: WILEY.
DOI2017 Varcoe, T. J., Gatford, K. L., Liu, H., Kuchel, T. R., & Kennaway, D. J. (2017). Simulated Shift Work in the Pregnant Sheep Disrupts Maternal Rhythms and Metabolism.. Poster session presented at the meeting of REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES. Orlando, FL: SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC. 2017 Burns, A. C., Sletten, T. L., Magee, M., Hawi, Z., Nicholas, C. L., Saxena, R., . . . Cain, S. W. (2017). BDNF val66met polymorphism impacts alertness and performance in shift workers. Poster session presented at the meeting of SLEEP. Boston, MA: Oxford University Press (OUP).
DOI2016 Sletten, T. L., Magee, M., Murray, J., Gordon, C., Lovato, N., Kennaway, D. J., . . . Rajaratnam, S. M. W. (2016). Melatonin for improving sleep initiation and daytime impairments in delayed sleep phase disorder. Poster session presented at the meeting of Journal of Sleep Research. Adelaide: Wiley. 2016 Gupta, C., Dorrian, J., Grant, C., Pajcin, M., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2016). DRIVING PERFORMANCE IS WORSE AFTER EATING DURING THE NIGHTSHIFT. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Grant, C., Dorrian, J., Coates, A., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., Heilbronn, L., . . . Banks, S. (2016). EATING VS. NOT EATING AT NIGHT DIFFERENTIALLY AFFECTS PERFORMANCE DURING THE NIGHTSHIFT. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. WILEY-BLACKWELL.
WoS12016 Grant, C., Coates, A., Dorrian, J., Kennaway, D., Wittert, G., Heilbronn, L., . . . Banks, S. (2016). Eating on Simulated Night Shift Effects Glucose Response to Breakfast: Pilot Study. Poster session presented at the meeting of FASEB JOURNAL. San Diego, CA: FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL.
WoS12013 Swinbourne, A. M., Kelly, J., Kind, K., Kennaway, D., & Van Wettere, W. (2013). The effects of season and moderate feed restriction on oocyte developmental competence in cycling gilts. Poster session presented at the meeting of 14th Australasian Pig Science Association Manipulating Pig Production 2013 Conference. Melbourne, Victoria. Australia. 2012 Kentish, S., Wittert, G., Symonds, E., Kennaway, D., & Page, A. (2012). Circadian variations in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity and satiety signalling. Poster session presented at the meeting of NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2009 Varcoe, T. J., Salkeld, M., Mocaer, E., Seguin, L., & Kennaway, D. J. (2009). Effects of chronic agomelatine administration on the expression of a panel of genes in various brain areas of rats. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 22nd Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology as published in European Neuropsychopharmacology. Istanbul, Turkey: Elsevier B.V..
DOI WoS2 -
Year Citation 2002 Kennaway, D. (2002). 6403651, Mediation of circadian rhythms. Australia.
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2004 - 2008 Principal Supervisor The Role of Circadian Rhythms in Reproduction: Development and Fertility in the bmal1 Null Mouse Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Michael Boden 2004 - 2008 Principal Supervisor The Role of Serotonin-2C Receptors in the Rat Circadian System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Tamara Varcoe
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2014 - ongoing Board Member Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology - - 2014 - ongoing Board Member Chronobiology International: the journal of biological and medical rhythm research - - 2008 - ongoing Board Member Journal of Biological Rhythms - -
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