Stefan Hiendleder
School of Animal and Veterinary Science
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Stefan Hiendleder studied Animal Science 1982-1987 at Justus-Liebig University (JLU) of Giessen, Germany where he obtained a PhD (Dr.agr.) working on sheep endocrinology and cellular metabolism in 1989. He was appointed Assistant Professor Animal Breeding and Genetics at JLU in 1990. After sabbaticals at the Academy of Sciences, Kazakhstan (1991) and the University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1993) he obtained a habilitation degree in Animal Genetics (Dr.agr.habil.) with a thesis on 'Isolation and Characterization of QTL Candidates in Ruminants' in 1996. He worked at JLU as Associate Professor until joining the Molecular Animal Breeding and Biotechnology Group at the Gene Center of the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, Germany in 2001. Dr. Hiendleder focused on the emerging field of Epigenetics and completed a second habilitation degree in Reproductive Biotechnology and Functional Genomics (Dr.med.vet.habil.) with the thesis ‘Non-Mendelian Effects in Animal Biotechnology'. He was appointed JS Davies Professorial Fellow 2005-2020 and investigates non-mendelian genetic and epigenetic effects in the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Davies Research Centre and the Robinson Research Institute.
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My research covers Functional Genomics and Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology in animals and humans with a special focus on non-mendelian inheritance and large animal models for human medicine.
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2015 Award Visiting Professor Award The University of Sassari Italy - 2004 Award Research Award Molecular Animal Breeding Academy for Animal Health Germany - 1999 Award H. Wilhelm Schaumann Foundation Award Biotechnology in Animal Breeding H. Wilhelm Schaumann Foundation Germany - 1990 Award Dissertation Award Justus Liebig University Germany - -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 MacPhillamy, C., Chen, T., Hiendleder, S., Williams, J. L., Alinejad-Rokny, H., & Low, W. Y. (2024). DNA methylation analysis to differentiate reference, breed, and parent-of-origin effects in the bovine pangenome era. Gigascience, 13, giae061-1-giae061-18.
Europe PMC12023 Ren, Y., Tseng, E., Smith, T. P. L., Hiendleder, S., Williams, J. L., & Low, W. Y. (2023). Long read isoform sequencing reveals hidden transcriptional complexity between cattle subspecies.. BMC genomics, 24(1), 15 pages.
Scopus3 Europe PMC42023 MacPhillamy, C., Ren, Y., Chen, T., Hiendleder, S., & Low, W. Y. (2023). MicroRNA breed and parent-of-origin effects provide insights into biological pathways differentiating cattle subspecies in fetal liver. Frontiers in Genetics, 14, 13 pages.
2023 Estrella, C. A. S., Gatford, K. L., Xiang, R., Javadmanesh, A., Ghanipoor-Samami, M., Nattrass, G. S., . . . Kind, K. L. (2023). Asymmetric growth-limiting development of the female conceptus. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14, 1306513-1-1306513-14.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12022 Low, W. Y., Rosen, B. D., Ren, Y., Bickhart, D. M., To, T. -H., Martin, F. J., . . . Smith, T. P. L. (2022). Gaur genome reveals expansion of sperm odorant receptors in domesticated cattle.. BMC genomics, 23(1), 15 pages.
Scopus5 WoS1 Europe PMC12021 Kronenberg, Z. N., Rhie, A., Koren, S., Concepcion, G. T., Peluso, P., Munson, K. M., . . . Kingan, S. B. (2021). Extended haplotype-phasing of long-read de novo genome assemblies using Hi-C.. Nature communications, 12(1), 1935.
Scopus68 WoS32 Europe PMC592021 Marsh, L., Hutchinson, M., McLaughlan, C., Musolino, S., Hebart, M. L., Terry, R., . . . Whittaker, A. (2021). Evaluation of miRNA as biomarkers of emotional valence in pigs. Animals, 7(7), 1-19.
Scopus5 WoS2 Europe PMC32021 Liu, R., Tearle, R., Low, W. Y., Chen, T., Thomsen, D., Smith, T. P. L., . . . Williams, J. L. (2021). Distinctive gene expression patterns and imprinting signatures revealed in reciprocal crosses between cattle sub-species. BMC Genomics, 22(1), 1-10.
Scopus9 Europe PMC62021 Bebbere, D., Ulbrich, S. E., Giller, K., Zakhartchenko, V., Reichenbach, H. D., Reichenbach, M., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2021). Mitochondrial DNA Depletion in Granulosa Cell Derived Nuclear Transfer Tissues. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 13 pages.
Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC32020 Camp, A., Croxford, A. E., Ford, C. S., Baumann, U., Clements, P. R., Hiendleder, S., . . . Wilkinson, M. J. (2020). Dual-locus DNA metabarcoding reveals southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons Owen) have a summer diet dominated by toxic invasive plants.. PLoS One, 15(3), e0229390.
Scopus10 WoS8 Europe PMC62020 Low, W. Y., Tearle, R., Liu, R., Koren, S., Rhie, A., Bickhart, D. M., . . . Williams, J. L. (2020). Haplotype-resolved genomes provide insights into structural variation and gene content in Angus and Brahman cattle. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-14.
Scopus84 WoS60 Europe PMC702020 Latimer-Marsh, L., Terry, R., Whittaker, A., Hiendleder, S., & Ralph, C. (2020). Pronounced inter-individual variation in plasma cortisol response to fluoxetine hydrochloride in the pig. Animals, 10(3), 504-1-504-6.
Scopus12020 Hiendleder, S., Bottema, C. D. K., & Brunner, R. M. (2020). Nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes in the cattle genome. Animal Genetics, 51(1), 148-149.
Scopus1 WoS22019 Liu, R., Low, W. Y., Tearle, R., Koren, S., Ghurye, J., Rhie, A., . . . Williams, J. L. (2019). New insights into mammalian sex chromosome structure and evolution using high-quality sequences from bovine X and Y chromosomes.. BMC Genomics, 20(1), 1000.
Scopus26 WoS20 Europe PMC212019 Liu, R., Low, W. Y., Tearle, R., Koren, S., Ghurye, J., Rhie, A., . . . Williams, J. L. (2019). New Insights into Mammalian Sex Chromosome Structure and Evolution from High-quality Bovine X and Y Chromosome Sequences.
2019 Liu, R., Low, W. Y., Tearle, R., Koren, S., Ghurye, J., Rhie, A., . . . Williams, J. L. (2019). New Insights into Mammalian Sex Chromosome Structure and Evolution from High-quality Bovine X and Y Chromosome Sequences.
2019 Liu, R., Low, W. Y., Tearle, R., Koren, S., Ghurye, J., Rhie, A., . . . Williams, J. L. (2019). New Insights into Mammalian Sex Chromosome Structure and Evolution from High-quality Bovine X and Y Chromosome Sequences.
2018 Ghanipoor-Samami, M., Javadmanesh, A., Burns, B., Thomsen, D., Nattrass, G., Estrella, C., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2018). Atlas of tissue- and developmental stage specific gene expression for the bovine insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system. PLoS ONE, 13(7), e0200466.
Scopus22 WoS13 Europe PMC112018 Burns, B., Hiendleder, S., Laing, A., Fordyce, G., & Herring, A. (2018). Ultrasonographic measurements in first trimester concepti identify predictors of birth weight and postnatal development in cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 96(10), 4186-4194.
Scopus4 WoS32018 Koren, S., Rhie, A., Walenz, B. P., Dilthey, A. T., Bickhart, D. M., Kingan, S. B., . . . Phillippy, A. M. (2018). De novo assembly of haplotype-resolved genomes with trio binning. Nature biotechnology, 36(12), 1174-1182.
Scopus287 WoS193 Europe PMC2242017 Estrella, C. A. S., Kind, K. L., Derks, A., Xiang, R., Faulkner, N., Mohrdick, M., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2017). Remodelling of the bovine placenta: Comprehensive morphological and histomorphological characterization at the late embryonic and early accelerated fetal growth stages. Placenta, 55, 37-46.
Scopus7 WoS4 Europe PMC12015 Kleemann, D., Kelly, J., Rudiger, S., McMillen, I., Morrison, J., Zhang, S., . . . Walker, S. (2015). Effect of periconceptional nutrition on the growth, behaviour and survival of the neonatal lamb. Animal Reproduction Science, 160, 12-22.
Scopus19 WoS16 Europe PMC92014 Fariello, M., Servin, B., Tosser-Klopp, G., Rupp, R., Moreno, C., Cristobal, M., . . . Whan, V. (2014). Selection signatures in worldwide sheep populations. PLoS One, 9(8), e103813-1-e103813.
Scopus1282014 Brien, F. D., Cloete, S. W. P., Fogarty, N. M., Greeff, J. C., Hebart, M. L., Hiendleder, S., . . . Miller, D. R. (2014). A review of the genetic and epigenetic factors affecting lamb survival. Animal Production Science, 54(6), 667-693.
Scopus51 WoS442014 Xiang, R., Lee, A., Eindorf, T., Javadmanesh, A., Ghanipoor-Samami, M., Gugger, M., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2014). Widespread differential maternal and paternal genome effects on fetal bone phenotype at mid-gestation. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 29(11), 2392-2404.
Scopus10 WoS5 Europe PMC82013 Heaton, M., & Hiendleder, S. (2013). Genetic testing for TMEM154 mutations associated with lentivirus susceptibility in sheep. PLoS One, 8(2), e55490-1-e55490-11.
2013 Bebbere, D., Bauersachs, S., Furst, R., Reichenbach, H., Reichenbach, M., Medugorac, I., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2013). Tissue-specific and minor inter-individual variation in imprinting of IGF2R is a common feature of Bos taurus Concepti and not correlated with fetal weight. PLoS One, 8(4), 1-7.
Scopus13 WoS10 Europe PMC72013 Xiang, R., Ghani Poor Samami, M., Johns, W., Eindorf, T., Rutley, D., Kruk, Z., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2013). Maternal and paternal genomes differentially affect myofibre characteristics and muscle weights of bovine fetuses at midgestation. PLoS One, 8(1), 1-15.
Scopus12 WoS7 Europe PMC102012 Buckberry, S., Bianco-Miotto, T., Hiendleder, S., & Roberts, C. (2012). Quantitative allele-specific expression and DNA methylation analysis of H19, IGF2 and IGF2R in the human placenta across gestation reveals H19 imprinting plasticity. PLoS One, 7(12), 1-11.
Scopus27 WoS23 Europe PMC192012 Kijas, J. W., Lenstra, J. A., Hayes, B., Boitard, S., Neto, L. R. P., San Cristobal, M., . . . Dalrymple, B. (2012). Genome-Wide Analysis of the World's Sheep Breeds Reveals High Levels of Historic Mixture and Strong Recent Selection. PLOS BIOLOGY, 10(2), 14 pages.
WoS547 Europe PMC4172011 Anand Ivell, R., Hiendleder, S., Vinoles, C., Martin, G., Fitzsimmons, C., Eurich, A., . . . Ivell, R. (2011). INSL3 in the ruminant: A powerful indicator of gender- and genetic-specific feto-maternal dialogue. PLoS One, 6(5), 1-7.
Scopus46 WoS38 Europe PMC222011 Meadows, J., Hiendleder, S., & Kijas, J. (2011). Haplogroup relationships between domestic and wild sheep resolved using a mitogenome panel. Heredity, 106(4), 700-706.
Scopus105 WoS85 Europe PMC572011 Ulbrich, S., Meyer, S., Zitta, K., Hiendleder, S., Sinowatz, F., Bauersachs, S., . . . Meyer, H. (2011). Bovine endometrial metallopeptidases MMP14 and MMP2 and the metallopeptidase inhibitor TIMP2 participate in maternal preparation of pregnancy. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 332(1-2), 48-57.
Scopus58 WoS51 Europe PMC372010 de Montera, B., El Zeihery, D., Muller, S., Jammes, H., Brem, G., Reichenbach, H., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2010). Quantification of leukocyte genomic 5-methylcytosine levels reveals epigenetic plasticity in healthy adult cloned cattle. Cellular Reprogramming, 12(2), 175-181.
Scopus25 WoS19 Europe PMC102010 Novakovic, B., Wong, N., Sibson, M., Ng, H., Morley, R., Manuelpillai, U., . . . Saffery, R. (2010). DNA methylation-mediated Down-regulation of DNA methyltransferase-1 (DNMT1) is coincident with, but not essential for, global hypomethylation in human placenta. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(13), 9583-9593.
Scopus84 WoS71 Europe PMC622010 Lash, G., Burton, G., Chamley, L., Clifton, V., Constancia, M., Crocker, I., . . . Roberts, C. (2010). IFPA Meeting 2009 Workshops Report. Placenta, 31(Suppl), S4-S20.
Scopus11 WoS19 Europe PMC82010 Ng, H., Novakovic, B., Hiendleder, S., Craig, J., Roberts, C., & Saffery, R. (2010). Distinct patterns of gene-specific methylation in mammalian placentas: Implications for placental evolution and function. Placenta, 31(4), 259-268.
Scopus29 WoS23 Europe PMC202010 Ulbrich, S., Zitta, K., Hiendleder, S., & Wolf, E. (2010). In vitro systems for intercepting early embryo-maternal cross-talk in the bovine oviduct. Theriogenology, 73(6), 802-816.
Scopus61 WoS54 Europe PMC342009 Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium., Elsik, C., Tellam, R., & Worley, K. (2009). The genome sequence of Taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution. Science, 324(5926), 522-528.
Scopus970 WoS885 Europe PMC6802008 Hiendleder, S., Lewalski, H., & Janke, A. (2008). Complete mitochondrial genomes of Bos taurus and Bos indicus provide new insights into intraspecies variation taxonomy and domestication. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 120(1-2), 150-156.
Scopus101 WoS86 Europe PMC692007 Hiendleder, S., Bebbere, D., Ulbrich, S. E., Zakhartchenko, V., Weppert, M., Reichenbach, H. -D., . . . Wolf, E. (2007). Evidence for a novel perturbation in cloned fetuses: Mitochondrial DNA depletion. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT, 19(1), 216.
2007 Bebbere, D., Ulbrich, S. E., Zakhartchenko, V., Weppert, M., Reichenbach, H. -D., Meyer, H. H. D., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2007). Phenotypic characteristics and tissue-specific <i>IGF2R/IGF2</i> expression partition bovine fetal overgrowth associated with <i>in vitro</i> fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT, 19(1), 247.
WoS12007 Ulbrich, S. E., Gross, K., Schmidt, S., Blum, H., Rottmayer, R., Hiendleder, S., . . . Bauersachs, S. (2007). Does estradiol-17β cause cycle-dependent modulations of uterine milk protein in bovine endometrium?. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT, 19(1), 202-203.
WoS12006 Wolf, E., Hiendleder, S., Bauersachs, S., Frohlich, T., Sinowatz, F., Blum, H., & Arnold, G. (2006). Methods for transcriptome and proteome research: applications for studying the biology of reproduction in cattle. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 119(1-2), 7-16.
Scopus4 WoS42006 Wolf, E., Arnold, G., Bauersachs, S., Blum, H., Frohlich, T., Hiendleder, S., . . . Reichenbach, H. (2006). Functional genome research - new strategies to improve fertility in cattle. Zuchtungskunde, 78(6), 428-439.
Scopus2 WoS22006 Rottmayer, R., Ulbrich, S., Kolle, S., Prelle, K., Neumueller, C., Sinowatz, F., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2006). A bovine oviduct epithelial cell suspension culture system suitable for studying embryo-maternal interactions: morphological and functional characterization. Reproduction, 132(4), 637-648.
Scopus84 WoS73 Europe PMC522006 Hiendleder, S., Wirtz, M., Mund, C., Klempt, M., Reichenbach, H., Stojkovic, M., . . . Wolf, E. (2006). Tissue-specific effects of in vitro fertilization procedures on genomic cytosine methylation levels in overgrown and normal sized bovine fetuses. Biology of Reproduction, 75(1), 17-23.
Scopus64 WoS55 Europe PMC412006 Ulbrich, S., Rehfeld, S., Bauersachs, S., Wolf, E., Rottmayer, R., Hiendleder, S., . . . Einspanier, R. (2006). Region-specific expression of nitric oxide synthases in the bovine oviduct during the oestrous cycle and in vitro. Journal of Endocrinology, 188(2), 205-213.
Scopus23 WoS23 Europe PMC162005 Flisikowski, K., Hiendleder, S., & Zwierzchowski, L. (2005). Nucleotide Sequence Variation in the Transcription Factor STAT5A 5'-noncoding Region in Bos taurus and Bos indicus Cattle. Biochemical Genetics, 43(7-8), 459-464.
Scopus2 WoS22005 Hiendleder, S., Zakhartchenko, V., & Wolf, E. (2005). Mitochondria and the success of somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning: from nuclear–mitochondrial interactions to mitochondrial complementation and mitochondrial DNA recombination. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 17(2), 69-83.
Scopus47 WoS38 Europe PMC272005 Hiendleder, S., Bauersachs, S., Boulesteix, A., Blum, H., Arnold, G., Frohlich, T., & Wolf, E. (2005). Functional genomics: tools for improving farm animal health and welfare. Revue Scientifique et Technique de l Office International des Epizooties, 24(1), 355-377.
Scopus23 WoS20 Europe PMC72005 Flisikowski, K., Maj, A., Zwierzchowski, L., Adamowicz, T., Świtoński, M., Hiendleder, S., & Pareek, C. (2005). Nucleotide sequence and variation of IGF2 gene exon 6 in Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle. Animal Biotechnology, 16(2), 203-208.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC42004 Hiendleder, S., Mund, C., Reichenbach, H., Wenigerkind, Z., Lyko, F., & Wolf, E. (2004). Tissue-specific elevated genomic cytosine methylation levels are associated with an overgrowth phenotype of bovine fetuses derived by in vitro techniques. Biology of Reproduction, 71(1), 217-223.
Scopus94 WoS82 Europe PMC572004 Hiendleder, S., Bebbere, D., Zakhartchenko, V., Reichenbach, H., Wenigerkind, H., Ledda, S., & Wolf, E. (2004). Maternal-fetal transplacental leakage of mitochondrial DNA in bovine nuclear transfer pregnancies: potential implications for offspring and recipients. Cloning and Stem Cells, 6(2), 150-156.
Scopus25 WoS23 Europe PMC182004 Tamassia, M., Nuttinck, F., May-Panloup, P., Reynier, P., Heyman, Y., Charpigny, G., . . . Chastant-Maillard, S. (2004). In vitro embryo production efficiency in cattle and its association with oocyte adenosine triphosphate content, quantity of mitochondrial DNA, and mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. Biology of Reproduction, 71(2), 697-704.
Scopus96 WoS89 Europe PMC672004 Hiendleder, S., Prelle, K., Bruggerhoff, K., Reichenbach, H., Wenigerkind, H., Bebbere, D., . . . Wolf, E. (2004). Nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions affect in utero developmental capacity, phenotype, and cellular metabolism of bovine nuclear transfer fetuses. Biology of Reproduction, 70(4), 1196-1205.
Scopus41 WoS34 Europe PMC222003 Bennewitz, J., Reinsch, N., Grohs, C., Leveziel, H., Malafosse, A., Thomsen, H., . . . Kalm, E. (2003). Combined analysis of data from two granddaughter designs: A simple strategy for QTL confirmation and increasing experimental power in dairy cattle. Genetics Selection Evolution, 35(3), 319-338.
Scopus73 WoS66 Europe PMC462003 Kuhn, C., Bennewitz, J., Reinsch, N., Xu, N., Thomsen, H., Looft, C., . . . Kalm, E. (2003). Quantitative trait loci mapping of functional traits in the German Holstein cattle population. Journal of Dairy Science, 86(1), 360-368.
Scopus141 WoS133 Europe PMC862003 Wolf, E., Arnold, G., Bauersachs, S., Beier, H., Blum, H., Einspanier, R., . . . Sinowatz, F. (2003). Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine – Strategies for Deciphering a Complex Cross-Talk. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 38(4), 276-289.
Scopus149 WoS136 Europe PMC952003 Hiendleder, S., & Wolf, E. (2003). The mitochondrial genome in embryo technologies. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 38(4), 290-304.
Scopus28 WoS23 Europe PMC142003 Hiendleder, S., Thomsen, H., Reinsch, N., Bennewitz, J., Leyhe-Horn, B., Looft, C., . . . Erhardt, G. (2003). Mapping of QTL for body conformation and behavior in cattle.. Journal of Heredity, 94(6), 496-506.
Scopus88 WoS73 Europe PMC432003 Hiendleder, S., Zakhartchenko, V., Wenigerkind, H., Reichenbach, H., Bruggerhoff, K., Prelle, K., . . . Wolf, E. (2003). Heteroplasmy in bovine fetuses produced by intra and inter subspecific somatic cell nuclear transfer: Neutral segregation of nuclear donor mitochondrial DNA in various tissues and evidence for recipient cow mitochondria in fetal blood.. Biology of Reproduction, 68(1), 159-166.
Scopus75 WoS70 Europe PMC472002 Bruggerhoff, K., Zakhartchenko, V., Wenigerkind, H., Reichenbach, H., Prelle, K., Schernthaner, W., . . . Wolf, E. (2002). Bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer using recipient oocytes recovered by ovum pick up. Effect of maternal lineage of oocyte donors.. Biology of Reproduction, 66(2), 367-373.
Scopus61 WoS54 Europe PMC392002 Hiendleder, S., Reiner, G., Gelderman, H., & Dzapo, V. (2002). SNPs in the porcine INHA gene and linkage mapping to SSC15. Animal Genetics, 33(3), 247-248.
Scopus9 WoS9 Europe PMC62002 Thomsen, H., Reinsch, N., Xu, N., Looft, C., Grupe, S., Kuhn, C., . . . Kalm, E. (2002). Mapping of the bovine blood group systems J, N', R', and Z show evidence for oligo-genetic inheritance. Animal Genetics, 33(2), 107-117.
Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC32002 Hiendleder, S., Kaupe, B., Wassmuth, R., & Janke, A. (2002). Molecular analysis of wild and domestic sheep questions current nomenclature and provides evidence for domestication from two different subspecies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 269(1494), 893-904.
Scopus231 WoS196 Europe PMC862001 Leyhe-Horn, B., Ziron, C., Prinzenberg, E. M., Barendse, W., Hiendleder, S., & Erhardt, G. (2001). Rapid communication: Mapping of Oxytocin (OXT) to the central region of bovine chromosome 13 by linkage analysis using SSCP. Journal of Animal Science, 79(3), 777-778.
Scopus1 WoS12001 Leyhe-Horn, B., Ziron, C., Prinzenberg, E., Barendse, W., Hiendleder, S., & Erhardt, G. (2001). Mapping of oxytocin (OXT) to the central region of bovine chromosome 13 by linkage analysis using SSCP. Journal of Animal Science, 79(3), 777-778. 2001 Thomsen, H., Reinsch, N., Xu, N., Looft, C., Grupe, S., Kuhn, C., . . . Kalm, E. (2001). Comparison of estimated breeding values, daughter yield deviations and de-regressed proofs within a whole genome scan for QTL. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics-zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie, 118(6), 357-370.
Scopus42 WoS372001 Thomsen, H., Reinsch, N., Xu, N., Bennewitz, J., Looft, C., Grupe, S., . . . Kalm, E. (2001). A whole genome scan for differences in recombination rates among three Bos taurus breeds. Mammalian Genome, 12(9), 724-728.
Scopus13 WoS12 Europe PMC112001 Maddox, J., Davies, K., Crawford, A., Hulme, D., Vaiman, D., Cribiu, E., . . . van Hest, B. (2001). An enhanced linkage map of the sheep genome comprising more than 1000 loci. Genome Research, 11(7), 1275-1289.
Scopus222 WoS203 Europe PMC1362001 Hiendleder, S., Janke, A., & Wassmuth, R. (2001). Molecular data on wild sheep genetic resources and domestic sheep evolution. Archiv fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding, 44(SUPPL. 2), 271-279.
Scopus12001 Wassmuth, R., Beuing, R., & Hiendleder, S. (2001). Some problems and perspectives of sheep breeding research. Archiv fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding, 44(SUPPL. 2), 249-257.
Scopus12001 Wassmuth, R., Hiendleder, S., Mendel, C., & Erhardt, G. (2001). Biochemical polymorphisms and major mtDNA haplotypes in Bergschaf breeds and Waldschaf as contribution to descent of domestic sheep. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 118(5), 327-340.
Scopus3 WoS32000 Lühken, G., Hiendleder, S., Prinzenberg, E. M., & Erhardt, G. (2000). Rapid communication: A single-strand conformation polymorphism in the ovine interleukin-2 (IL-2) gene. Journal of Animal Science, 78(10), 2754-2755.
Scopus6 WoS4 Europe PMC42000 Weimann, C., Hiendleder, S., Vaiman, D., & Erhardt, G. (2000). Rapid communication: genetic linkage mapping of a caprine microsatellite derived from a genomic clone containing the INHA gene.. Journal of animal science, 78(9), 2481-2482.
Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC12000 Hiendleder, S., Dodds, K. G., & Wassmuth, R. (2000). Linkage mapping of the ovine α-inhibin (INHA), β(A)-inhibin/activin (INHBA), and β(B)-inhibin/activin (INHBB) genes. Journal of Heredity, 91(4), 343-345.
Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC12000 Thomsen, H., Reinsch, N., Xu, N., Looft, C., Grupe, S., Kühn, C., . . . Kalm, E. (2000). A male bovine linkage map for the ADR granddaughter design. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 117(5), 289-306.
Scopus33 WoS321999 Lühken, G., Hiendleder, S., & Erhardt, G. (1999). Molecular characterization of the ovine interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene. Archiv fur Tierzucht, 42, 106-108. 1999 Reinsch, N., Thomsen, H., Xu, N., Brink, M., Looft, C., Kalm, E., . . . Averdunk, G. (1999). A QTL for the degree of spotting in cattle shows synteny with the KIT locus on chromosome 6. Journal of Heredity, 90(6), 629-634.
Scopus48 WoS44 Europe PMC221999 Hiendleder, S., Döring, C., Weimann, C., & Erhardt, G. (1999). Rapid Communication: Human Melanocortin Receptor Sequences Reveal a Sad Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism at the Porcine Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Receptor (MC2R) Locus. Journal of Animal Science, 77(8), 2313-2314.
1999 Hiendleder, S., Phua, S. H., & Hecht, W. (1999). A diagnostic assay discriminating between two major Ovis aries mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. Animal Genetics, 30(3), 211-213.
Scopus22 WoS15 Europe PMC31999 Hiendleder, S., Schmutz, S. M., Erhardt, G., Green, R. D., & Plante, Y. (1999). Transmitochondrial differences and varying levels of heteroplasmy in nuclear transfer cloned cattle. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 54(1), 24-31.
Scopus115 WoS105 Europe PMC721998 Hiendleder, S., Lewalski, H., Wassmuth, R., & Janke, A. (1998). The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and comparison with the other major ovine haplotype. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 47(4), 441-448.
Scopus168 WoS147 Europe PMC921998 Hiendleder, S. (1998). A low rate of replacement substitutions in two major Ovis aries mitochondrial genomes. Animal Genetics, 29(2), 116-122.
Scopus24 WoS21 Europe PMC131998 Hiendleder, S., Mainz, K., Plante, Y., & Lewalski, H. (1998). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA indicates that domestic sheep are derived from two different ancestral maternal sources: No evidence for contributions from urial and argali sheep. Journal of Heredity, 89(2), 113-120.
Scopus214 WoS166 Europe PMC951998 Hiendleder, S. (1998). A divergent mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence in domestic sheep does not originate from Arkal (Ovis vignei arkal). Archiv fur Tierzucht, 41(1-2), 123-128.
Scopus1 WoS11997 Prinzenberg, E. M., Hiendleder, S., Ikonen, T., & Erhardt, G. (1997). Molecular genetic characterization of new bovine kappa-casein alleles CSN3(F) and CSN3(G) and genotyping by PCR-RFLP (vol 27, pg 347, 1996). ANIMAL GENETICS, 28(1), 72. 1997 Prinzenberg, E., Hiendleder, S., Ikonen, T., & Erhardt, G. (1997). Erratum: Molecular genetic characterization of new bovine kappa-casein alleles CSN3(F) and CSN3(G) and genotyping by PCR-RFLP (Animal Genetics (1996) 27: (347-349)). Animal Genetics, 28(1), 72. 1997 Prinzenberg, E. M., Hiendleder, S., & Erhardt, G. (1997). A trinucleotide repeat polymorphism is present in bovine CSN1S1. Animal Genetics, 28(5), 379-380.
Scopus2 Europe PMC11997 Hiendleder, S. (1997). Rapid communication: nucleotide sequence of ovine mitochondrial genes for tRNA glycine and cytochrome c-oxidase subunit III.. Journal of animal science, 75(8), 2284.
1996 Prinzenberg, E. M., Hiendleder, S., Ikonen, T., & Erhardt, G. (1996). Molecular genetic characterization of new bovine kappa-casein alleles CSN3<sup>F</sup> and CSN3<sup>G</sup> and genotyping by PCR-RFLP. Animal Genetics, 27(5), 347-349.
Scopus30 WoS22 Europe PMC71996 Hiendleder, S., Weimann, C., Leyhe, B., Muller-Schlosser, F., & Erhardt, G. (1996). A PstI RFLP at the bovine INHBA locus. Animal Genetics, 27(3), 212.
1996 Anastassiadis, C., Leyhe, B., Olsaker, I., Friedl, R., Rottmann, O., Hiendleder, S., & Erhardt, G. (1996). Three polymorphic microsatellites for bovine chromosomes 7, 12 and 19.. Animal genetics, 27(2), 125-126.
Scopus4 WoS5 Europe PMC21996 Hiendleder, S. (1996). Molecular characterization of the sheep mitochondrial genome. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS, 113(4-5), 293-302.
WoS91996 Hiendleder, S., Leyhe, B., Jaeger, C., Erhardt, G., & Wassmuth, R. (1996). Molecular characterization of ovine alpha-, beta(A)- and beta(B)-inhibin/activin alleles. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS, 113(4-5), 363-372.
WoS61995 Hiendleder, S., Herrmann, M., Dzapo, V., & Wassmuth, R. (1995). Mitochondrial respiratory metabolism and growth performance of lambs .1. Respiratory-chain enzyme activities. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS, 112(5-6), 373-380.
WoS11995 Hiendleder, S., Herrmann, M., & Waßmuth, R. (1995). Mitochondrial respiratory metabolism and growth performance of lambs. II. Oxygen consumption and oxidative phosphorylation. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 112(1-6), 381-390.
Scopus5 WoS51995 Goldammer, T., Brunner, R. M., Hiendleder, S., & Schwerin, M. (1995). Comparative mapping of sheep inhibin subunits α (INHA) and β<inf>B</inf>INHBB to Chromosome 2 in goat by FISH. Mammalian Genome, 6(9), 685-686.
Scopus8 WoS71995 Weimann, C., Jäger, C., Grandke, R., & Hiendleder, S. (1995). A BglII polymorphism at the porcine INHBB locus. Animal Genetics, 26(3), 212.
Scopus11995 Goldammer, T., Brunner, R. M., Hiendleder, S., & Schwerin, M. (1995). Comparative mapping of sheep inhibin subunit β<inf>b</inf> to chromosome 2 in sheep and cattle by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Animal Genetics, 26(3), 199-200.
Scopus9 WoS11 Europe PMC41995 Hiendleder, S., Jannaber, U., Weimann, C., & Grandke, R. (1995). RFLP markers for the porcine INHA locus. Animal Genetics, 26(2), 131-132.
Scopus1 WoS2 Europe PMC21995 Hiendleder, S., Weimann, C., & Grandke, R. (1995). A TaqI RFLP at the bovine INHA locus. Animal Genetics, 26(2), 125.
WoS11995 Brunner, R. M., Goldammer, T., Hiendleder, S., Jäger, C., & Schwerin, M. (1995). Comparative mapping of the gene coding for Inhibin-α (INHA) to Chromosome 2 in sheep and cattle. Mammalian Genome, 6(4), 309.
Scopus4 WoS5 Europe PMC21995 Brunner, R. M., Goldammer, T., Hiendleder, S., Jäger, C., & Schwerin, M. (1995). Mapping of the gene encoding for Inhibin-βA (INHBA) to Chromosome 4q26 in sheep. Mammalian Genome, 6(4), 308-309.
WoS21995 Hiendleder, S. (1995). Sequence variation in the ovine cytochrome‐b gene. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 112(1-6), 75-80.
Scopus2 WoS41994 Leyhe, B., Hiendleder, S., Jaeger, C., & Wassmuth, R. (1994). Pronounced differences in the frequency of TaqI βA‐inhibin alleles between sheep breeds with different reproductive performance. Animal Genetics, 25(1), 41-43.
WoS41993 Schmahl, G., Leyhe, B., Hiendleder, S., & Wassmuth, R. (1993). An Eco RI polymorphism at the ovine enolase 1 (ENOl) locus. Animal Genetics, 24(1), 70.
Scopus1 WoS11992 Hiendleder, S., Jaeger, C., Leyhe, B., & Wassmuth, R. (1992). Mendelian inheritance of a Taq I polymorphism at the ovine βB‐Inhibin (INHBB) locus. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 109(1-6), 320.
Scopus3 WoS41992 HIENDLEDER, S., LEYHE, B., JAEGER, C., & WASSMUTH, R. (1992). A TaqI polymorphism at the ovine β<inf>A</inf>‐inhibin (INHBA) locus. Animal Genetics, 23(3), 291.
Scopus6 WoS7 Europe PMC21992 HIENDLEDER, S., HECHT, W., DZAPO, V., & WASSMUTH, R. (1992). Ovine mitochondrial DNA: restriction enzyme analysis, mapping and sequencing data. Animal Genetics, 23(2), 151-160.
Scopus13 WoS2 Europe PMC11991 Hiendleder, S., Hecht, W., & Wassmuth, R. (1991). Restriction enzyme analysis of cytoplasmic genetic variation in sheep. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 108(1-6), 290-298.
Scopus7 WoS10 -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2010 Burns, B. M., Herring, A. D., Laing, A., Fordyce, G., Bertram, J., Grant, T., & Hiendleder, S. (2010). Unrecognized variation in gestation length and birth weight of Droughtmaster calves produced through fixed-time AI. In M. C. Lucy, J. L. Pate, M. F. Smith, & T. E. Spencer (Eds.), REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC RUMINANTS VII Vol. 67 (pp. 585). Anchorage, AK: NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2009 Kleemann, D., Kelly, J., Rudiger, S., Morrison, J., McMillen, I., Zhang, S., . . . Walker, S. (2009). Periconception nutrition: effects on gestation length, lamb survival, body and organ growth. In Y. Chilliard, F. Glasser, Y. Faulconnier, F. Bocquier, I. Veissier, & M. Doreau (Eds.), Ruminant physiology: Digestion, Metabolism and Effects of Nutrition on Reproduction and Welfare : Proceedings of the XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (pp. 746-747). France: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2009 de Montera, B., El Zeihery, D., Mueller, S., Jammes, H., Brem, G., Reichenbach, H. -D., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2009). HIGHLY VARIABLE EPIGENOMES IN HEALTHY ADULT BOVINE CLONES. In REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT Vol. 21 (pp. 114). CSIRO PUBLISHING.
DOI WoS12008 Richterich, P., Meerkamp, K., Hiendleder, S., Weppert, M., Reichenbach, H. D., Hoffmann, B., & Schuler, G. (2008). Expression of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system components in bovine Placentomes from normal and LOS pregnancies. In REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS Vol. 43 (pp. 26-27). Gieben, GERMANY: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2008 Fitzsimmons, C., Kruk, Z., Lines, D., Roberts, C., & Hiendleder, S. (2008). Identification of contrasted phenotypes in the bovine from repeated <i>in vivo</i> and <i>in vitro</i> embryo production following superovulation. In REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT Vol. 20 (pp. 131). CSIRO PUBLISHING.
DOI WoS12007 Fitzsimmons, C., Kruk, Z., Lines, D., Feldmann, R., Truran, S., Bottema, C., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2007). Intrauterine development in a naturally occurring bovine large offspring model. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S144). ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2016 Estrella, C. A. S., Kind, K. L., Ghanipoor-Samami, M., Javadmanesh, A., Roberts, C. T., & Hiendleder, S. (2016). Polar overdominance and maternal genome effects in placenta drive heterosis in utero. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC.
DOI2014 Xiang, R., Estrella, C. A., Fitzsimmons, C. J., Kruk, Z. A., Thomsen, D. A., Rutley, D. L., . . . Hiendleder, S. (2014). 97 magnitude and specificity of effects of maternal and paternal genomes on the feto-placental unit.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Reproduction, fertility, and development. Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
DOI2008 Krebs, S., Bauersachs, S., Reichenbach, H. D., Weppert, M., Hiendleder, S., Blum, H., & Wolf, E. (2008). Transcriptome analysis of bovine Day 150 fetal liver and cotyledon reveals genes involved in fetal growth. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society, Denver, Colorado, USA, 5-9 January 2008: Full Papers and Abstracts for Poster Presentation, as published in Reproduction, Fertility and Development. Denver, CO.: CSIRO Publishing.
DOI WoS1 -
Year Citation - Ghanipoor-Samami, M., Javadmanesh, A., Burns, B., Thomsen, D., Nattrass, G., Estrella, C., . . . Hiendleder, S. (n.d.). Data Ghanipoor-Samami and Javadmanesh et al. for PLoS ONE 2018.xlsx.
Past 10 years
- Since 2018, ACLAM Foundation Grant 'MicroRNA’s as a Novel Laboratory Animal Welfare Assessment Tool' Whittaker A, Hiendleder S, Tilbrook A, Ralph C
- Since 2017, APL Grant 'Novel biomarkers of animal welfare in pigs; MicroRNA, immunobiology and on farm application' Ralph C, Doyle R, Hazel S, Hiendleder S, Hutchinson M, Nattrass G, Plush K, Loup Ralut J, Tilbrook A
- 2014 - 2017, ARC Linkage, ‘Epigenetic modifications in bovid adaptation to environmental change' A Cooper, CM Suter, M Wilkinson, S Hiendleder, B Llamas, JR Stephen, JF Taylor, DH Densham
- 2011 - 2013, NHMRC, ‘Preventing insulin resistance and obesity following fetal growth restriction' JA Owens, M DeBlasio, K Gatford, S Hiendleder
- 2008 - 2012, Qld Government Reinvestment Fund, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries ‘Precision beef cattle production through an alternative genetic approach' B Burns, S Hiendleder, A Herring
- 2007 - 2009, NHMRC, ‘Metabolic and molecular determinants of embryo viability' M Lane, S Hiendleder, M Mitchell
- 2006 - 2008, EU, 6th Framework Program, ‘Cutting Edge Genomics for Sustainable Animal Breeding' S Hiendleder, E Wolf
- 2006 - 2008, DFG, ‘Co-culture experiments for the study of early embryo-maternal communication' S Hiendleder, M Boelhauve
Teaching Interests
- Genetics and Epigentics
- Experimental Genetics
- Conservation Genetics
- Reproductive Biotechnology
- Reproductive Physiology
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Exploration of microRNAs as biomarkers of affective state in the pig Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Laura Emma Marsh 2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Effects of mitochondrial DNA haplotype on conceptus phenotype in cattle at midgestation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Hanh Thi Hong Nguyen 2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Sex and Parental Genome Effects on Bovine Fetal Development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Cynthia Liu 2014 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Clinico-Chemical Parameters of Fetal Fluids and Maternal Blood in the Bovine Model: Effects of Genetics and Sex and Relationships with Feto-Placental Phenotype Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Entesar Saleh Moh Shuaib 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Effects of Fetal Sex and Genetics on the Bovine Placenta - From Baseline Data to Fetal Programming and Heterosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Consuelo Amor Estrella 2011 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the Early Origins of Metabolic Syndrome Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jing Zhou 2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Differential maternal and paternal genome effects on placental and fetal phenotype and gene expression at midgestation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ruidong Xiang 2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Contribution of insulin-like growth factor system and growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis genes to heterosis in a bovine fetus model Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ali Javadmanesh 2009 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Imprinted Gene Expression and Phenotype of Bovine Concepti with Bos taurus and Bos indicus Genetics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mani Ghani Poor Samami
Date Role Membership Country 2006 - ongoing Member Society for Reproductive Biology (SRB) Australia 2001 - ongoing Member International Embryo Technology Society (IETS) United States 1996 - ongoing Member Deutsche Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde e.V. (DGfZ) Germany 1996 - ongoing Member Gesellschaft fuer Tierzuchtwissenschaft (GfT) Germany 1990 - ongoing Member International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) United States
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