Ashleigh Lake

Ashleigh Lake

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

3rd-year PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide for a thesis entitled, 'Exploring the cell pathology of Gaucher disease'.
My research focuses on sphingolipid metabolism in macrophage and neuronal models of Gaucher disease, using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and stable isotope tracing techniques. I have general research interests in central nervous system disease, cellular biochemistry, and human/medical genetics and am currently a casual academic tutor for GIIA and GIIB students.

HDR supervisors: Professor Maria Fuller & Doctor Jennifer Saville (prior to retirement, Professor Robert Richards)

My PhD works focuses on delineating the cell pathology of Gaucher disease (GD), a rare inborn error of lipid metabolism. My primary research aims are to characterise disrupted sphingolipid metabolism in GD macrophages & neuronal cells and to explore the subsequent intracellular pathologies, following lipid dyshomeostasis.

I am currently employed as a casual academic tutor for GENETICS 2520: Function and Diversity of Genomes (Semester 2, 2023-2024) and previously, GENETICS 2510: Foundation of Genetics (Semester 1, 2024).

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