Emily Mullins
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
I am a PhD Candidate and Tutor in the School of Psychology.
My research investigates the spread of (mis)information and the underlying mechanisms that lead to someone sharing information. I am particularly interested in how emotional arousal and social motives influence this behaviour.
PhD Topic: Sharing Misinformation: The Socio-Psychological Mechanisms of Spread
The spread of misinformation and fake news is not a new phenomenon. Rumour, gossip, and urban legends are examples of misleading information by another name. What has changed is the speed, breadth, and volume of the spread of misinformation in societies. Such changes are problematic to the extent that misinformation unduly affects people’s beliefs or behaviours related to important issues such as health or medical advice, or trust in governments or organisations. To combat the spread of misinformation, it is essential to understand the factors which cause people to spread it. My PhD aims to explore how emotional arousal and social motives influence information and misinformation sharing.
I am working under the supervision of Dr Rachel Stephens, Associate Professor Carolyn Semmler, Dr Rachel Searston and Dr Martin Wood (Defence Science and Technology Group).
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Research Assistant University of Adelaide 2022 - ongoing Marker University of Adelaide 2022 - ongoing Tutor University of Adelaide -
Research Interests
Marker: Psychology 1A (PSYCHOL 1000)
Tutor & Marker: Psychology 1B (PSYCHOL 1001)
Tutor & Marker: Psychology 1A (PSYCHOL 1000)
Marker: Psychology 1B (PSYCHOL 1001) & International Psychology Experience (PSYCHOL 2010EX)
Tutor: Psychology 1A (PSYCHOL 1000)
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