Stacey Page
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Stacey Mary Page is currently completing a PhD in Medicine in the area of Psychology at The University of Adelaide School of Psychology. Stacey is continuing research she conducted for her Honours Thesis for Bachelor of Psychological Science(Hons), with her supervisors Professor Anna Chur-Hansen and Professor Paul Delfabbro. Her research has a focus on hairdressers as informal care givers based on social support theory.
Stacey is extending on research she conducted for her Honours Thesis for Bachelor of Psychological Science(Hons), with her supervisors Professor Anna Chur-Hansen and Professor Paul Delfabbro. Her research has a focus on hairdressers as informal caregivers to their clientele; based on the theory of social support. This revealed the topics clients tell their hairdresser, including disclosing distressing content about domestic violence and mental health problems. This reseach also gave insight into how hairdressers respond to client disclosures and how hairdressers feel about being social supports for their clients. Stacey's PhD research follows from these findings, taking a mixed method approach to explore hair and beauty industry workers emotional labour outcomes such as burnout, compassion fatigue, and training in worker-client communication. Stacey is also a qualified hairdresser providing a unique research perspective.
Date Institution name Country Title 2018 - 2019 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Psychological Science(Hons) 2012 - 2018 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Psychological Science -
Research Interests
Anthropology Basic Pharmacology Care for Disabled Clinical Psychology Culture, Gender, Sexuality Developmental & Child Psychology Education Educational Psychology Family Care Gender, Sexuality and Education Health and Community Services Health Promotion Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology Medical and Health Sciences Mental Health People, behaviour and choices Personality, Abilities and Assessment Philosophy of Mind Psychiatry Psychology Public Health Social and Community Psychology Social and Cultural Anthropology Social Theory Special Education and Disability
Year Citation 2024 Page, S. M., Chur-Hansen, A., & Delfabbro, P. (2024). Emotional labour and burnout in the hair and beauty industry: A narrative review. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 10, 101078-1-101078-10.
Scopus12023 Gill, A., Page, S. M., & Hairston, M. (2023). Communities of Support for Care-Experienced Mothers. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK, 53(3), 1775-1783.
2021 Page, S. M., Chur‐Hansen, A., & Delfabbro, P. H. (2021). Hairdressers as a source of social support: A qualitative study on client disclosures from Australian hairdressers’ perspectives. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(5), 8 pages.
Scopus11 WoS6 Europe PMC3 -
Book Chapters
Teaching roles include marking psychology undergraduate course work.
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2020 - ongoing Director South Australian Hair and Beauty Industry Association Not for profit Peak Body for South Australian Hair and Beauty Industry Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2021 - ongoing Member Australian Psychological Society Australia -
Date Topic Presented at Institution Country 2021 - ongoing How can Hairdressers Help? Navigating Emotions in the Salon. - Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions Australia -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2021 - 2021 Academic Study Highlights The Power of Hairdressing Editorial Intermedia group Australia
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