David Neudegg
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
* Upper Atmosphere:
- Ionospheric variability;
- Effects of the ionosphere of solar and geomagnetic disturbances;
- Travelling Ionosopheric Disturbances (TIDs) and causation by Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs) or polar geomagnetic Field-Aligned-Currents (FACs);
- Observation and measurement of TIDs and other ionospheric variability by SuperDARN high-frequency (HF) radars (particularly Buckland Park near Adelaide) and support sensors for the Jindalee-Operational-Radar-Network (JORN);
- Effects of ionospheric variability on technological systems (JORN, HF comms, HF direction-finding, GPS/GNSS positioning, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar);
- Effect of technological systems on upper atmosphere (e.g. ionospheric heaters, EMP);
* Space Environment and effects on Spacecraft
- The space radiation environment at Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in the Ionosphere, Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) in the inner radiation belt (Magnetosphere) and Geostationary Orbit (GEO) in the outer radiation belt (Magnetosphere);
- Charging of spacecraft by keV Ionospheric electrons and electrostatic discharge (ESD);
- Single Event Effects (SEE) on spacecraft electronics by MeV protons in LEO (South Atlantic Anomaly) and MEO/GEO;
- Deep Dielectirc discharge (DDD) within spacecraft electronics by MeV electrons at GEO;
- Focus on potential radiation effects for the upcoming DST Buccaneer Main Mission (BMM) spacecraft and those within the STaRShot Resilient Multi Mission Space program;
* Geomagnetism and Geophysics
- Geomagnetic observations, variability (e.g. storms, resonances, pulsations);
- Geomagnetic survey and effect on quality of geomagnetic disturbances;
* Spaceborne and Airborne sensors
- Magnetometry;
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR);
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR);
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Jonker, J., Cervera, M., Holdsworth, D., Neudegg, D., Harris, T., MacKinnon, A., & Reid, I. (2023). Impact of Ionospheric Doppler Perturbations on Space Domain Awareness Observations. In Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference (pp. 1-6). Online: IEEE.
DOI Scopus1
* CUAVA - Cubesat and UAV, ARC ITTC (Industry Transformation Training Centre)
Co-I since 2016
Coordinator of Space Weather program group
* ARC Linkage Grants (2006-2016) on solar physics effects for space weather
From Ionospheric Predictions Service (IPS - now Space Weather Services) with University of Sydney Physics (Prof Iver Cairns)
University of Adelaide - Physics
(Adjunct senior lecturer position since 2019, from Defence Science and Technology DST)
- Honours Advanced Space & Atmospheric Physics (2019, 2020): geomagnetism, magnetosphere, solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, space plasmas
- Space Science & Astrophysics II: Research project on modelling space radiation and effect on spacecraft electronics
- Postraduate reseacher mentor & co-supervisor in Space & Atmospheric Physics https://sciences.adelaide.edu.au/physical-sciences/research/physics-research/space-and-atmospheric-physics
- International Space University (ISU) , Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program, (2016-2019), guest lecturer on Space Situational Awareness (Space Weather and Space Debris) at UniSA. https://www.isunet.edu/shssp/
- UNSW Canberra, (from 2019) online recorded lectures on Space Situational Awareness for
Masters in Space Engineering
Masters in Space Operations
- Ionospheric Prediction Service (2005-2014): HF Radio Courses (one day)
The ionosphere, its structure and its effect on HF radio propagation.
HF radio propagation via the sky wave.
Disturbances in the Sun-Earth environment and the effects on HF radio propagation.
The IPS web site and predictions.
(plus specialist courses for JORN over-the-horizon-radar personnel)
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