Eryk Andreas

Eryk Andreas

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Research focus and research interest

My long-standing goals are to understand epigenetics regulation mechanism in oocyte and preimplantation embryo development and how epigenetics changes during early embryo development could affect offspring post-natal life. I focus on the effect of metabolic stress in female such as ageing and obesity, on oocytes, embryos and offspring long-term health. Ageing and obesity in female oftentimes share similar spectrum of phenotypic, especially mitochondria i.e. low mitochondrial number, abnormal mitochondrial morphology and impaired mitochondrial function. Since mitochondria are maternally inherited, defective mitochondria in the oocyte could be inherited to the next generation and possess potential risk to the offspring long-term health. Better understanding of how abnormal mitochondria are formed, provide potential information to prevent mitochondrial defect and its inheritance to the next generation.

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