Dr Mariana Caetano
Senior Lecturer
School of Animal and Veterinary Science
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
I use a multidisciplinary approach to enhance the growth rates, performance, and survival of animals. My goal is to prevent inefficiencies in agriculture and livestock operations while maximising cost-benefit outcomes. My research investigates the impact of nutrition on gut microbial populations, with a focus on its implications for the environment. Additionally, I am engaged in developing non-invasive and cost-effective tools and methods to optimise livestock production. Another area of great interest to me is fetal programming and development, specifically to investigate the impact of maternal nutrition on nutrient requirements, body composition, organ development, reproductive traits, microbial colonisation, growth performance, and the survival of their offspring. My research group strive to make significant contributions to the field of animal science by enhancing sustainability and efficiency of livestock production while fighting global warming.
Date Position Institution name 2024 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2021 - 2023 Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2017 - 2020 Associate Lecturer University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2013 - 2017 Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2012 - 2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2019 Award Science and Innovation, Technology of Information University of São Paulo Brazil - 2005 Award Merit for the best performance in the Department of Livestock Sao Paulo State University Brazil - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Portuguese Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2008 - 2012 University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo Brazil PhD in Sciences 2006 - 2008 University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo Brazil MSc in Agronomy 2001 - 2005 Sao Paulo State University, São Paulo Brazil BSc in Animal Science -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Dasari, M., Keller, C. J., Alves, B. R. C., Wenham, K. M., Trengove, C. L., Lee, S. J., . . . Caetano, M. (2024). Evaluation of maternal bromoform supplementation in late gestation on blood parameters of cows and their progeny. Veterinary Journal, 308, 7 pages.
2021 Caetano, M., Goulart, R. S., Silva, S. L., Leme, P. R., Pflanzer, S. B., Dos Santos, A. C. R., & Lanna, D. P. D. (2021). Effects of the Duration of Zilpaterol Hydrochloride Supplementation and Days on Feed on Performance, Carcass Traits and Saleable Meat Yield of Nellore Bulls.. Animals : an open access journal from MDPI, 11(8), 1-12.
2021 Caetano, M., Goulart, R. S., Silva, S. L., Pflanzer, S. B., Leme, P. R., Dos Santos, A. C. R., & Lanna, D. P. D. (2021). Meat quality of nellore young bulls—effects of different days on feed and zilpaterol hydrochloride supplementation. Animals, 11(9), 2688.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12020 Goulart, R. S., Caetano, M., Pott, E. B., da Cruz, G. M., Tullio, R. R., de Alencar, M. M., . . . Lanna, D. P. D. (2020). Comparison of Nellore and Bos taurus × Nellore beef crosses at the same age on performance, carcass characteristics, and fecal starch content. Applied Animal Science, 36(3), 430-436.
Scopus6 WoS22020 Michelotti, T. C. D. A., Silva¹, R. A., Carneiro, J. H., Navarro, R. B., Carvalho, I. Q. D., Paula, E. M., . . . Almeida, R. (2020). Effect of Ensiling Time on Apparent Total Tract Starch Digestibility in Southern Brazilian Dairy Herds. Scientia Agricola, 78(2), 6 pages.
Scopus12019 Caetano, M., Wilkes, M. J., Pitchford, W. S., Lee, S. J., & Hynd, P. I. (2019). Effect of ensiled crimped grape marc on energy intake, performance and gas emissions of beef cattle. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 247, 166-172.
Scopus17 WoS132019 Caetano, M., Goulart, R. S., Rizzo, P. M., Silva, S. D. L., Drouillard, J. S., Leme, P. R., & Lanna, D. P. D. (2019). Impact of flint corn processing method and dietary starch concentration on finishing performance of Nellore bulls. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 251, 166-175.
Scopus10 WoS62019 van Lingen, H. J., Niu, M., Kebreab, E., Valadares Filho, S. C., Rooke, J. A., Duthie, C. A., . . . Hristov, A. N. (2019). Prediction of enteric methane production, yield and intensity of beef cattle using an intercontinental database. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 283, 18 pages.
Scopus69 WoS37 Europe PMC12018 Caetano, M., Wilkes, M., Pitchford, W., Lee, S., & Hynd, P. (2018). Energy relations in cattle can be quantified using open-circuit gas-quantification systems. Animal Production Science, 58(10), 1807-1813.
Scopus9 WoS62016 Caetano, M., Wilkes, M., Pitchford, W., Lee, S., & Hynd, P. (2016). Efficacy of methane-reducing supplements in beef cattle rations. Animal Production Science, 56(3), 276-281.
Scopus3 WoS32015 Caetano, M., Goulart, R., Silva, S., Drouillard, J., Leme, P., & Lanna, D. (2015). Effect of flint corn processing method and roughage level on finishing performance of Nellore-based cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 93(8), 4023-4033.
Scopus21 WoS19 Europe PMC82013 Nuñez, A. J. C., Caetano, M., Berndt, A., Demarchi, J. J. A. D. A., Leme, P. R., & Lanna, D. P. D. (2013). Combined use of ionophore and virginiamycin for finishing Nellore steers fed high concentrate diets. Scientia Agricola, 70(4), 229-236.
Scopus25 WoS20 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2022 Flanagan, L. J., Hebart, M. L., Brien, F. D., McCoard, S. A., & Caetano, M. (2022). Evaluating amino acid profiles and birth traits between single and twin Merino lambs. In Animal Science in Australia Vol. 34 (pp. lxxiv). Cairns, Queensland, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. 2010 Caetano, M., Nunez, A. J. C., Mourao, G. B., & Lanna, D. P. D. (2010). Time of collection affects starch losses in Nellore and crossbred cattle in commercial feedlots. In JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE Vol. 93 (pp. 697-698). ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
[2024-present] University of Queensland to Phytobiotics Futterzusatzstoffe GmBH. Investigation of Sangrovit for heat stress in feedlot cattle ($73,351.00). Chief Investigator
[2024-present] Department of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (Australian government). Investigating the PFAS burden in livestock raised on biosolid-amended pastures ($487,093.00). Co-investigator
[2023-present] Department of Industry, Science and Resources (Australian government). Methane throughout the beef cattle production cycle in southern Australia ($1,605,601.00). Chief Investigator
[2022-2023] Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program (Australian government). Methane reduction in beef cattle in commercial production systems ($260,173.00). Chief Investigator
[2022-2023] Innovation and Commercial Partners (Australian government). Beachport Liquid Minerals project 2 ($100,463.00). Chief Investigator
[2021-2022] Innovation and Commercial Partners (Australian government). Beachport Liquid Minerals project 1 ($106,259.00). Chief Investigator
[2020-2021] Fight Food Waste CRC. 20FFWCRC. Livestock and equine scoping study ($99,680.00). Co-investigator
[2019-2023] Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA). L.LSM.0026. A novel amino acid approach to lamb survival ($880,481.00). Chief Investigator
[2019] Davies Livestock Research Centre. DRC2019PP1. Breath biomarkers in ruminants ($115,392.00). Chief Investigator
- Animal Nutrition and Metabolism III (Course Coordinator)
- Animal Nutrition and Metabolism II (Course Coordinator)
- Professional Skills in Animal Science III
- Animal and Plant Biochemistry II
- Microbiology and Invertebrate Biology II
- Livestock Production Science II
- Professional Skills in Veterinary Bioscience II
- Animal Microbiology and Virology II
- Introduction to Mechanisms of Health I
Other roles at University
- Program Director for Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) https://set.adelaide.edu.au/animal-veterinary-sciences/disciplines/animal-science
- University Representative at Zero Net Emission Agriculture CRC (Livestock Program) https://zneagcrc.com.au/
- Leader of the Nutrition and Methane Abatement Program of Davies Livestock Research Centre (Executive Team) https://set.adelaide.edu.au/davies-research-centre/
- Head of the Ruminant Nutrition Group and Laboratory https://caetanomariana.wixsite.com/rng-site
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Reduction of Methane Emissions in Southern Australian Beef Cattle Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Kellie May Wenham 2024 Principal Supervisor Evaluating the maternal supplementation of bromoform to twin-bearing Merino ewes and their progeny Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Tianna Rianne Boyce 2024 Co-Supervisor Effects of maternal nutrition on piglet's survival, growth and performance Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Thien Dinh Van
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