Professor Simon Holford
State Chair in Petroleum Geoscience
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
I am the South Australian State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience in the Discipline of Earth Sciences, School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Adelaide. With my colleague Rosalind King, I lead the Stress, Structure & Seismic (S^3) Research Group; this is a multidisciplinary group of academics, research staff and HDR students working mostly on applied GeoEnergy problems related to structural geology and geomechanics in sedimentary basins. Current research foci include the development of rapid methods for evaluating the geomechanical impacts of CCUS at basin scales, the quantification of uncertainty associated with stress magnitude determination and the geomechanical impacts of cyclic hydrogen storage. I have a long-standing interest in magmatism in sedimentary basins, with geographic focus on the rifted margins of Australia and NW Europe. This research seeks to understand the impacts of magmatism on petroleum systems and evaluate the potential for subsurface gas storage, and specifically the permanent storage of carbon, in buried volcanic rocks.
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My main research interests are;
1) Magmatic systems in sedimentary basins. This work is focused on the interactions between igneous intrusive and extrusive systems and basin structure, stratigraphy and the elements of the petroleum system, with a current focus on evaluation the potential for permanent CO2 storage in buried volcanic rocks. Current projects on this topic involve collaboration with the University of Aberdeen and University of Canterbury.
2) Structural permeability. This work is focused on understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic drivers behind fracture-hosted fluid flow in sedimentary basins, with application to both conventional hydrocarbon exploration and production and the subsurface storage of gases such as CO2 and hydrogen. Current and recent projects on this topic have been funded by the ARC, ARENA, the Geological Survey of South Australia, IMER and ASEG.
3) The evolution of Australia's 'passive' southern rifted margin. This work is focused on understanding the tectonic evolution of the southern Australian margin. This work was originally funded by an ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship, and is now primarily focused on the Bight Basin. I was the lead proponent for IODP APL-897 which was incorporated into IODP Expedition 367.
Available PhD projects
If you are interested in working on one of the following topics, please contact me.
Storing carbon in buried volcanoes
This project will assess the feasibility of permanent carbon dioxide storage through carbonate mineralisation in buried volcanic rocks proximal to high CO2 content reservoirs. The project will involve; mapping buried volcanoes using 3D seismic reflection; studying multiphase flow (including CO2) in volcanic rocks; and field work in volcanic provinces to generate virtual outcrop models that will inform reservoir simulation.
Fault stability during CO2 and hydrogen injection
This project will focus on the Cooper Basin and will investigate the maximum sustainable pressures related to reservoir CO2 and hydrogen injection that will not induce seismicity. The main aims of the project include: determining contemporary, pre-injection stresses, pore pressures and rock strengths; developing 3D structural models for potential CO2 and hydrogen storage sites; reservoir-to-basin scale numerical-geomechanical modelling; and geomechanical risking to evaluate the likelihood of induced seismicity.
The seismic and stratigraphic record of ancient Southern Ocean currents
The overarching goal of this project is to develop a deep-time record of ocean circulation using the Cenozoic sedimentary record of the southern Australian margin. The project will involve: detailed mapping of along-slope sediment drifts using high-resolution 3D seismic data from the Great Australian Bight; re-evaluation of Cenozoic strata recovered during IODP/ODP drilling; and integration with paleoceanographic modelling to evaluate hypothesis for the onset of modern bottom currents.
‘Critical gases’ in South Australia
This project will explore the geological controls on the origin and distribution of commercially important ‘critical gases’ including natural CO2, hydrogen and helium in South Australia.
Constraints on the Cretaceous topographic evolution of central Australia from geodynamic modelling and subsurface mapping (joint project with UNSW)
The impact of mantle convection on surface uplift, subsidence, erosion and deposition is being increasingly recognised as having a major control the emission of natural, mantle-derived CO2 and the formation and distribution of natural resources in sedimentary basins. However, understanding the topographic evolution of intra-plate continental interiors remains difficult due to poor depth constraints of measurements and a lack of regional-scale geodynamic modelling. Hence, the precise mechanisms responsible for the formation of localised continental sedimentary basins, surface uplift and erosion due to shallow mantle convection and its impacts on natural resources over geological time remains a significant and unresolved problem. Understanding the processes responsible for such topography provides the key to determining how the surfaces of continental interiors that lie far from plate tectonic boundaries evolve over time.
The intra-continental Eromanga basin is one of Australia’s largest sedimentary sub-basins and forms part of the larger Great Artesian Basin. The Eromanga Basin has undergone a complex history of mantle-related subsidence, uplift and erosion over the last 200 million years. Deciphering the mechanisms responsible for vertical crustal movements across the Eromanga Basin is fundamental to understand the magnitude and timing of mantle-related uplift in a sedimentary basin system that has been identified as a candidate for CO2 storage. This project aims to bring together different datasets (seismic, well, gravity and magnetic) to produce a basin-wide assessment of Cretaceous strata. Geodynamic modelling will be applied (e.g. using the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth Sciences, ASPECT) to investigate the mechanisms, timing and magnitude of mantle-related uplift across the basin.
The successful candidate will be based at the University of Adelaide and be supervised by Prof. Simon Holford and co-supervised by Dr Bhavik Harish Lodhia (University of New South Wales Sydney). Occasional travel to UNSW Sydney will be expected.
Available Honours projects for eligible students starting in 2024
How can we identify geomechanically secure locations for carbon capture and storage?
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is critical to pathways to net zero, with an estimated total geological storage requirement of 190 Gt of CO2. However, existing CCS projects only store around 40 Mt of CO2 each year, so considerable upscaling is required. Quantifying and managing the risks of fault reactivation is the leading obstacle to increasing the implementation of CCS, because CO2 injection into reservoirs results in increased pore fluid pressure, which can reduce the strength of rocks and faults, and induce brittle failure. This could result in induced seismicity, with hydraulic fracturing of sealing formations providing pathways for CO2 leakage. Sedimentary reservoirs that have undergone prior hydrocarbon production are thought to be the most favourable geological sites for CCS. However, anthropogenic processes that involve the injection and extraction of fluids in subsurface reservoirs can significantly change the stress and pore pressure conditions of subsurface reservoirs from their initial state. The goal of this project is to collect and analyse geomechanical data from depleted reservoirs in South Australia’s Cooper and Eromanga basins to a) quantify how historical injection and extraction has impacted their thermo-mechanical properties and b) inform predictions of how any such changes may impact the likelihood of reservoir deformation such as faulting that may result from CO2 injection.
Storing carbon in buried volcanoes
Many of Australia’s natural gas fields contain high CO2 contents; if not captured and stored, the release of this CO2 could jeopardize efforts to meet Australia’s emissions reductions targets. A potential novel option for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Australia is injection into buried volcanic sequences (CCSV) which are found in many basins along the southern and northwestern continental margins, often in close proximity to natural gas fields with high CO2 contents. The chemical reactivity of the minerals found in basalts means that if these rocks have sufficient connected pore spaces, any CO2injected into them can rapidly mineralise, essentially locking the carbon away by turning it into stone. Indeed, pilot projects in Iceland involving basalt reservoirs have generated significant interest as tens of thousands of tons of CO2 have been shown to have converted into carbonate minerals within several years of injection. The aim of this exciting project is apply advanced subsurface mapping and imaging techniques to build 3D models of buried basaltic volcanic systems in order to answer the following question: just how much CO2 could be permanently stored in ancient volcanic rocks in Australia’s sedimentary basins?
The Hunt for the World’s Oldest Volcano……
Volcanic eruptions represent one of Earth’s most dramatic and violent agents of change. Past volcanic eruptions have had a profound impact on Earth’s climate, though we typically only have a partial record of ancient eruptive products in the geological record, as the preservation potential of continental volcanic systems is impacted by processes such as post-eruption erosion. However, volcanoes which form in submarine environments and/or rapidly subsiding sedimentary basins are thought to have a higher presentation, since such settings are typically characterised by net sediment accumulation rather than erosion. The aim of this project is to use novel 3D imaging techniques to explore for and identify and characterise buried volcanoes located in sedimentary basins onshore and offshore Australia, including what might be the oldest (over 180 million years old) pristinely preserved volcanoes in the geological record, buried deep beneath the deserts of central Australia. This project will also produce a new global database of buried volcanic systems, which will link the preservation potential of ancient volcanic eruptions to key magmatic, environmental and structural processes, enabling a more accurate understanding of Earth’s volcanic record through space and time.
Did pipe-like structures at Hallett Cove trigger Snowball Earth termination?
Pipe-like features are common features in sedimentary basins, occurring over multiple spatial scales (from cm to hundreds of metres) and are often associated with focused vertical fluid migration related to pore-fluid expulsion, hydrocarbon migration and the formation and/or disassociation of methane hydrate deposits. At Hallett Cove, to the southwest of Adelaide, a series of carbonate-cemented pipe-like features have been described within siltstones of the Reynella Member of the glacial Elatina Formation. A number of hypotheses have been proposed for the origin of these pipes, including the notion (supported by carbon isotopes) that they were formed during the focused vertical seepage of methane hydrates, the destabilisation of which may have potentially contributed to the termination of the Marinoan ‘Snowball Earth’ at the start of the Ediacaran period. An alternative hypothesis is that these features are periglacial palaeosol deposits.
Our recent re-evaluation of these pipes has indicated that they may form part of a broader sub-vertical ‘mesh’ of interconnected calcite-filled faults and fractures. Similar meshes are observed in an array of tectonic settings and often form important conduits for large-volume flow of pressurised subsurface fluids. The aim of this project is to conduct detailed field-based mapping of the pipes to establish their structural context and evaluate the competing hypotheses for their genesis, and to assess the potential role of the structural mesh as a permeable pathway for Snowball-Earth triggering methane hydrate flux.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing SA State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience University of Adelaide 2021 - 2022 SA State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience University of Adelaide 2018 - 2021 Associate Professor of Petroleum Geoscience University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2014 - 2017 Senior Lecturer in Petroleum Geoscience University of Adelaide 2012 - 2013 Lecturer in Petroleum Geoscience University of Adelaide 2008 - 2011 ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellow University of Adelaide 2007 - 2007 Research Fellow University of Adelaide 2006 - 2007 Research Associate University of Birmingham -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2022 Award APPEA Best Poster APPEA Australia - 2021 Award APPEA Best Extended Abstract APPEA Australia - 2019 Award AEGC 2019 Best Presentation AEGC Australia - 2018 Award ES Hills Medal Geological Society of Australia Australia - 2018 Fellowship Visiting Research Fellow Australian School of Petroleum and Energy Resources Australia - 2015 Award ASEG Best Paper - - - 2015 Research Award AAPG Top 10 Best Poster American Association of Petroleum Geologists United States - 2014 Award DI Groves Medal - - - 2013 Research Award PESA Best Student Paper Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Australia - 2012 Award APPEA Best Paper - - - 2011 Award Walter Howchin Medal Geological Society of Australia Australia - 2008 Fellowship ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship Australian Research Council Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2001 - 2005 University of Birmingham United Kingdom PhD 1998 - 2001 Keele University United Kingdom BSc (Dual Hons), Geology & Geography, First Class -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Layfield, L., Schofield, N., Jolley, D., Holford, S., Volintir, T., Kilhams, B., & Cromie, H. (2023). New insights into the structure, geology and hydrocarbon prospectivity along the central-northern Corona Ridge, Faroe-Shetland Basin. In 84th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition Vol. 1 (pp. 136-140). 2019 Hardman, J., Schofield, N., Holford, S., Hartley, A., Jolley, D., Morse, S., . . . Zimmer, E. (2019). Controls on the distribution of volcanism and intra-basaltic sediments in the Cambo-Rosebank region, west of Shetland. In Proceddings of the 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 (pp. 5 pages). The Netherlands: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.
DOI2019 Schofield, N., Holford, S., & Edwards, A. (2019). OVERPRESSURE TRANSMISSION THROUGH IGNEOUS INTRUSIONS: AN UNRECOGNIZED DRILLING HAZARD IN VOLCANIC AFFECTED BASINS?. In ASEG Extended Abstracts Vol. 2019 (pp. 1-5). London, UK: Taylor & Francis.
DOI2017 Luniniecky, D. C., King, R. C., Holford, S. P., Bunch, M. A., Hill, S. M., & Hore, S. B. (2017). The effects of deformation bands on uranium-bearing fluid migration in sedimentary sequences, Flinders Ranges, South Australia. In P. MercierLangevin, B. Dube, M. Bardoux, P. Ross, & C. Dion (Eds.), Mineral resources to discover: Proceedings 14th SGA Biennial Meeting (pp. 771-773). Quebec City, Canada: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits. 2017 Tassone, D., Holford, S., King, R., Tingay, M., & Hillis, R. (2017). Contemporary stress and neotectonics in the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia. In J. Tuner, D. Healy, R. Hillis, & M. Welch (Eds.), Proceedings of the Meeting on Geomechanics and Geology: The Geology of Geomechanics, as published in Geological Society Special Publications Vol. 458 (pp. 49-88). Bath, UK: The Geological Society.
DOI Scopus12 WoS62016 Meeuws, F., Reynolds, P., Holford, S., Foden, J., & Schofield, N. (2016). Characterising extrusive and intrusive magmatism at the Kipper Field, Gippsland Basin, using 3D seismic data. In ASEG Extended Abstracts Vol. 2016 (pp. 1-7). Informa UK Limited.
DOI2015 Bailey, A., King, R., Holford, S., & Sage, J. (2015). Variation of natural fracture orientations in the Carnarvon Basin's Rankin Platform and Dampier Sub-Basin. In ASEG Extended Abstracts Vol. 2015 (pp. 1). online: CSIRO.
DOI2015 Meeuws, F., Holford, S. P., & Foden, J. (2015). Geophysical and geochemical constraints on Cretaceous-Cenozoic magmatism along the southern Australian margin. In ASEG Extended Abstracts Vol. 2015 (pp. 1). online: CSIRO.
DOI2015 Robson, A., King, R., & Holford, S. (2015). 3D seismic analysis of fault growth and interaction within a gravitational detachment delta system in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight. In ASEG Extended Abstracts Vol. 2015 (pp. 1-4). online: CSIRO.
DOI2014 Mildren, S., Nicolson, R., Holford, S., & Titus, L. (2014). Improved reservoir models utilising image log data for a multidisciplinary workflow. In EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop: Optimising the Use of Your Borehole Image Data. EAGE Publications BV.
DOI2013 Mildren, S., Clark, R., Holford, S., & Titus, L. (2013). Characterisation of fracture permeability at Cow Lagoon-1, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia and recommendations for development of the greater Cow Lagoon structure. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition 2013: Delivering Abundant Energy for a Sustainable Future Vol. 2 (pp. 862-872).
Scopus22013 Schofield, N., Magee, C., Holford, S., & Jackson, C. (2013). Magma plumbing and emplacement mechanisms within sedimentary basins. In Abstracts of European Geosciences Union General Assembly, as published in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15 (pp. 1). Online: European Geosciences Union. 2013 Holford, S., Schofield, N., Jackson, C., Magee, C., Green, P., & Duddy, I. (2013). Impacts of Igneous Intrusions on Source and Reservoir Potential in Prospective Sedimentary Basins Along the Western Australian Continental Margin. In M. Keep, & S. Moss (Eds.), West Australian Basins Symposium 2013 proceedings: WABS 2013, 18-21 August 2013, Perth Convention Centre, Western Australia (pp. 1-12). Australia. 2013 Mildren, S., Clark, R., Holford, S., & Titus, L. (2013). Characterisation of fracture permeability at Cow Lagoon-1, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia and recommendatioins for development of the Greater Cow Lagoon Structure. In SPE- Society of Petroleum Engineers, Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific (pp. 1-11). Australia: SPE- Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2013 Bailey, A., King, R., Holford, S., & Hand, M. (2013). Remote sensing of subsurface fractures in the Otway Basin, South Australia. In Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol, 15 (pp. 1 page). Online: European Geosciences Union. 2012 MacDonald, J., Holford, S., & King, R. (2012). Structure and Prospectivity of the Ceduna Delta--Deep-Water Fold-Thrust Belt Systems, Bight Basin, Australia. In N. Rosen, P. Weimer, S. Coutes dos Anjos, & et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32 Annual GCSSEPM: New Understanding of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World (pp. 779-816). CD-Rom: GCSSEPM.
DOI2012 Abul Khair, H., Cooke, D., Backe, G., King, R., Hand, M., Tingay, M., & Holford, S. (2012). Subsurface mapping of natural fracture networks; A major challenge to be solved. Case study from the shale intervals in the Cooper Basin, South Australia. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering (pp. 1085-1092). USA: Stanford Geothermal Program. 2011 Tassone, D., Holford, S., Stoker, M., Underhill, J., Green, P., & Hillis, R. (2011). Late Cretaceous-cenozoic exhumation of the Faroe-Shetland basins along the NW Atlantic margin. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011 - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011 Vol. 7 (pp. 5260-5264). USB: EAGE. 2011 King, R., Abul Khair, H., Bailey, A., Backe, G., Holford, S., & Hand, M. (2011). Integration of In-Situ Stress Analysis and Three-Dimensional Seismic Mapping to Understand Fracture Networks in Australian Basins. In Proceedings of the Australian Geothermal Energy Conference 2011 (pp. 129-134). Melbourne. 2010 Tassone, D., Holford, S., & Hillis, R. (2010). Quantification of Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation in the Otway Basin using sonic velocities and implications for hydrocarbon exploration. In Proceedings of 21st International geophysical conference and exhibition (pp. 1-4). CD: ASEG.
DOI- Subarkah, D., Nixon, A. L., Jimenez, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., Farkas, J., . . . Holford, S. (n.d.). Geothermal parameters of in situ Rb–Sr dating on Proterozoic shales and its applications. In Exploring Australia’s Resource Frontier. etroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA).
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Burgin, H., Amrouch, K., Kulikowski, D., Holford, S., & Robion, P. (2019). Geomechanical modelling and consequences for fluid-flow in complex rifted settings: A case study in the Otway Basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus GmbH. 2018 McCabe, P., Holford, S., Huber, B., Hobbs, R., Bogus, K., & Wainman, C. C. (2018). Sedimentological and palynological investigations from Mesozoic strata of the Bight and Mentelle Basins, Australia: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 369.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Geoscience Council Convention. Adelaide, Australia. 2016 Collins, A. S., Acott, J., Lloyd, J., Payne, J., Glorie, S. M., Holford, S., . . . Jourdan, F. (2016). U-Pb and Hf Zircon Data Sources the New Zealand Torlesse and the Ceduna SubBasin Sediment Origin to Queensland, Indicating Widespread Mesozoic Erosion and Sediment Distribution. Poster session presented at the meeting of AESC 2016.
Active and recent research projects have been funded and supported by the ARC, ARENA, IODP, ASEG Research Foundation, Department for Energy and Mining, Schlumberger, TGS, IMER and Chevron.
I coordinate the following courses: PETROENG1005, PETROGEO4013, PETROGEO7013, PETROGEO7020
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Co-Supervisor Natural hydrogen in Yorke Peninsula: 3D source to trap exploration Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Rumi Daruso 2025 Principal Supervisor Geostorage in volcanic rocks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Joshua Matthew Sage 2024 Co-Supervisor Exploration for Natural Hydrogen in Eyre Peninsula using magnetotelluric and passive-seismic geophysical methods Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Anna Gubina 2023 Principal Supervisor Geophysical-geomechanical constraints on the operating limits for basin-scale CO2 storage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Iain Alexander Campbell 2023 Co-Supervisor Establishing a systematic approach to exploring and producing natural hydrogen Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Relly Margiono 2022 Principal Supervisor Tectonics and Magmatic Evolution of the Browse Basin, North West Shelf of Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Kosuke Tsutsui 2022 Co-Supervisor Reconstructing the Beetaloo/Greater McArthur Basin System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Johann Savio Soares -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Post-breakup Evolution of the Ceduna Sub-basin and understanding of processes that occur on Rifted Continental Margins Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Monica Jimenez Lloreda 2018 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Neotectonic faults of the Paralana Escarpment and their influence on uranium-bearing fluid flow Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Jonathan David Donauer Berthiaume 2018 - 2024 Principal Supervisor The Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Magmatic Record of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: Implications for Petroleum Exploration and Development. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Shaun Curtis 2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Improving the Accuracy of Geomechanical Predictions in Sedimentary Basins Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew Mark Musolino 2017 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Analysing Ancient Focused Fluid Flow Systems in Offshore Sedimentary Basins of Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Tayallen Velayatham 2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Characterising the structural, petrophysical, and geochemical properties of inverted fault zones Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Natalie Debenham 2016 - 2019 Co-Supervisor A Multiscale Approach towards the Characterisation of Upper Crustal Deformation at Passive Continental Margins: A Case Study on the Otway Basin, Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Hugo Bonython Burgin 2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Structural Evolution of Deformation Bands Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Drew Christopher Lubiniecki 2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Normal fault growth analysis using 3D seismic datasets located along Australia’s southern margin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Alexander George Robson 2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor An evaluation of petroleum systems within the Billiluna Sub-basin and adjacent structural regions, Northeastern Canning Basin Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Peter James Hawke 2013 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Meso-Cenozoic intraplate magmatism along the Australian southern margin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Fun Julie Ellen Meeuws 2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor The resistivity and permeability of fractured rocks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Alison Louise Kirkby 2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Structural Permeability in Australian Sedimentary Basins Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Adam Henry Edward Bailey 2009 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Origin and Structure of the Ceduna Delta System, Offshore South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Justin MacDonald 2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Compressional Deformation and Exhumation in Sedimentary Basins at 'Passive' Continental Margins, with implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David Tassone
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2015 - ongoing - Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia - - -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2015 - ongoing President Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia SA/NT Branch - - 2012 - ongoing Member Geological Society of Australia SA Division - - -
Date Role Membership Country 2010 - ongoing - Geological Society of Australia - 2008 - ongoing - AAPG - 2008 - ongoing - PESA - 2001 - ongoing Member Geological Society of London -
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