Michael White

Michael White

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

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Name of research group: Brain and Cognition Research

Brief description of research area: Cannabis impairment

Research Project 1

Title: Critical review of the literature on cannabis-related impairment

Project description:

Many studies (laboratory, simulator, and on-road) have been published on the level of impairment due to the recent use of cannabis. These studies have been reviewed a number of times. However, the reviews have generally failed to ‘calibrate’ the impairment. The practical (e.g., road-safety) implication of the impairment cannot therefore easily be assessed. The aim of this project would be to select a number of recent impairment studies, and compare the levels of cannabis-related impairment with the levels found in a parallel area of research, such as the research on aging.

Projects available for:

Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil


Meetings would be held outside the university precincts – possibly in cafes

Research project start:

Any time

Special requirements:




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