Sarah Wheeler

Professor Sarah Wheeler


School of Economics and Public Policy

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Sarah is a Professor of Water Economics and leads the Water, Environment and Food economics policy group (WEF group) in the School of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Adelaide. She is on the university's Environment Institute's executive management board. Sarah is a past President and a Distinguished Fellow of the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES), and a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. She was an ARC Future Fellow (2014-2018) and has over 150 peer-reviewed outputs in the research areas of irrigated farming, climate change, Murray-Darling Basin, organic farming, water markets, water scarcity, mental health, and food waste.

She is an Associate Editor of Agricultural Economics, and has been past editor of the Australasian Journal of Water Resources, and past Associate Editor of Water Resources and Economics, the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and guest editor for a special issue of Agricultural Water Management. Sarah is on a number of editorial boards, including: International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Water. In 2023, Sarah was awarded the Jill Hudson award for environmental protection at the SA Environment Awards.

Sarah was born on an irrigated dairy farm in NSW, and grew up on a dryland mixed farm at the top of the Great Dividing Range in the New England region. She has worked as an economist both nationally and internationally, in places such as Rural Solutions South Australia, ESCAP United Nations (Bangkok), Environment Agency (UK) and the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies.

Sarah is an adjunct Professor of Water Economics in the School of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Adelaide, and a Matthew Flinders Professor of Water Economics with the College of Business, Government and Law at Flinders University. Sarah is a past President and a Distinguished Fellow of the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES), and a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. She was an ARC Future Fellow (2014-2018) and has over 160 peer-reviewed outputs in the research areas of irrigated farming, climate change, Murray-Darling Basin, organic farming, water markets, water scarcity, mental health, and food waste.

She is an Associate Editor of Agricultural Economics, and has been past editor of the Australasian Journal of Water Resources, and past Associate Editor of Water Resources and Economics, the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and guest editor for a special issue of Agricultural Water Management. Sarah is on a number of editorial boards, including: International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Water. In 2023, Sarah was awarded the Jill Hudson award for environmental protection at the SA Environment Awards.

Sarah was born on an irrigated dairy farm in NSW, and grew up on a dryland mixed farm at the top of the Great Dividing Range in the New England region. She has worked as an economist both nationally and internationally, in places such as Rural Solutions South Australia, ESCAP United Nations (Bangkok), Environment Agency (UK) and the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies.


  • 2023-2026  Jones, Tanner, Wheeler, Nursey-Bray, Hatton McDonald et al. DCCEEW, Blue carbon ecosystem restoration benefits measurement, verification and accounts: for the Gulf St Vincent Seagrass Restoration Project
  • 2023-2027  Knowling, Wheeler et al. GRDC -  Enterprise choice and sequence strategies that drive sustainable and profitable southern Australian farming systems
  • 2023-2024  Thuy Pham, Wheeler, Lowe, Jones DFAT/Palladium - Knowledge transfer to enable blue carbon market in Vietnam
  • 2023-2024  Wheeler, Shi, Zuo University of Adelaide - Investigating Water Security Issues in Australia though the lens of causal AI
  • 2023-2024  Wheeler, Page, Seidl NT Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security - Upper King River Managed Aquifer Recharge scheme  
  • 2022-2025          Wheeler      CSIRO -  Water banking readiness assessment in the Murray-Darling Basin
  • 2022-2024          Zuo and Wheeler      Australian Research Council Discovery Award -  Measuring the social and economic impacts of water ownership and reforms on Australian water market
  • 2022  Cooper, Crase, Wheeler  et al.    Goyder -  Developing a framework for a water rating system
  • 2022       Wheeler and Zuo   Department of Environment and Water   -  Literature review of native vegetation values in Australia
  • 2022     Kurunasena, Pearson, Wheeler, Ceron    Australian Academy of Social Sciences      -   Workshop on food waste   
  • 2022     Wheeler and Zuo   Murray-Darling Basin Authority - Literature review of socio-economic studies in MDB and social and economic workplan support          
  • 2022-2021       Wyroll, Guillame, Wheeler, Daniels, Grafton, Do, Talbot-Jones   ANU Crawford School of Public Policy and Institute for Water Futures  - Renovating Cost-Benefit Analysis of Public Water Infrastructure for a Risky World
  • 2020-2022           Wheeler, Grafton, Nauges       Australian Research Council Discovery Award    Consequences of water reform & changing farm adaptation in the Basin
  • 2020                    Wheeler, Zuo                ACCC            Water Market Literature Review and Survey Empirical Analysis
  • 2020-2022          Wheeler, Umberger                 CRC Food Waste       The WWW (what, where and why) of South Australian Household's Food Waste Behaviour
  • 2020-2022           Westra, Wheeler, et al.  Wine Australia  Vitivisor 
  • 2018-19              Wheeler, Grafton, Zuo, Xu           NSW Health (through Sax Institute)     Evidence check of mental health of drought-affected communities
  • 2018-2019          Zuo, Wheeler, Umberger             Cwlth Department of Agriculture and Water Resources      Understanding parallel trade of Australian products to China
  • 2018-20              Wheeler, Crisp, Adamson, Smallridge     Meat and Livestock Australia          Evaluation of the Sterile Insect Technique for Sheep Blowfly Control
  • 2018-2019          Wheeler     Ian Potter and Myer Foundation Project  Expert panel advice
  • 2018-2020          Jacobson, King Wheeler, et al.    ACIAR   Policy Drivers for Public-Private Partnerships in Pacific Organics
  • 2017-2019          Zuo, Wheeler, Umberger, Roberts           ACIAR              Challenges and opportunities for meeting requirements of China mango markets
  • 2017-2019           Umberger, Wheeler         DEWNR Funding for a split position between DEWNR and GFAR
  • 2017-2020           Pittock, Ramshaw, Stirzaker: Bjornlund, Wheeler et al. ACIAR    Stage II: Increasing irrigation water productivity in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe through on-farm monitoring, adaptive management and AIPs
  • 2017-2019           Crase, Wheeler, Cooper et al.      ACIAR    Efficient participatory irrigation institutions to support productive and sustainable agriculture in south Asia
  • 2017      Wheeler, Zuo, Haensch   Catholic Earthcare and Uniting Church      Literature review on initiatives in the Murray-Darling Basin that embody integral ecology
  • 2016      Wheeler, Zuo      UniSA, ACIAR      Africa project State I: Increasing irrigation water productivity in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe through on-farm monitoring, adaptive management and AIPs
  • 2016      Cleary, Wheeler,               RIRDC    Local to Global: Farmer Cooperation for High value Export Markets
  • 2016      Wheeler, Zuo, Loch          ACCC     Irrigator Farm Survey for southern MDB
  • 2016      Loch, Wheeler, Zuo, Young           UNESCO              Developing a Water Market Readiness Approach
  • 2015      Overton et al., Wheeler  Goyder  Developing a Decision Support System framework for SA
  • 2015      Wheeler and Gregg          Parrakie Wetlands            Valuing Parrakie Wetlands
  • 2014-2018           Wheeler               ARC Future Fellowship     Adapting for an uncertain future: farmer behaviour in water-stressed basins
  • 2015-2017           Bjornlund and Wheeler   ACIAR    Further support for: Increasing irrigation water productivity in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe through on-farm monitoring, adaptive management & Agricultural Innovation Platforms
  • 2014-2016           Wheeler, Loch, Bjornlund, Garrick, Boxall, Adamowicz       ARC Discovery               Transitioning to a water secure future
  • 2014      Wheeler               United Nations, UNECE  Invited expert speaker at United Nations workshop on transboundary water issues in Geneva
  • 2014      Wheeler               Murray-Darling Basin Authority    Economic impacts of Basin water reforms on irrigated agriculture
  • 2014      Wheeler               CSIRO Land and Water    Water Values and Benefits
  • 2014      Wheeler               National Water Commission         Expert Advisor for the Commission
  • 2013      Wheeler, Zuo, Loch, Grafton        Federal Department Environment              Survey of Users of the National Pollutant Inventory
  • 2013      Wheeler               Government of Netherlands         Invited expert speaker at UNECE workshop on transboundary water issues in Amsterdam
  • 2013-2017           Pittock, Ramshaw, Grafton, Stirzaker, Bjornlund, Wheeler, Loch, Zuo, et al.        Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)–Cat. 1 Increasing irrigation water productivity in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe through on-farm monitoring, adaptive management and Agricultural Innovation Platforms: 
  • 2013      Wheeler, Loch    National Water Commission         Expert Advisors for the Commission
  • 2013      Wheeler               National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility              Expert reviewer, keynote speaker at NCCARF’s launch at Federal parliament, and IPCC official reviewer on 5th Assessment report
  • 2011-2013           Wheeler, Bjornlund, Beecham, Shanahan, Zuo and Loch    National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility           Water Trade, Climate Change and Irrigator Adaptability in the Murray-Darling Basin
  • 2011-2012           Wheeler, Cheesman        Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations & Communities Mid-term review of the Restoring the Balance program
  • 2009-2012           Wheeler, Bjornlund, Shanahan     ARC Linkage, MDBA, GMW, NSW DEW, DSE, Uni. Lethbridge        Improving water market outcomes through a better understanding of market behaviour

Past: Economics of Climate Change: ECON 7221

Past: Economic Policy Analysis III: ECON 3525

Past: Honours Economics Thesis: ECON 4010

Past: Water Security and Governance: AGRIBUS 7064

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Bridging the Gap: Exploring Gender Disparities in Australian Farming Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Mahsa Rahmani Dizgah
    2024 Co-Supervisor Mapping, monitoring, and managing food waste from Australian Quick Service Restaurants. Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Asgiri Pemila Jayasekara
    2023 Co-Supervisor Food Waste Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sijia Liu
    2023 Co-Supervisor Essays exploring the value of water as an investment Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mubeen Abdur Rehman
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Investigating Agricultural Innovation Platforms, Soil Moisture Monitoring Tools and Farm Adaptation Behaviour in Irrigation Schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Fentahun Addis Abebe
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Social licence in natural resource dependent industries: Improving understanding and integrating economic perspectives Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Nikki Dumbrell
    2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Examining the Spatial Influences of Natural Capital in the Australian Agricultural Landscape Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Maksuda Mannaf
    2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Understanding adaptation and water market behaviour of irrigators and non-landholder stakeholders in the Murray-Darling Basin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Constantin Seidl
    2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Impacts of Climatic Variability, Water Scarcity and Socio-Economic Demographics on Farmers' Mental Health in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sahar Daghagh Yazd
    2015 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Exploring the Use of Water Markets for Improved Environmental Outcomes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Claire Maree Settre
    2015 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Examining the Importance of Spatial Influences on Irrigators' Water Trading Behaviour in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Juliane Haensch
    2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Food System Transformation in Fiji: Exploring the Determinants of Diet Quality and Health Outcomes in Rural and Urban Households Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Anna Vicki Finizio
    2015 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Improving the Social Welfare of Rural Households in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa through Effective Rural Development Interventions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr John Kandulu
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2022 - ongoing Advisory Board Member Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Australia
    2015 - ongoing Board Member Australasian Journal of Water Resources Australasian Journal of Water Resources Australia
    2015 - ongoing - Organic Trust Australia - Research and Education - -
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2008 - ongoing Member Centre for Water Economics and Policy Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2021 - ongoing Associate Editor Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) Agricultural Economics United States
    2021 - ongoing Board Member Water University of Adelaide Australia
    2021 - ongoing Board Member International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics University of Adelaide Australia
    2013 - ongoing Associate Editor The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics University of Adelaide Australia

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