Professor Gerald Atkins
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Gerald Atkins, PhD, FIOR
Professor of Orthopaedic Research, Scientific Director of COTR, Head, Biomedical Orthopaedic Research Group
Professor Gerald Atkins' research focuses on human musculoskeletal biology, metabolism and disease, in particular those related to orthopaedics and trauma. He has previously held NHMRC RD Wright and Senior Research Fellow fellowships. He was a founding Scientific Director of the Centre for Orthopaedic and Trauma Research (COTR) and oversaw the integration of COTR research groups into the new Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building, a central pillar in Adelaide's new Health and Medical Research Precinct. As Head of the Biomedical Orthopaedic Research Group within COTR, he runs an integrated research programme into human bone biology, underpinning translational research into musculoskeletal disease. He has an ongoing interest in bone tumour biology, including osteosarcoma and Giant Cell Tumour of bone. His group has a particular interest in the pathobiology of musculoskeletal infections, such as periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), fracture-related infection and diabetic foot infection, as well as aseptic loosening of implants and fracture repair. He has published more than 200 papers related to bone pathophysiology, which collectively have been cited more than 12,000 times (Google Scholar H-index 60). His research has attracted more than $14-million in competitive research funding. Prof. Atkins has served on the committee of the Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) as representative to the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) and is a previous Councillor and Honorary Secretary to the Australian New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS).
I am a Professor of Orthopaedic Research within the Centre for Orthopaedic and Trauma Research (COTR). My immediate team is the Biomedical Orthopaedic Research Group based in the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS) building. I have conducted original research into the cell biology of bone remodelling and pathobiology of its associated diseases and disorders since 1998. My group has a strong focus on human translational research into orthopaedic disorders, working closely with academic orthopaedic and trauma surgeons and other clinicians at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and other metropolitan hospitals. We also work closely with other scientists in a host of other disciplines including human movement, microbiology, dementia research, medicinal chemistry and nanotechnology. Our current projects concern osteomyelitis (bone infection) and periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), novel biology and treatment of bone cancers, mechanisms of fracture repair and the role of osteocytes (the major bone cell type) in health and disease. We use a combination of state-of-the-art molecular tools, cell biology, tissue culture, microbiology, imaging, study of patient-derived tissues and clinical cohort studies in our research.
Current projects are available in most areas of interest for 3rd Year undergraduate, Honours, Masters, M.Phil. and PhD, including for both science and medicine graduates.
Date Position Institution name 2015 - ongoing Professor of Orthopaedic Research University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title 1998 University of Adelaide Australia PhD -
Date Title Institution name Country — Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR) ICORS International College of Fellows - -
Research Interests
Ageing, Frailty and Mobility Musculoskeletal Health Surgical and Health Systems Innovation Cell Biology Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Cell Metabolism Cellular Immunology Cellular Interactions Infectious Diseases Medical Bacteriology Medical Microbiology Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly Orthopaedics Pathology Rheumatology and Arthritis
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2018 Anderson, P., Atkins, G., Morris, H., & Findlay, D. (2018). Vitamin D Activities in Osteocytes. In D. Feldman, J. W. Pike, R. Bouillon, E. Giovannucci, D. Goltzman, & M. Hewison (Eds.), Vitamin D: Fourth Edition (Vol. 1, 4th ed., pp. 319-327). London, United Kingdom: Academic Press.
DOI Scopus12015 Gulati, K., Kogawa, M., Maher, S., Atkins, G., Findlay, D., & Losic, D. (2015). Titania nanotubes for local drug delivery from implant surfaces. In D. Losic, & A. Santos (Eds.), Electrochemically Engineered Nanoporous Materials: Methods, Properties and Applications (Vol. 220, pp. 307-355). Switzerland: Springer.
DOI Scopus442011 Atkins, G. J., Findlay, D. M., Anderson, P. H., & Morris, H. A. (2011). Target Genes: Bone proteins. In Vitamin D: Two-Volume Set (Vol. 1-2, pp. 411-424).
DOI2011 Findlay, D., & Atkins, G. (2011). TWEAK and TNF regulation of sclerostin: a novel pathway for the regulation of bone remodelling. In D. Wallach, A. Kovalenko, & M. Feldmann (Eds.), Advances in TNF Family Research (Vol. 691, 1 ed., pp. 337-348). 233 Spring St New York NY 10013: Springer.
DOI Scopus14 WoS12 Europe PMC102011 Atkins, G., Findlay, D., Anderson, P., & Morris, H. (2011). Target genes: Bone proteins. In D. Feldman, J. Pike, & J. Adams (Eds.), Vitamin D (Vol. 1, 3rd ed., pp. 411-424). Elsevier.
DOI Scopus262005 Zannettino, A., Farrugia, A., To, L., & Atkins, G. (2005). An in vitro osteoclast-forming assay to measure myeloma cell-derived osteoclast-activating factors. In R. Brown, & P. Joy Ho (Eds.), Multiple Myeloma: Methods and Protocols (Vol. 113, pp. 245-256). Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press.
DOI Scopus32004 Atkins, G., Findlay, D., Anderson, P., & Morris, H. (2004). Target genes: bone proteins. In D. Feldman, J. Pike, & F. Glorieux (Eds.), Vitamin D, 2nd. ed (Vol. 1, 2nd ed., pp. 711-720). San Diego, California: Elsevier Academic Press.
DOI Scopus32004 Atkins, G. J., Findlay, D. M., Anderson, P. H., & Morris, H. A. (2004). Target Genes: Bone Proteins. In Vitamin D, Second Edition (pp. 711-720).
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2021 Bennett, K., Rapagna, S., Wearne, L., Martelli, S., Atkins, G., Solomon, B., . . . Thewlis, D. (2021). Preliminary Micro-CT Imaging of the Human Tibial Plateau Under Load. In XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB). Stockholm, Sweden. 2019 Grace, T. M., O'Rourke, D., Atkins, G., Taylor, M., Solomon, B., & Thewlis, D. (2019). The Development and Reliability of a Semi-Automated Method to Split the Acetabulum into Clinically Relevant Regions of Interest. In ANZORS 25th Annual Scientific Meeting. Canberra. 2019 Grace, T., Atkins, G., Taylor, M., Solomon, B., & Thewlis, D. (2019). The Feasibility of a Workflow for Investigating Peri-Prosthetic Osteolysis. In AOA SA/NT Branch Scientific Meeting. Adelaide. 2018 Noonan, M. L., Clinkenbeard, E. L., Ni, P., Ivan, M., Prideaux, M., Atkins, G. J., . . . White, K. E. (2018). Directly targeting HIF activity controls FGF23 expression and has implications for translational outcomes. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 33 (pp. 355). Montreal, CANADA: WILEY. 2018 Sharma, D. K., Stamenkov, R., Robertson, T., Stapledon, C. J. M., Atkins, G. J., Solomon, L. B., . . . Morris, H. A. (2018). SERUM 25-HYDROXYVITAMIN D AND ITS METABOLISM IN BONE TISSUE IS ASSOCIATED WITH IMPROVED BONE QUALITY IN ELDERLY HIP PATIENTS. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 29 (pp. S271). Krakow, POLAND: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2017 Liapis, V., Labrinidis, A., Zinonos, I., Hay, S., Ponomarev, V., Panagopoulos, V., . . . Evdokiou, A. (2017). Hypoxia-activated pro-drug Evofosfamide exhibits potent tumor suppressive activity and cooperates with chemotherapy against osteosarcoma. In CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS Vol. 34 (pp. 222-223). SPRINGER. 2017 Liapis, V., Zinonos, I., Labrinidis, A., Hay, S., Ponomarev, V., Panagopoulos, V., . . . Evdokiou, A. (2017). Anticancer efficacy of the hypoxia-activated prodrug evofosfamide (TH-302) in osteolytic breast cancer murine models. In CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS Vol. 34 (pp. 222). SPRINGER. 2016 Makar, S., Qin, J., Gulati, K., ElMekawy, A., Kaur, G., Lima-Marques, L., . . . Losic, D. (2016). 3D printed titanium implants with nano-engineered surface titania nanotubes for localized drug delivery. In Chemeca 2016 (pp. 1-12). online: Engineers Australia. 2014 Mokhtarzadeh, H., Aw, M., Khalid, K., Gulati, K., Atkins, G., Findlay, D., . . . Pivonka, P. (2014). Computational and experimental model of nano-engineered drug delivery system for trabecular bone. In E. Onate, X. Oliver, & A. Huerta (Eds.), 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014 (pp. 868-879). Barcelona, Spain: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
Scopus12014 Turner, A., Hanrath, M., Morris, H., Atkins, G., & Anderson, P. (2014). The local production of 1,25(OH)₂D₃ promotes osteoblast and osteocyte maturation. In D. Bikle, A. Norman, & J. Welsh (Eds.), The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol. 144 (pp. 114-118). San Francisco, CA, USA: Elsevier.
DOI Scopus48 WoS35 Europe PMC252014 Ormsby, R., Findlay, D., Kogawa, M., Anderson, P., Morris, H., & Atkins, G. (2014). Analysis of vitamin D metabolism gene expression in human bone: evidence for autocrine control of bone remodelling. In D. Bikle, A. Norman, & J. Welsh (Eds.), The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol. 144 (pp. 110-113). San Francisco, CA, USA: Elsevier.
DOI Scopus24 WoS22 Europe PMC142013 Gulati, K., Atkins, G., Findlay, D., & Losic, D. (2013). Nano-engineered titanium for enhanced bone therapy. In Proceedings of the SPIE 2013 Optics & Photonics Conference Vol. 8812 (pp. 1-6). Online: SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering.
DOI Scopus26 WoS212012 Aw, M., Gulati, K., Atkins, G., Findlay, D., & Losic, D. (2012). Controlling drug release from titania nanotube arrays using polymer nanocarriers and biopolymer coating. In Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference, APMC10, the International Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, ICONN2012 and the 22nd Australian Conference on Microscopy & Microanalysis, ACMM22 (pp. 655-1-655-2). Perth. 2011 Wijenayaka, A. R., Kogawa, M., Lim, H. P., Bonewald, L. F., Findlay, D. M., & Atkins, G. J. (2011). SCLEROSTIN INDUCES OSTEOCYTE SUPPORT OF OSTEOCLAST FORMATION AND OSTEOCLAST ACTIVITY. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 22 (pp. S550). Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2011 Atkins, G. J., Vincent, C., Wijenayaka, A. R., Welldon, K. J., Haynes, D. R., Zheng, T. S., . . . Findlay, D. M. (2011). THE EFFECTS OF TWEAK AND TNF ON HUMAN OSTEOBLASTS: MAPK DEPENDENT INDUCTION OF SCLEROSTIN EXPRESSION. In D. Wallach, A. Kovalenko, & M. Feldman (Eds.), ADVANCES IN TNF FAMILY RESEARCH Vol. 691 (pp. 688). San Lorenzo del Escorial, SPAIN: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2011 Welldon, K. J., Findlay, D. M., & Atkins, G. J. (2011). CALCIUM AS AN ANABOLIC STIMULUS OF OSTEOBLAST DIFFERENTIATION TO AN OSTEOCYTE-LIKE PHENOTYPE. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 22 (pp. S611). Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2011 Evdokiou, A., Liapis, V., Hay, S., Keramidas, A., Maltezou, E., Christou, Y., . . . Odysseos, A. (2011). The vitamin E analogue Γ-tocotrienol blocks osteoclastogenesis and promotes osteogenesis: Evidence for combined anti-osteolytic and bone forming activity. In BONE Vol. 48 (pp. S106). Athens, GREECE: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
WoS52011 Kogawa, M., Findlay, D. M., Anderson, P. H., Morris, H. A., & Atkins, G. J. (2011). 25(OH)-VITAMIN D3 ACTS DIRECTLY ON OSTEOCLASTS TO REDUCE RESORPTION: WHAT IS THE MECHANISM?. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 22 (pp. S586). Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2011 Khalid, K. A., Ormsby, R. T., Welldon, K. J., Lim, H. P., Syazwani, S., FatinNabilah, S., . . . Findlay, D. M. (2011). RESPONSE TO LOADING IN EX VIVO BOVINE BONE. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 22 (pp. S570). Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2009 Welldon, K. J., Holding, C., Haynes, D. R., Howie, D. W., Findlay, D. M., & Atkins, G. J. (2009). Polyethylene particles activate pro-osteoclastogenic signalling pathways in human primary osteoblasts and osteocytes. In BONE Vol. 44 (pp. S127-S128). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI2009 Kogawa, M., Findlay, D. M., Anderson, P. H., Vincent, C., & Atkins, G. J. (2009). The metabolism of 25(OH)-vitamin D<sub>3</sub> by osteoclast precursors regulates the differentiation and function of osteoclasts. In BONE Vol. 44 (pp. S60-S61). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI2009 Atkins, G. J., Vincent, C., Wijenayaka, A. R., Welldon, K. J., & Findlay, D. M. (2009). TNF-related weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) and sclerostin both signal via Erk-1/2 phosphorylation in human osteoblasts. In BONE Vol. 44 (pp. S56-S57). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI2009 Anderson, P. H., Sawyer, R. K., Moore, A. J., Atkins, G. J., O'Loughlin, P. D., & Morris, H. A. (2009). Osteocyte cell density is reduced during vitamin D depletion and predicts osteoclast surface and bone mineral volume. In BONE Vol. 44 (pp. S131). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI2009 Wijenayaka, A. R., Vincent, C., Findlay, D. M., Welldon, K. J., Zheng, T. S., Haynes, D. R., . . . Atkins, G. J. (2009). The proinflammatory cytokines TNF-related weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) and TNFa induce the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK)-dependent expression of sclerostin in human osteoblasts. In BONE Vol. 44 (pp. S63). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI WoS12008 Atkins, G. J., Vincent, C., Wijenayaka, A. R., Welldon, K. J., Haynes, D. R., Zheng, T. S., . . . Findlay, D. M. (2008). The Proinflammatory Cytokine TWEAK Induces Sclerostin Expression in Human Immature Osteoblasts in a MAPK Dependent Fashion.. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 23 (pp. S385). Montreal, CANADA: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2008 Anderson, P. H., Atkins, G. J., Sawyer, R. K., Findlay, D. M., O'Loughlin, P. D., & Morris, H. A. (2008). The Requirement of the Bone for Vitamin D for 1,25(OH)<sub>2</sub>D<sub>3</sub> Synthesis and Bone Mineralisation.. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 23 (pp. S429). Montreal, CANADA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
WoS12007 Atkins, G. J., Vincent, C., Welldon, K. J., Haynes, D. R., Holding, C., Zheng, T. S., . . . Findlay, D. M. (2007). TWEAK is a regulator of human osteoblast function. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 22 (pp. S138). Honolulu, HI: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2006 Atkins, G. J., Welldon, K. J., Vincent, C., & Findlay, D. M. (2006). Vitamin K analogues promote the differentiation of primary human osteoblasts.. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 21 (pp. S155). Philadelphia, PA: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2006 Zarrinkalam, M. R., Nattrass, G., Beard, H., Atkins, G. J., Findlay, D. M., & Moore, R. J. (2006). Mechanisms of trabecular bone loss in an ovine model of osteoporosis. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 17 (pp. S324). Washington, DC: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2006 Welldon, K., Atkins, G., Vincent, C., & Findlay, D. (2006). Vitamin K analogues promote the differentiation of human osteoblasts.. In Journal of Bone Mineral Research Vol. 21 (pp. SA-204.). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2005 Kostakis, P., Atkins, G., Vincent, C., Farrugia, A., Findlay, D., Evdokiou, A., & Zannettino, A. (2005). RANK expression in normal and malignant cells: a monoclonal antibody study. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Vol. 20 (pp. SA-259.). Nashville, Tennessee: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2005 Bouralexis, S., Findlay, D. M., Atkins, G. J., Hay, S., & Evdokiou, A. (2005). Chemotherapy sensitises osteogenic sarcoma cells but not normal cells to trail-induced apoptosis. In CANCER TREATMENT REVIEWS Vol. 31 (pp. S33-S34). Davos, SWITZERLAND: W B SAUNDERS CO LTD. 2005 Atkins, G. J., Kostakis, P., Vincent, C., Farrugia, A. N., Findlay, D. M., Evdokiou, A., & Zannettino, A. C. W. (2005). RANK expression in normal and malignant haemopoietic cells: A monoclonal antibody study.. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 20 (pp. S146). Nashville, TN: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2004 Atkins, G. J., Anderson, P. H., Welldon, K., Zannettino, A. C. W., Morris, H. A., & Findlay, D. M. (2004). Vitamin D metabolism in human osteoblasts.. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 19 (pp. S204). Seattle, WA: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2004 Atkins, G., Anderson, P., Welldon, K., Zannettino, A., Morris, H., & Findlay, D. (2004). Vitamin D metabolism in human osteoblasts. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Vol. 19 (pp. SA-587). Seattle, Washington: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2003 Kostakis, P., Atkins, G., Pan, B., Farrugia, A., Gronthos, S., Evdokiou, A., . . . Zannettino, A. (2003). The relationship between RANKL expression and osteoblast differentiation in human osteoblasts. In 30th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, 8-12 May 2003 Vol. Italy (pp. 314-468). Rome, Italy: Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
DOI2003 Atkins, G. J., Anderson, P. H., Morris, H. A., Zannettino, A. C. W., Kostakis, P., & Findlay, D. M. (2003). The expression of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 24-hydroxylase and 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1 alpha-hydroxylase in human osteoblasts.. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 18 (pp. S409). MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2003 Dassios, H., Findlay, D. M., Kuliwaba, J. S., Atkins, G. J., & Fazzalari, N. L. (2003). Enhanced gene expression of osteoclastogenic factors in human osteoporotic trabecular bone. In BONE Vol. 32 (pp. S149). OSAKA, JAPAN: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. 2003 Pan, B. Q., To, L. B., Farrugia, A. N., Kostakis, P., Atkins, G. J., Findlay, D. M., & Zannettino, A. C. W. (2003). Multiple myeloma-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines enhance osteoclastogenesis by increasing the number of RANKL-expressing STRO-1 positive osteoprogenitor cells.. In BLOOD Vol. 102 (pp. 370B). SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY. 2002 Atkins, G., Zannettino, A., Kostakis, P., Pan, B., Farrugia, A., Evdokiou, A., & Findlay, D. (2002). Evidence for the maturation-dependent expression of an osteoclastogenic phenotype in human osteoblasts.. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Vol. 17 (pp. S446.). San Antonio, Texas: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2002 Atkins, G., Pan, B., Findlay, D., To, L., Evdokiou, A., Labrinidis, A., . . . Zannettino, A. (2002). Zoledronate is anabolic for human osteoblast-like cells. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Vol. 17 (pp. S442.). San Antonio, Texas: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2001 Atkins, G., Kuliwaba, J., Findlay, D., Forwood, M., & Fazzalari, N. (2001). Differential Gene Expression in the Human Bone Microenvironment of the Hip; Comparison Between Control and Osteoarthritis.. In Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br.) Vol. 84-B (pp. 235). Adelaide, South Australia: The British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1999 Crotti, T. N., Potter, A. E., Atkins, G. J., Findlay, D. M., Howie, D. W., & Haynes, D. R. (1999). Osteoclast differentiation and development is regulated by mediators released in response to prosthetic particles. In H. Stein, S. I. Suk, P. C. Leung, K. G. Thorngren, & W. Akeson (Eds.), SIROT 99 (pp. 542-546). SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: FREUND PUBL HOUSE LTD. 1999 Kuliwaba, J. S., Findlay, D. M., Atkins, G. J., Forwood, M. R., & Fazzalari, N. L. (1999). Gene expression in osteoarthritic cancellous bone is consistent with osteoarthritis being a disease of the skeleton. In H. Stein, S. I. Suk, P. C. Leung, K. G. Thorngren, & W. Akeson (Eds.), SIROT 99 (pp. 437-441). SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: FREUND PUBL HOUSE LTD. 1999 Atkins, G. J., Loric, M., Crotti, T. N., Haynes, D. R., & Findlay, D. M. (1999). Osteoclast differentiation factors are expressed by both stromal and haematopoietic cells in human osteoclast formation. In H. Stein, S. I. Suk, P. C. Leung, K. G. Thorngren, & W. Akeson (Eds.), SIROT 99 (pp. 547-551). SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: FREUND PUBL HOUSE LTD. -
Conference Items
DOI2021 Bennett, K., Pizzolato, C., Martelli, S., Bahl, J., Sivakumar, A., Atkins, G., . . . Thewlis, D. (2021). Estimations of Knee Joint Loading Using Generalized Methods and Muscle Recruitment Strategies. Poster session presented at the meeting of XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB). 2019 Bennett, K. J., Millar, S., Fraysse, F., Arnold, J., Atkins, G., Solomon, L., . . . Thewlis, D. (2019). Longitudinal Postoperative Joint Kinematics of Tibial Plateau Fracture Patients. Poster session presented at the meeting of ANZORS 25th Annual Scientific Meeting. Canberra, ACT, Australia. 2017 Liapis, V., Labrinidis, A., Zinonos, I., Hay, S., Ponomarev, V., Panagopoulos, V., . . . Evdokiou, A. (2017). Anticancer efficacy of the hypoxia-activated pro-drug evofosfamide in prcelinIcal osteosarcoma murine models. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE. SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD. 2017 Liapis, V., Zinonos, I., Labrinidis, A., Hay, S., Ponomarev, V., Panagopoulos, V., . . . Evdokiou, A. (2017). The hypoxia activated pro-drug evofosfamide exhibits tumour suppressive activity and synergy with chemotherapy against primary and metastatic breast cancers. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE. SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD. 2003 Atkins, G., Anderson, P., Morris, H., Zannettino, A., Kostakis, P., & Findlay, D. (2003). The expression of 25-hydroxyvitaminD 24-hydroxylase and 25-hydroxyvitaminD 1 alpha-hydroxylase in human osteoblasts. Poster session presented at the meeting of Journal of Bone Mineral Research. Minnesota, USA. 2003 Anderson, P., Atkins, G., Morris, H., Kostakis, P., Findlay, D., & Zannettino, A. (2003). The expression of 25-hydroxyvitaminD 24-hydroxylase and 25-hydroxyvitaminD 1 alpha-hydroxylase in human osteoblasts.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Calcified Tissue International. Rome, Italy: Springer. -
Year Citation 2020 Solomon, L. B., Atkins, G., Freeman, B., Howie, D., Findlay, D., Smitham, P., . . . Jones, C. (2020). COTR publications [website]. University of Adelaide: Dan McCafferty. -
Year Citation 2025 Gunn, N. J., Zelmer, A. R., Kidd, S. P., Solomon, L. B., Carda-Diéguez, M., Mira, A., . . . Atkins, G. J. (2025). Chronic<i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>infection of osteocytes promotes an intracellular viable-but-non-culturable phenotype.
DOI2025 Kitchen, D. S., Ricci, S., Abrahams, J. M., Downie, M. L., Atkins, G. J., Solomon, L. B., & Smitham, P. J. (2025). Patients Report Better Outcomes Following Reduction of Tibial Plateau Fractures: A Systematic Review.
DOI2024 Sun, Q., Huynh, K., Muratovic, D., Gunn, N. J., Zelmer, A. R., Solomon, L. B., . . . Yang, D. (2024). Beyond the Colony-Forming-Unit: Rapid Bacterial Evaluation in Osteomyelitis.
DOI Scopus1 Europe PMC32023 Zelmer, A., Yang, D., Gunn, N., Solomon, B., Nelson, R., Kidd, S., . . . Atkins, G. (2023). Antibiotics at Clinical Concentrations Show Limited Effectivity Against Acute and Chronic Intracellular<i>S. aureus</i>Infections in Osteocytes.
DOI2021 Hofstaetter, J., Atkins, G., Kogawa, M., Blouin, S., Misof, B., Roschger, P., . . . Ito, N. (2021). A case of autosomal dominant osteopetrosis type II with a severe bone phenotype but no amino acid converting mutation in the <i>CLCN7</i> gene.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Utility of nucleic acid sequencing for improving diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Kimberley Huynh 2022 Principal Supervisor Understanding the Role of Gut Microbiome in Prosthetic Joint Infections. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time APrf Boopalan Ramasamy 2022 Co-Supervisor Risk factors for re-infection in two-staged total hip replacement revision Master of Philosophy (Surgery) Master Part Time Mr Ameya Bhanushali 2022 Principal Supervisor Pathologic bone matrix destruction: help or hindrance for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic osteomyelitis and osteosarcoma? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Qi Sun 2022 Principal Supervisor The Host Osteocyte Response to Bacterial Infection in Osteomyelitis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammad Amjad Hossain 2021 Principal Supervisor Healing of Human Tibial Plateau Fractures Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr David Stuart Kitchen -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Mechanisms of Persistence, Reactivation and Eradication of Staphylococci in Orthopaedic Infections Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Anja Ruth Zelmer 2019 - 2022 Co-Supervisor In Silico, Ex Vivo, and In Vivo approaches for Modelling Tibial Plateau Fractures Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Kieran James Bennett 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Engineering Novel Nano-Structured 3D-Printed Titanium Implants for Optimized Osseointegration, Antibacterial Protection and Localized Drug Delivery Applications Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Shaheer Guirguis Maher Makar 2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Investigating the biomechanics and genetics of acetabular peri-prosthetic osteolysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Thomas Michael Grace 2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor The Role of the Osteocyte in Periprosthetic Osteolysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Renee Ormsby 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor A Novel Investigation into the Role of Neurotrophic Factors in the Osteocyte and Bone Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Catherine Stapledon 2012 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Role of Vitamin D Autocrine Activity and Signalling in Osteoclast Formation and Activity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Daniel Christopher Reinke 2011 - 2012 Principal Supervisor The Effect of Bone Anabolic Stimuli on Human Osteoblast to Osteocyte Transition Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Full Time Ms Katie Welldon 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The regulation of the sclerostin gene and the catabolic effects of sclerostin protein on bone Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Asiri Wijenayaka 2009 - 2015 Co-Supervisor The Interaction between Vitamin D and Extracellular Calcium on Osteogenic Differentiation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Dongqing Yang 2009 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Ex Vivo Bone Culture: A Novel Method for Investigating Mechanical Loading Response and Osteocytes in Situ In Trabecular Bone Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Kamarul Ariffin Khalid 2006 - 2012 Principal Supervisor The Underlying Molecular Regulators and their Effects on Mineralisation in the Trabecular Bone Microenvironment and Osteoblast of Primary Hip Osteoarthritis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Duminda Danajaya Kumarasinghe 2000 - 2003 Co-Supervisor Molecular Mechanisms of Apo2L/TRAIL Induced Apoptosis In Normal and Malignant Cells Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Stelios Bouralexis
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