Katrina Plastow

Ms Katrina Plastow

Senior Lecturer

Adelaide Dental School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Katrina is a member of the academic staff of the Adelaide Dental School, University of Adelaide. She obtained her dental therapy qualification through the South Australian Dental Service, has worked in country and metropolitan clinics, and gained additional experience in management and clinical leadership. She is committed to the profession and ethical practice, and is an Assessor of the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (formerly SA Health Practitioners Tribunal).

Katrina has completed a degree in Adult Education at Uni SA and Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) at the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health (ARCPOH), The University of Adelaide. Katrina’s research interests include child oral health and dental education. Her current project examines the consumption of sugars, exposure to fluorides and dental caries in Australian children.

As an educator, Katrina has taught in both the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) programmes for over fifteen years. She is an inaugural member of the Adelaide Education Academy for education specialists at the University of Adelaide, and has an interest in developing and utilising engaging, student-centred teaching and learning initiatives including blending on-line learning and direct instruction, small group discovery, and clinical simulation. Katrina co-developed the Graduate Certificate in Oral Health Science programme, coordinates two courses in the BOH programme and is also Year 3 coordinator. She is an active member of the School’s Programs Board as staff representative. Katrina has been a SET member for the Australian Dental Council (ADC) for new programme accreditation. She was also an author and reviewer for the Oral Health Therapy Graduate Year Programme (OHTGYP).


Katrina’s broad research interests include child oral health and dental education. 


  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Lee, D., Arnold, M., Srivastava, A., Plastow, K., Strelan, P., Ploeckl, F., . . . Palmer, E. (2024). The impact of generative AI on higher education learning and teaching: A study of educators’ perspectives. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6, 100221.
    DOI Scopus38
    2013 Armfield, J., Spencer, A., Roberts-Thomson, K., & Plastow, K. (2013). Water fluoridation and the association of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and dental caries in Australian children. American Journal of Public Health, 103(3), 494-500.
    DOI Scopus107 WoS100 Europe PMC69
    2013 Barbetti, K., Newsham, C., & Plastow, K. L. (2013). Non-nutritive sucking – habit with a consequence?. ANZJDent&OHT, 1, 10-14.
    2012 Plastow, K., Gallery, G., & Gallery, N. (2012). An analysis of the corporate governance practices of smaller listed Australian companies. Corporate Ownership and Control, 10(1), 233-253.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2018 Plastow, K. L., & Gardner, S. P. (2018). Flipping and drawing to enhance student engagement and learning in Dental Anatomy (Work in progress),. In ICEL 2018 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on e-Learning Vol. 2018-July (pp. 567-569). Online: Curran Associates, Inc..
    2018 Plastow, K. L., Gardner, S. P., & Watson, M. (2018). Flip and Draw! Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning in Dental Anatomy. In The ADOHTA 5th International Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia,. Hobart Tas.
    2016 Plastow, K., & Cooper, R. (2016). Healthy Kids Cambodia: A peer mentoring approach to an overseas clinical placement.. In College of Oral Health Academics (COHA) CPD Event, Adelaide..
    2012 Miller, J., Plastow, K. L., & Barrow, S. -Y. (2012). Critical appraisal of research for clinical application.. In ADOHTA International conference, Canberra, Australia.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
  • Theses

    Year Citation
    2014 Plastow, K. L. (2014). Consumption of sugars, exposure to fluorides and dental caries in Australian children. Thesis submitted for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours).
  • Working Paper

    Year Citation
    2014 De Anselmo Peres, M., Harford, J., Plastow, K. L., & Miller, J. (2014). Submission from Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health to World Health Organisation in response to the Draft guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children..

Learning & Teaching Advancement grants

2019 - $5000 L & T Advancement grant

  • Attend AMEE international conference, Vienna.

2018 - $7950 L & T Advancement grant

  • Attend and present at ICEL 2018 conference, Cape Town and 2018 ADOHTA 5th International conference, Hobart.

2017 - $9700 L & T Advancement grant

  • Attend Connecting Higher Education conference, London; visit the UCL Eastman Dental Institute; deliver oral presentation at EDULEARN17 conference, Barcelona.

2016 - $9500 L & T Advancement grant

  • Attended two-day international ECEL e-learning conference in Prague, Czech Republic and ascilite 2016 3-day conference, Adelaide, to support the development of on-line learning resources and teaching related professional development activities

Faculty e-learning grant

2016 - $4500 Faculty e-learning grant

  • Project title “Supporting the transition to a longer clinical year through the development of online resources”
  • Supported co-creation with final year BOH students in the development on on-line learning modules and video resources

New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Grant 2018

2017 - $39,600 NCP Mobility Program funding for 2018 round – Health Smiles Cambodia

  • Two-week study tour and clinical placement in Cambodia for twelve final year BOH students.

Asia-Bound Short Term Study Mobility Grant 2014

2014 - $10,000 Asia-Bound Short Term Study Mobility Grant

  • Two-week study tour and clinical placement in Vietnam for 3rd year BOH students.

As an educator, Katrina has taught in both the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) programmes for nearly twenty years. She jointly developed the Graduate Certificate in Oral Health Therapy, and  is an inaugural member of the Adelaide Education Academy for education specialists at the University of Adelaide. Katrina has an interest in developing and utilising engaging, student-centred teaching and learning initiatives including blending on-line learning and direct instruction, small group discovery, and clinical simulation.

Year Coordinator | BOH year 3

Course coordinator | Dental & Health Science IOH, Dental & Health Science IIIOH

Educator/Clinical tutor | Clinical Practice IOH, Clinical Practice IIOH, Clinical Practice IIIOH, Dental Science & Practice I, Dental Clinical Practice I, Evidence-based Dentistry I/IOH


  • Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice

    Date Title Type Institution Country
    2019 - ongoing Assessor Peer Review South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) -
    2014 - ongoing Accreditation Monitoring & Site Evaluation Team Member Peer Review Australian Dental Council -
    2007 - 2018 Dental therapist representative Peer Review SA Health Practitioners Tribunal -
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83138068
  • Email: katrina.plastow@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences, floor 10
  • Org Unit: Dental

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