Associate Professor Beth Loveys
Associate Professor
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
My PhD research began in the area of plant ecophysiology and then post doctoral positions expanded my area of interest into the effects of global climate change on plant growth. After my appointment at The University of Adelaide as a teaching only academic my area of interest has expanded again to include education research.
Selected discipline specific research publications:
B.R. Loveys. John, J. G Egerton, Dan Bruhn and Marilyn. C. Ball (2010) Disturbance is required for CO2-dependent promotion of woody plant growth in grasslands. Functional Plant Ecology. 37: 555-565. [Impact factor: 2.121]
D Bruhn, JJG Egerton, B.R Loveys, M. C. Ball (2007) Evergreen leaf respiration acclimates to long term nocturnal warming under field conditions. Global Change Biology 13: 1216-1223. [Impact factor: 8.502]
Loveys, B.R. John J.G Egerton, & Marilyn C Ball (2006) Higher daytime temperatures contribute to lower freeze tolerance under elevated CO2. Plant Cell and Environment.29:1077-1086. [Impact factor: 6.173]
O.K. Atkin, B.R. Loveys, L.J. Atkinson and T.L. Pons (2006) Phenotypic plasticity and growth temperature: understanding inter-specific variability. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57(2):267-81. [Impact factor= 5.830]
David H. Barker, Beth R. Loveys, John J.G Egerton, Holly Gorton, William E Williams & Marilyn C Ball (2005) CO2 enrichment predisposes foliage of a eucalypt to freezing injury and reduces spring growth. Plant Cell and Environment, 28(12): 1506-1515. [Impact factor: 6.173]
Loveys, B.R, Atkinson, L.J, Sherlock, D.J, Roberts, R, Fitter, A.H and Atkin O.K., (2003) Thermal acclimation of leaf and root respiration: an investigation comparing inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species, Global Change Biology, 9: 895-910. [Impact factor: 8.502]
Loveys, B.R, Scheurwater I, Pons T.L, Fitter, A.H and Atkin O.K., (2002) Growth temperature influences the underlying components of growth: an investigation using plants of differing growth rate, Plant Cell and Environment, 25: 975-988. [Impact factor: 6.173]
Atkin, O.K, Edwards, E. J. and Loveys, B.R., (2000) Response of root respiration to changes in temperature and its relevance to global warming, New Phytologist 147:141-154. [Impact factor= 7.33]
My Research is now focused on the scholarship of learning and teaching.
I have been successful in winning over $40,000 in University of Adelaide research grants over the last two years. I was fortunate to obtain one of four SGDE development grants, this allowed significant development of the SGDE in Foundations in Plant Science and also resulted in the production of a workshop for mentors applicable across the University. The mentor workshop was run in 2017 for members of the SGDE Community of Practice (see Section 3 for more details).
In 2017 I led two projects funded by the Federal Government through the Higher Education Participation and Partnership Program (HEPPP). Both projects were allocated $4000 to investigate; (1) The transition of students in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine from 1st year to 2nd and (2) The factors that contribute to a cohesive cohort within the degree programs in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine. I was able to employ a project officer on both projects to collect survey and focus group data from 150 students across 1st and 2nd year in our two main degree programs. I have been responsible for the collation and analysis of the data arising from these projects.
Over the last 6 years I have been collecting data regarding the impact of my flipped classroom approach for practical classes. This work has been submitted to the International Journal of Science Education and is currently under review.
I was also involved in preparing two chapters of the Good Practice Guide for Agriculture along with colleagues at the University of Adelaide, University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, Curtin University and Charles Sturt University. This was a valuable opportunity for me to connect with academics in many other institutions and compare teaching methods and approaches that work broadly in the area of agricultural education.
Learning and Teaching Advancement grants through the Adelaide Education Academy have allowed me to present research in the area of flipped classrooms and Students as Partners at several local, national and international conferences in 2017 (Connecting Higher Education, UK; EduLearn, Barcelona; FlipCon, Sydney; National Students as Partners Roundtable, Adelaide; IMELT, Adelaide) and 2018 (STARS, Auckland; National Students as Partners Roundtable, Brisbane; Combio, Sydney, HERDSA, Adelaide; AgEd, Adelaide). These conferences were and are invaluable for developing national and international contacts and benchmarking my teaching practice. A presentation at University College London for Connecting Higher Education led to an invitation to submit an article for the International Journal of Students as Partners (currently in preparation).
Date Position Institution name 2011 - ongoing Associate Professor The University of Adelaide 2001 - 2006 Post Doctoral Fellow The Australian National University 1999 - 2001 Post Doctoral Fellow The University of York -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2022 Teaching Award Australian Awards for University Teaching Universities Australia Australia - 2020 Fellowship Senior Fellow HEA The University of Adelaide Australia - 2019 Teaching Award Stephen Cole the Elder The University of Adelaide Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 1994 - 1998 Flinders University, Adelaide Australia PhD Deakin University, Melbourne Australia Graduate Certificate In Higher Education Learning and Teaching -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Deakin University Australia
Year Citation 2024 Hume, R., Weir, T., Priest, J., Krivickas, S., Riggs, K., MacKinnon, A., . . . Able, A. J. (2024). Are we Developing Career-Readiness Skills in Australian Science Graduates?. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 32(5), 2-24.
2023 Gill, A. R., Loveys, B. R., Cavagnaro, T. R., & Burton, R. A. (2023). The potential of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as an emerging drought resistant fibre crop. Plant and Soil, 493(1-2), 7-16.
Scopus62022 Gill, A. R., Loveys, B. R., Cowley, J. M., Hall, T., Cavagnaro, T. R., & Burton, R. A. (2022). Physiological and morphological responses of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to water deficit. Industrial Crops and Products, 187(A), 1-11.
Scopus242021 Wilkinson, K., Ristic, R., McNamara, I., Loveys, B., Jiang, W., & Krstic, M. (2021). Evaluating the Potential for Smoke from Stubble Burning to Taint Grapes and Wine. Molecules, 26(24), 7540-1-7540-16.
Scopus7 WoS2 Europe PMC12019 Loveys, B. R., & Riggs, K. M. (2019). Flipping the laboratory: improving student engagement and learning outcomes in second year science courses. International Journal of Science Education, 41(1), 64-79.
Scopus33 WoS212019 Doerflinger, F., Able, A., & Loveys, B. (2019). Authentic undergraduate research in plant science: The importance of mentor-student relationships. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 27(4), 27-46.
Scopus22019 Snelling, C. A., Loveys, B. R., Karanicolas, S., Schofield, N., Carlson-Jones, W., Weissgerber, J., . . . Ngu, J. (2019). Partnership through co-creation: lessons learnt at the University of Adelaide. International Journal of Students as Partners, 3(2), 62-77.
2014 Loveys, B., Kaiser, B., McDonald, G., Kravchuk, O., Gilliham, M., Tyerman, S., & Able, A. (2014). The development of student research skills in second year plant biology. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 22(3), 15-25.
Scopus52010 Loveys, B., Egerton, J., Bruhn, D., & Ball, M. (2010). Disturbance is required for CO₂-dependent promotion of woody plant growth in grasslands. Functional Plant Biology, 37(6), 555-565.
Scopus4 WoS4 Europe PMC22007 Bruhn, D., Egerton, J., Loveys, B., & Ball, M. (2007). Evergreen leaf respiration acclimates to long-term nocturnal warming under field conditions. Global Change Biology, 13(6), 1216-1223.
WoS35 Europe PMC172006 Atkin, O., Loveys, B., Atkinson, L., & Pons, T. (2006). Phenotypic plasticity and growth temperature: understanding interspecific variability. Journal of Experimental Biology, 57(2), 267-281.
WoS149 Europe PMC812006 Loveys, B., Egerton, J., & Ball, M. (2006). Higher daytime leaf temperatures contribute to lower freeze tolerance under elevated CO₂. Plant Cell and Environment, 29(6), 1077-1086.
WoS49 Europe PMC192006 Loveys, B. R., Egerton, J. J. G., & Ball, M. C. (2006). Higher daytime leaf temperatures contribute to lower freeze tolerance under elevated CO<sub>2</sub> (vol 29, pg 1077, 2006). PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, 29(7), 1462.
2005 Barker, D., Loveys, B., Egerton, J., Gorton, H., Williams, W., & Ball, M. (2005). CO₂ enrichment predisposes foliage of a eucalypt to freezing injury and reduces spring growth. Plant Cell and Environment, 28(12), 1506-1515.
WoS472003 Loveys, B. R., Scheurwater, I., Pons, T. L., Fitter, A. H., & Atkin, O. K. (2003). Growth temperature influences the underlying components of relative growth rate: an investigation using inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species. (vol 25, pg 975, 2002). PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, 26(11), 1927.
WoS42003 Loveys, B. R., Atkinson, L. J., Sherlock, D. J., Roberts, R. L., Fitter, A. H., & Atkin, O. K. (2003). Thermal acclimation of leaf and root respiration: an investigation comparing inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 9(6), 895-910.
WoS2292002 Loveys, B. R., Scheurwater, I., Pons, T. L., Fitter, A. H., & Atkin, O. K. (2002). Growth temperature influences the underlying components of relative growth rate: an investigation using inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species. PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, 25(8), 975-987.
WoS1532002 Loveys, B., Tyerman, S., & Loveys, B. (2002). Effect of different host plants on the growth of the root hemiparasite Santalum acuminatum (quandong). Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 41(1), 97-102.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC32001 Loveys, B., Loveys, B., & Tyerman, S. (2001). Water relations and gas exchange of the root hemiparasite Santalum acuminatum(quandong). Australian Journal of Botany, 49(4), 479-486.
Scopus14 WoS11 Europe PMC32001 Loveys, B., Tyerman, S., & Loveys, B. (2001). Transfer of photosynthate and naturally occurring insecticidal compounds from host plants to the root hemiparasite Santalum acuminatum(Santalaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 49(1), 9-16.
Scopus18 WoS15 Europe PMC62000 Zubrinich, T. M., Loveys, B., Gallasch, S., Seekamp, J. V., & Tyerman, S. D. (2000). Tolerance of salinized floodplain condition in a naturally occurring Eucalyptus hybrid related to lowered plant water potential. Tree Physiology, 20(14), 953-963.
Scopus21 WoS19 Europe PMC92000 Atkin, O. K., Edwards, E. J., & Loveys, B. R. (2000). Response of root respiration to changes in temperature and its relevance to global warming. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 147(1), 141-154.
WoS316 Europe PMC85 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2021 Snelling, C., Missingham, D., Loveys, B., & Karanicolas, S. (2021). Voices from Down Under: Analysing the Learning Experience of Adults in an Australian Academy. In N. Simmons, & J. Podrebarac (Eds.), Adults in the Academy: Voices of Lifelong Learners (Vol. 20, pp. 110-123). The Netherlands: Brill.
DOI2021 Loveys, B., Snelling, C., Karanicolas, S., & Missingham, D. (2021). Voices from down under: Analysing the learning experience of adults in an Australian Academy. In N. Simmons, & J. Podrebarac (Eds.), Adults in the Academy: Voices of Lifelong Learners (Vol. 20, pp. 110-123). Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
DOI2016 Loveys, B., Riggs, K., & Able, A. (2016). Threshold Learning Outcome 2: Knowledge of Agriculture. In T. Botwright Acuña, & A. Able (Eds.), Good Practice Guide: Threshold Learning Outcomes for Agriculture (1 ed., pp. 25-53). Sydney, Australia: Australian Government Office for Learning & Teaching. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2017 McGrice, H., Loveys, B., & Karanicolas, S. (2017). Flipping Three Ways. Engaging undergraduates and academics through the creative use of technology in flipped classrooms.. In Educause Quarterly (pp. 1481-1487). Barcelona: IATED-INT ASSOC TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT. 2016 Karanicolas, S., Loveys, B., Riggs, K., McGrice, H., Snelling, C., Winning, T., & Kemp, A. (2016). The Rise of the Flip: Successfully engaging students in pre-class activities through the use of technology and a flipped classroom design template. In S. Barker, S. Dawson, A. Pardo, & C. Colvin (Eds.), Show Me The Learning. Proceedings ASCILITE 2016 Adelaide (pp. 312-317). Adelaide, SA: ASCILITE.
Scopus5 -
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2023 Donnelly, F., Winter, A., Loveys, B., & Strelan, P. (2023). Examining the academe; scholarship and expertise in higher education, a scoping review protocol. OSF.
I currently coordinate the follow courses:
Foundations in Plant Science, Level II (semester 1)- core course for Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences and Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology
Animal and Plant Biochemistry II, Level II (semester 1)- core course for Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences and Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology
Plant Production and Global Climate Change, Level III (semester 2)- core course for Bachelor of Applied Biology (Plant Production Major)
I currently teach components of:
Research Skills for Applied Biology, Level II (semester 1)
Viticultural Science II, Level II (semester 2)
Agricultural Resource Management, Level III (semester 2)
Agricultural System 1A, Level I (semester 2)
Introductory Wine Making, Level II (semester 2)
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor The development of new horticultural crops for South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Claire Lynette Shoubridge 2023 Co-Supervisor Science students’ perceptions of assessment: to what extent can program-oriented assessment design promote and encourage self-regulated lifelong learning in Science students? Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Ms Natalia Zarina -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Adapting to Water Scarcity in Agriculture: Investigating Industrial Hemp and Dry Farming for Future Cropping in Drier Environments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Alison Rose Gill
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