Professor Nigel Spooner
Professor (Physics)
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Nigel Spooner was awarded a DPhil (Physics, Oxon) in 1993, following which he relocated to establish and head the “Luminescence Dating Laboratory” (LDL) at RSES, Australian National University, Australia. Research focussed on environmental dosimetry utilising luminescence induced in artificial and naturally-occurring environmental materials by ionising radiation from natural and man-made sources in the environment. Work included elucidation of the physics and phenomenology of thermoluminescence (TL) and optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) from these materials for dosimetry, the development of Luminescence Dating (TL & Optical Dating) protocols, and the invention of apparatus for environmental dosimetry research and application. Devices included the world’s first commercially-manufactured Optical Dating system, including luminescence readers, automated alpha particle and beta particle irradiators and specialised calibration facilities, in collaboration with Littlemore Scientific Engineering (Elsec), Oxfordshire, UK. Applications included the use of TL and Optical Dating for “retrospective dosimetry” (Dose Reconstruction) in the modern era. A key focus of the LDL was reaching into past times using radiometric dating: Optical Dating in particular had “broken through” to gain recognition as a major new chronological technique. This enabled the team to address major questions in geomorphology, soil science, palaeohydrology, archaeology and palaeontology, leading to numerous publications including cover articles in the journals Nature and Science.
Nigel transferred to DST Group in 2002, from where he initiated the joint DST Group-University of Adelaide Luminescence program from 2004. This was later incorporated as a founding element of the successful Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS), and was renamed the “The Prescott Environmental Luminescence Laboratory” (PELL). The PELL boasts a globally-unique suite of instruments for luminescence analysis, radiation exposure detection and radiometric dating. Activity areas include retrospective dosimetry, radiation detection technology development including a novel class of radiation-sensitive optical fibres and single-sand-grain Optical Dating apparatus, TL research, and environmental radioisotope and dose-rate measurement. The laboratory possesses world-leading technology, hosting the most sensitive TL spectrometer, and the world’s most sensitive radiogenic luminescence imaging technology for spatially-resolved OSL & TL imaging.
From 2015 I have attracted more than $32M in research funding. This included roles as two Chief Investigator on 2 x ARC Research Training Centres, 1x ARC Research Hub, 2 x Cooperative Research Centre and 1 x CRC-P projects and $5M from Defence programs. I have successfully secured research facility funding and fostered collaboration with various industries, including mining and mineral processing, Defence and National Security (CBRN), and health and medical, resulting in successful research programs leading to publications, HDR student graduations and commercialisation endeavours. I am the University of Adelaide lead for the new Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre “RadInnovate” (IC230100036), a 5-year Centre partnering ANU & UniSA and commencing in 2024; my role is Pillar Lead for “Radiation Innovation”, one of three Pillars in this ITTC, and Principal/Co-Supervisor of 6-8 ITTC RadInnovate HDR students.
My innovation and research leadership focused on the following three key areas: “Novel Fluorescence (NF)”, Radiation S&T and Luminescence Dosimetry & Geochronology:
Novel Fluorescence: I am the pioneer to use new photonics technology for material detection, identification and quantification using “Upconversion fluorescence” (UF). The Prescott Environmental Luminescence Laboratory” (PELL) has integrated multiple synchronised UV to MIR-tuneable OPO laser excitation systems, with cryogenic-to-elevated temperature sample stages and UV to MWIR detection, now enabling both UF and “conventional” single-photon fluorescence to be analysed in little-studied regimes of wavelength and temperature. Since 2015 this has grown to be the world’s leading facility for these novel approach to fluorescence materials sensing.
Radiation S&T: PELL houses world-leading luminescence detection apparatus for kinetics analysis, TL spectral analysis and Photon-counting Imaging, and developmental technologies in novel radiation sensitive optical fibres for alpha and beta particle detection, drone-borne radiation field intensity sensors, and extensive capability for naturally-source radiopharmaceutical radioisotope extraction, from natural sources such as radioactive mine waste. Spinning-off from the PELL’s leading regional capability, in 2019 I created the industry-focussed Centre for Radiation Research, Education and Innovation (CRREI) as a radiation-focussed centre also delivering radiation education courses targeting a critical skills gap. CRREI is now expanding into radiation biology for health, Defence and Space purposes.
Luminescence Dosimetry & Geochronology: The PELL’s unique research suite includes the world-leading “3D-TL” Spectrometer and Photon Counting Imaging System (PCIS), along with nine Risoe OSL/TL readers, state of the art beta counters, twelve alpha spectrometers, seven HPGe gamma ray spectrometers, alpha particle detection technology and calibrated alpha, beta and photon irradiation facilities. These support an extensive Single-grain Optical Dating program applied to both academic collaboration and fee-for service SG-OSL dating.
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Founder, Deputy Director ARC Training Centre for Radiation and Innovation (CRREI) 2018 - ongoing Professor, Physics University of Adelaide 2009 - 2018 Adjunct Professor, Luminescence University of Adelaide 2002 - 2018 Senior Research Scientist Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) 1993 - 2002 Head, Luminescence Laboratory Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), Australian National University (ANU) -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2023 Award Secretary's Award for Long Service Australian Public Service Australia - 2007 Award First DSTG-University Joint Professorship The University of Adelaide Australia - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2009 University of Melbourne Australia Graduate Certificate in Scientific Leadership (1st class) 1993 University of Oxford United Kingdom DPhil 1987 University of Adelaide Australia MSc 1980 University of Adelaide Australia BSc Hons
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Doughney, T., Gillam, J., Kalnins, C., Hooker, A. M., Marinaro, D., Damas, D., . . . Spooner, N. A. (2024). GEANT4 Surface Model for Background Radiation in Complex Environments. In 2022 IEEE NSS/MIC RTSD - IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference Vol. 784 (pp. 1-2). Italy: IEEE.
DOI2024 de Prinse, T., Moffatt, J., Payten, T., Slattery, T., Rusby, J., Tsiminis, G., . . . Spooner, N. A. (2024). Novel fluorescence analysis for real-time moon mineralogy. In Y. Soskind, & L. E. Busse (Eds.), Photonic Instrumentation Engineering XI Vol. 12893 (pp. 66). Online: SPIE.
DOI2020 Chapsky, A., Spooner, N. A., Santos, A., & Rutten, T. (2020). 3D dose distribution measurement using 2D imaging from NaCl optical crystals. In Proceddings of the Micro-Mini & Nano Dosimetry and Innovative Technologies in Radiation Oncology (MMND ITRO 2020), as published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1662 (pp. 012009-1-012009-4). online: IOP Publishing.
DOI2017 Hunter, P., & Spooner, N. (2017). Investigation of the role of the production process on the luminescence of sea salt products. In Geochronometria Vol. 44 (pp. 121-128). Adelaide, AUSTRALIA: DE GRUYTER OPEN LTD.
DOI2014 Warren-Smith, S., Tsiminis, G., Robertson, I., Turnbull, G., Samuel, I., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2014). Fabrication of subwavelength surface gratings on exposed-core microstructured optical fibres. In International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Adelaide, South Australia. 2014 Tsiminis, G., Rowland, K., Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2014). Extruded single ring hollow core optical fibers for Raman sensing. In J. LopezHiguera, J. Jones, M. LopezAmo, & J. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 9157 (pp. 915782-1-915782-4). Santander, Spain: SPIE.
DOI Scopus1 WoS22014 Chu, F., Tsiminis, G., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2014). Explosives sensing based on suspended core fiber coated with conjugated polymer. In J. LopezHiguera, J. Jones, M. LopezAmo, & J. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 9157 (pp. 915784-1-915784-4). Santander, Spain: SPIE.
DOI2013 Chu, F., Tsiminis, G., Lang, C., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2013). Measuring nitroaromatic explosives using polymer-coated microstructured optical fibers. In Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics. Fremantle, W.A.. 2013 Tsiminis, G., Chu, F., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2013). Sensing explosives with suspended core fibers: Identification and quantification using Raman spectroscopy. In Proceedings of SPIE vol 8627 Vol. 8627 (pp. 86270M-1-86270M-7). Online: SPIE.
DOI Scopus12012 Kalnins, C., Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2012). Optically stimulated luminescence in fluoride phosphate glass optical fibres for radiation dosimetry. In Proceedings Volume 8351, Third Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference Vol. 8351 (pp. 83512G-1-83512G-6). Sydney, Australia: SPIE.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12012 Tsiminis, G., Spooner, N., & Monro, T. (2012). Raman detection of hydrogen peroxide in suspended core optical fibers. In Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8421 (pp. 842181). Beijing, China: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING.
DOI2010 Prescott, J., Creighton, D., Williams, F., & Spooner, N. (2010). Three-Dimensional luminescence spectra of single grains of feldspar. In Proceedings of 16th AINSE conference on nuclear and complementary techniques of analysis (pp. 1-4). online: 16th AINSE conference on nuclear and complementary techniques of analysis. 2009 Kalnins, C., Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H., Monro, T., Williams, F., & Spooner, N. (2009). Radiation effects in glasses for optical fiber dosimetry. In Proceedings of the ACOLS ACOFT 09 Conference (pp. 26-27). CDROM: Australian Optical Society. 2008 Spooner, N. A., & Smith, B. W. (2008). Luminescence analysis for radiological and nuclear forensic application. In e-Forensics 2008 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information, and Multimedia and Workshop. ACM.
DOI Scopus11997 Abeyratne, M., Spooner, N. A., Grün, R., & Head, J. (1997). Multidating studies of Batadomba Cave, Sri Lanka. In Quaternary Science Reviews Vol. 16 (pp. 243-255). AUSTRALIAN NATL UNIV, CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
DOI Scopus17 WoS151994 Roberts, R. G., Jones, R., Spooner, N. A., Head, M. J., Murray, A. S., & Smith, M. A. (1994). The human colonisation of Australia: optical dates of 53,000 and 60,000 years bracket human arrival at Deaf Adder Gorge, Northern Territory. In Quaternary Science Reviews Vol. 13 (pp. 575-583). KREMS, AUSTRIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
DOI Scopus270 WoS2241994 Visocekas, R., Spooner, N. A., Zink, A., & Blanc, P. (1994). Tunnel afterglow, fading and infrared emission in thermoluminescence of feldspars. In Radiation Measurements Vol. 23 (pp. 377-385). KREMS, AUSTRIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
DOI Scopus89 WoS871994 Spooner, N. A. (1994). The anomalous fading of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspars. In Radiation Measurements Vol. 23 (pp. 625-632). KREMS, AUSTRIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
DOI Scopus294 WoS2521994 Spooner, N. A. (1994). On the optical dating signal from quartz. In Radiation Measurements Vol. 23 (pp. 593-600). KREMS, AUSTRIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
DOI Scopus246 WoS2171992 Spooner, N. A. (1992). Optical dating: Preliminary results on the anomalous fading of luminescence from feldspars. In Quaternary Science Reviews Vol. 11 (pp. 139-145). CLERMONT FERRAND, FRANCE: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
DOI Scopus112 WoS931990 Smith, B. W., Rhodes, E. J., Stokes, S., & Spooner, N. A. (1990). The optical dating of sediments using quartz. In Radiation Protection Dosimetry Vol. 34 (pp. 75-78). VIENNA, AUSTRIA: NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY PUBL.
DOI Scopus50 WoS521990 Spooner, N. A., Aitken, M. J., Smith, B. W., Franks, M., & McElroy, C. (1990). Archaeological dating by infrared-stimulated luminescence using a diode array. In Radiation Protection Dosimetry Vol. 34 (pp. 83-86). VIENNA, AUSTRIA: NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY PUBL.
DOI Scopus88 WoS87 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2021 Tran, Q. D., Spooner, N., Geoghegan, S., Stoudemire, J., Tran, N. N., Fisk, I., & Hessel, V. (2021). Cosmic-ray Irradiation Study of a Space Medicine for Future On-Orbit Manufacturing. Poster session presented at the meeting of Luxembourg Space Resources Week 2021. Luxembourg.
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2018 Spooner, N., & Ottaway, D. (2018). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub Fifth Sponsors Review Report. 2018 Spooner, N. A., & Ottaway, D. (2018). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub Sixth Sponsors Review Report. 2018 Spooner, N. A., & Ottaway, D. J. (2018). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub Status Update Report - Feb 2018. 2018 Spooner, N. A., & Ottaway, D. (2018). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub 2018 Hub Objectives. 2017 Spooner, N. A., & Ottaway, D. (2017). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub 2017 Hub Objectives. 2017 Spooner, N. A., & Ottaway, D. (2017). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub Third Six Monthly Report. 2017 Spooner, N., & Ottaway, D. (2017). ARC Australian Copper-Uranium Transformational Research Hub Fourth Sponsors Review Report.
Research Funding
Date | Project/ No. | Investigators | Funding Body | Amount |
2024-2029 | ARC Training Centre for Radiation Innovation | M Dasgupta, E Bezak, G Lane, N Spooner, ...I Williams | ARC ITTC | $4,990,000 |
2024 | Rapid development of new medical treatment compounds from radioactive mine waste | D Questiaux, M Thewlis, N Spooner, T Payten, J Builth-William, H Wescombe-Down | Australia's Economic Accelerator Seed Grants | $196,248 |
2023-2025 | Hand-Portable Real-Time Non-Contact Fluorescence-based Asbestos Sensor | N Spooner, M Lumasag, C Singla, E Schartner | Business Research and Innovation Initiative – Regulatory Technology Round | $969,690 |
2022-2025 | Development of the GenX Betavoltaic Battery Pilot Manufacturing Process |
N Spooner, C Kalnins, A Chapsky | DIIS - CRC-P | $949,492 |
2022-2022 | Hand-Portable In-situ Real-Time Non-Contact Asbestos Sensor |
N Spooner, M Lumasag, R Loughan, M Vestel, S Gromitsaris | Business Research and Innovation Initiative – Regulatory Technology Round | $87,983 |
2021-2022 | Novel fluorescence sensing of materials for Moon to Mars in-situ resource utilisation | N Spooner, A Birbeck | Moon to Mars: Demonstrator Feasibility Grants | $248,404 |
2021-2021 | Natural values assessment and conservation monitoring of Naracoorte Caves | E Reed, L Arnold, N Spooner, J Conran, E Fagan-Jeffries | Australian Heritage Grants | $199,869 |
2021 | Fluorescence for real-time field identification of minerals | MinEX CRC Project | MinEX CRC Project | $95,000 |
2020-2025 | Aboriginal rock art and cultural heritage management in Cape York Peninsula | L Wallis, H Burke, N Spooner, N Cole | ARC Linkage Project | $48,000 |
2020-2026 | ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources | P Dowd, ..N Spooner | ARC ITTC | $5,625,664 |
2020 | Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Facility | S Trevor, ...N Spooner, D Abbott | ARC LIEF | $235,960 |
2019 | Real-time fluorine mineral identification using novel fluorescence technology | L Moore, N Spooner, D Ottaway, G Tsiminis, J Moffatt | CRC for Optimising Resource Extraction | $631,138 |
2018-2023 | Naracoorte Caves: a critical window on faunal extinctions and past climates | L Arnold, R Hill, E Reed, A Cooper, J Austin, J Tibby | ARC Linkage Project | $669,000 |
2017-2018 | A regional optical dating facility for South Australia | L Arnold, N Spooner, G Prideaux, R Hill, A Collins | ARC LIEF | $410,000 |
2016-2019 | Upconversion Fluorescence for Real-time Mineral Identification | N Spooner, D Ottaway | Cooperative Research Centre for Optimising Resource Extraction (CRC ORE) | $1,300,000 |
2015-2020 | ARC Research Hub for Graphene Enabled Industry Transformation | D Losic, E Skafidas, M Majumder, C Fumeaux, N Choudhury, A Nirmalathas, M McLaughlin, J Ma, R Ghomashchi, YL Zhong, M Muzzin, G Anderson, I Neering, N Spooner, H Zhu, K Koziol, A Pollard, A Merkoçi, L Dai, J Liu, R Stewart, S Bohm | Australian Research Council (ARC), Industrial Transformation Research Hubs,IH150100003 | $2,611,346 |
2015-2017 | A 140,000 year insight into the imprint of climate and humans on Australia | J Tibby, P Moss, M Leng, J Shakun, N Spooner | Australian Research Council (ARC), Discovery Project, DP150103875 | $381,140 |
2015 | Single-Grain Sorter and Loader | NA Spooner, B Cazzolato, D Creighton, L Arnold, M Demuro, D Questiaux | University of Adelaide, Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS), Pilot Project | $16,000 |
2014 | UV to mid-infrared fluorescence spectrometer for use in mineral analysis, radiation dosimetry, and laser materials characterisation | DG Lancaster, H Ebendorff-Heidepriem, MJ Withford, SR Grano, NA Spooner | Australian Research Council (ARC), Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LEIF), LE140100042 | $360,000 |
2013-2018 | The Australian Copper-Uranium Transformation Research Hub | S Grano, D Ottaway, Y Ngothai, P Ashman, H Ebendorff-Heidepriem, A Hooker, J Brugger, S Wilson, A Pring, P Hayes, Y Peng, J Vaughan, E Jak, K Ehrig, N Spooner, S Simons | Australian Research Council (ARC), Industrial Transformation Research Hub, IH130200033 | $2,526,617 |
2012 | Upgrade of “Risø” automated reader for single-grain optical dating & radiation dosimetry research | N Spooner | University of Adelaide, Research Equipment and Infrastructure Round | $20,300 |
2012 | Small optical and lab apparatus for single-grain optical dating and luminescence radiation dosimetry research | N Spooner | University of Adelaide, Research Equipment and Infrastructure Round | $18,250 |
2012 | Low-level K, U, Th and daughter radionuclide measurements for dose rate research | N Spooner | Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Award, No ALNGRA12125 | $15,350 |
2011-2014 | Transformational diagnostics | TM Monro, A Cooper, LA Salamonsen, RJ Norman, NA Spooner | Australian Research Council (ARC), Super Science Fellowships, FS110200009 | $835,200 |
2009 | Risø reader for luminescence imaging & dosimetry | N Spooner | University of Adelaide, Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS), Equipment Round | $175,000 |
2008 | Establishment of Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) | Team led by TM Monro | Higher Education Endowment Fund, Federal Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, University of Adelaide, SA State Government and DST Group | $97M |
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Principal Supervisor Detecting asbestos accurately and reliably using Novel Fluorescence and machine learning to enable on-site identification by end users in a range of environments. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Miroslav Barta 2024 Co-Supervisor CSI Superbugs: Unveiling unique fingerprints of antibiotic-resistant microbes through light Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Harriet Jane Cooling 2024 Principal Supervisor Novel Fluorescence of heavy minerals for terrestrial and space applications Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Joshua Grant Rusby 2023 Principal Supervisor Plastic scintillator design and optimisation for UAV borne gamma radiation surveys Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Aithan Roufos 2023 Principal Supervisor Quantification of radionuclide geo-sequestration in minerals surrounding nuclear waste storage facilities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jason Alexander Charlwood 2022 Principal Supervisor Material Detection Using Novel Luminescence Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Thomas Michael Slattery 2022 Co-Supervisor Development and characterisation of novel Ytterbium and Samarium rare-earth doped silica fibre optic dosimeters for high dose rate brachytherapy Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Joshua Raphael Southwell 2021 Principal Supervisor Drone borne Gamma radiation detection for stand-off high resolution surveying of radionuclide concentrations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Timothy Doughney 2021 Co-Supervisor Development and Analysis of Gold Sensing Protein Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Akhil Kumar 2020 Principal Supervisor Zircon Auto-Regeneration Luminescence (ZARL) dating using single grain imaging. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Kathryn Leah McDonnell -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2022 Principal Supervisor New Fluorescence Sensors for Critical Materials Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Thomas Bede Payten 2019 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Real-time Fluorine Mineral Detection using Novel Fluorescence Technology Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Lewis Da Silva Teixeira 2018 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Advanced Radiation Sensing Techniques Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Jarrah Lionel Herbert Mik 2018 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Characterisation of NaCl Crystal for a Reusable Radiation Dosimeter Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Alexandra Chapsky 2018 - 2024 Principal Supervisor A Dual Tuneable-Laser Excitation System for the Discovery of Naturally Occurring Fluorescence Signals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Thomas Jacob de Prinse 2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Novel Fluorescence Techniques for Real-Time Mineral Identification Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Jillian Elizabeth Moffatt 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Radiation Sensitive Optical Fibres for Radiation Detection and Dosimetry Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Carly Anne Whittaker 2014 - 2019 Principal Supervisor A Systematic Study of Quartz Thermoluminescence for Forensic and Retrospective Dosimetry Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Peter Geoffrey Hunter 2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Testing the TT-OSL Single-Aliquot Protocol for Quartz Sediment Dating Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Jillian Elizabeth Moffatt 2010 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Radiation Effects in Glasses for Intrinsic Optical Fibre Radiation Dosimetry Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Chris Kalnins
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2020 - 2024 Member Technical Capability Working Group Australian Radioactive Waste Agency Australia 2015 - 2018 Member SA Radiation Protection Committee SA Government Australia 2015 - ongoing Chair Fourth Asia-Pacific Luminescence and ESR Dating Conference (APLED) - Australia 2011 - ongoing Chair Session Chair, 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating - Poland 2010 - ongoing Chair Session Chair, 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - Australia 2007 - ongoing Member Technical Capability Working Group Australian Radioactive Waste Agency Australia 2007 - ongoing Member Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre Australia 2007 - ongoing Member SA EPA Radiation Protection Committee SA EPA Radiation Protection Committee Australia
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