Christina Bursill

Associate Professor Christina Bursill

Grant-Funded Researcher (D)

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

A/Prof Christina Bursill (BSc (Hons 1) PhD, Adelaide University; Postdoc, Oxford University, UK) is a leader in cardiovascular biology for her expertise in the biology and mechanisms of atherosclerotic plaques, the fatty deposits in the blood vessels of the heart that cause heart attacks. A/Prof Bursill also has expertise in the mechanisms of angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation that is critical for tissue repair following a heart attack and also for wound healing that is impaired in diabetes.
She is Director of the Vascular Research Centre at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) and the University of Adelaide and has held two National Heart Foundation (NHF) Fellowships. As CIA she has received >$4.5 million in competitive national research funding in the last 4 years. A/Prof Bursill has published >100 manuscripts, supervised >18 PhD students to completion and currently leads a research team of ten people.
A/Prof Bursill is Chair the South Australian Cardiovascular Research network which seeks to bring together cardiovascular researchers from across all South Australia to foster collaboration and drive research excellence and advocacy. She is currently a Board member of the International Atherosclerosis Society and has held positions in the leading cardiovascular bodies nationally including an elected board member (Treasurer) for the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) and was the past-President of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society.

Our group is interested in investigating new mechanisms and targets that underlie the development of fatty deposits in the arteries of the heart, a process called atherosclerosis, that causes heart attacks. We also undertake research looking at the regulation of new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis), which can determine how well a heart attack patient recovers. We have a host on pathophysiologically relevant in vitro and in vivo models established in our laboratory. 

Project 1

Title: The effect of fenofibrate on wound healing

Description: Human trials have found that the risk of amputation following a foot ulcer is reduced with fenofibrate (Vitamin B) supplementation. In vitro and in vivo studies have also shown that angiogenesis is increased with the addition of fenofibrate. This study will determine if topically applied fenofibrate increases would healing in an in vivo model established in our laboratory.

Project available for: Honours

Location: SAHMRI

Research project start: Semester 1

Project 2

Title: The role of the glycoprotein receptor ASGR1 in unstable atherosclerosis

Description: A GWAS study has identified that a mutation in ASGR1 reduces the risk of a cardiovascular event by 34%. The mechanisms for this are poorly understood and will be investigated using in vitro and in vivo models in this project.

Project available for: Honours

Location: SAHMRI

Research project start: Semester 1







  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2017 - ongoing Heart Foundation Lin Huddleston Senior Research Fellow University of Adelaide
    2017 - ongoing Senior Research Fellow The University of Adelaide
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    The University of Adelaide Australia BSc
    The University of Adelaide Australia Hons 1
    University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia PhD
  • Postgraduate Training

    Date Title Institution Country
    2017 Leader Plaque Biology and New Blood Vessel Area South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide Australia
    2010 - 2016 Leader Immunobiology Group The Heart Research Institute, Newtown Australia
    2007 - 2010 Senior Research Officer The Heart Research Institute, Newtown Australia
    2001 - 2006 Postdoctoral Fellow University of Oxford, Oxford United Kingdom
  • Research Interests

·National Heart Foundation Lin Huddleston Foundation Fellowship (2017-2022)

            Chief Investigator: Christina Bursill (CIA)

            Amount: ~$750,000 over 5 years


·Diabetes Australia Research (DART) grant (2017)

Title: ‘Micromanaging’ high-density lipoprotein-induced rescue of diabetes-impaired angiogenesis

Chief Investigators: Joanne Tan and Christina Bursill

            Amount: $60,000


· NAB Career Re-start Grant (2016)

Title: Reversing the progression of atherosclerosis

Chief Investigators: Christina Bursill (CIA),

            Amount: $60,000 over one year


· ARC Discovery Grant (2016)

Title: Dynamics of atherosclerotic plaque formation, growth and regression

Chief Investigators: Mary Myerscough (CIA), Charlie Macaskill (CIB), Christina Bursill (PI).

            Amount: $218,768 over three years


· University of Sydney - Thompson Fellowship (2016)

            Title: Using the "Good Cholesterol" to increase stent longevity

            Chief Investigator: Christina Bursill (CIA)

            Amount: $90, 000 over one year


· University of Sydney Bridging Grant (2015)

            Title: Different athero-protective properties of HDL in early versus late atherosclerosis

            Chief Investigators: Christina Bursill (CIA)

            Amount: $30, 000 over 1 year


· NHMRC Project Grant (2015)

Title: Oxidative Regulation of the Na pump – a new player in vascular function in health and disease.

Chief Investigators: Gemma Figtree (CIA), Christina Bursill (CIB), A/Prof Ravinay Bhindi (CIC), Prof Keith Channon (CID), A/Prof Clare Hawkins (CIE), Dr Ben Davies (CIF), Prof Richard Cohen (CIG).

            Amount: $488,816 over three years


· University of Sydney Bridging Grant (2013)

            Title: Differential Regulation of Angiogenesis by CC-Chemokines

            Chief Investigators: Christina Bursill (CIA)

            Amount: $30, 000 over 1 year


· NHMRC project grant (2010-2013)

            Title: Multifunctional regulation of Angiogenesis by High Density Lipoproteins

            Chief Investigators:  Martin Ng (CIA), Christina Bursill (CIB)

            Amount: $476, 000 over 3 years


· Heart Foundation Career Development Fellowship (2008-2013)

Title: The Role of Chemokines in the Anti-Atherosclerotic Effects of HDL

Chief Investigator: Christina Bursill

Amount: $515,000 – includes 5 years salary, travel funds and equipment support.


·Bushell Foundation (2008-2011)

Title: Understanding the Anti-Atherosclerotic Properties of High Density Lipoproteins

            Investigator: Christina Bursill

Amount: $250, 000 over 3 years


· British Heart Foundation Program Grant (2005-2007):

Title: Evaluation of Broad Spectrum Chemokine agonists to Inhibit Atherosclerosis

Investigators: Keith Channon, David Greaves, and Christina Bursill

Amount: £715,961 over 5 years


· British Heart Foundation Project Grant (2001-2004):

Title: Evaluation of Broad Spectrum CC-Chemokine antagonists to Inhibit Inflammatory Cell Recruitment in Atherogenesis.

Investigators: David Greaves, Keith Channon, and Christina Bursill

Amount: £152,326 over 3 years. Based on the success of the project, the initial grant was extended for a further 2.5 years (£126,939) based on my research.


Undergraduate Teaching:

·1997-98: Tutor for 1st year Medical students in Problem Based Learning, Department of Medicine, University of Adelaide.

·1998-2000: Demonstrator for 2nd year Science students in Cardiovascular Physiology, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide.

·2001: Lecturer to 2nd year Medical students on Lipoprotein Metabolism, Department of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK.

·2001, 2002: Demonstrator for 2nd year Medical Students in Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, Department of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK.

·2004-2006: Lecturer to 3rd year Medical students in ‘Methods and Approach in Scientific Research’. Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK.

·2015-2026: Lecturer to 3rd year Physiology students on “Vascular Inflammation”, University of Sydney, NSW.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2025 Co-Supervisor Mathematical modelling of plaque calcification in atherosclerosis Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Faith Caren Thando Penn Sawers
    2024 Principal Supervisor Deletion of the asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 (ASGR1) to prevent athersclerotic cardiovascular disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Liam George Stretton
    2023 Principal Supervisor The role of the asialoglycoprotein receptor-1 in immune cell regulation of atherosclerosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Demeke Geremew Debebe
    2023 Co-Supervisor New Predictive Factors that Drive Coronary Artery Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Naomi Elizabeth Wattchow
    2023 Co-Supervisor The Evaluation and Validation of Autophagy as a Novel Biomarker of Coronary Artery Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Mau Tam Nguyen
    2022 Co-Supervisor Multimodal imaging probe for atherosclerotic plaque detection Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Rouyan Chen
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor The Role of Endothelial Cell Metabolic Reprogramming in Diabetes impaired Angiogenesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Khalia Rose Primer
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor MicroRNA-181c-5p - A Novel Therapeutic Target for the Rescue of Diabetes-Impaired Angiogenesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Emma Louise Solly
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Inhibitory and metabolic effects of diabetes on yolk sac-derived endothelial-macrophage progenitors in postnatal murine tissues Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sanuri Rashmitha Liyanage
    2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Discovery and characterisation of yolk-sac derived Endothelial-Macrophage progenitor cells in postnatal murine tissues Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Anna Emilie Williamson
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor The Anti-Inflammatory and Pro-Angiogenic Capacity of High-Density Lipoproteins in Diabetic Wound Healing Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Zahra Lotfollahi
    2018 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Investigating the theranostic properties of apoA-I-linked porphyrin-lipid nanoparticles in atherosclerosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Victoria Ann Nankivell
    2018 - 2023 Principal Supervisor The role of Asialoglycoprotein Receptor-1 in Atherosclerosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Benjamin James Pullen
    2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Vascular Calcification as a Risk Factor for Peripheral Arterial Disease and its Effects on Angiogenesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Jocelyne Mulangala
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2018 - ongoing President Australian Atherosclerosis Society N/A Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2014 - ongoing Associate Editor Journal of Biochemistry - -
    2013 - ongoing Associate Editor PLoS ONE - -
  • Position: Grant-Funded Researcher (D)
  • Phone: 0881284788
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: SAHMRI
  • Org Unit: Medical Specialties

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