Dr Nicholas Collins
ARC Grant-Funded Res. B & Vis. Res. Fell.
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
My current research focus is the genetics and physiology of heat tolerance in wheat. I also have expertise in cereal tolerance to other abiotic stresses and resistance to viral and fungal diseases.
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My background is in cereal molecular genetics, with a particular strength in positional cloning of genes for useful traits, to generate basic knowledge and breeding tools. After completing a PhD on barley yellow dwarf virus at the University of Adelaide, I worked on rust resistance at CSIRO and durable resistance to powdery mildew in the Sainsbury Laboratory UK. In 2003, I moved back to Adelaide to join the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics where I have worked on tolerance to frost, salinity, boron toxicity, aluminium toxicity and heat.
I currently lead a research group working on heat tolerance in wheat within the University of Adelaide. The main focus is on the effects of the short heat waves that commonly occur during the sensitive reproductive developmental stages of the crop, in Southern Australia and many other parts of the world. These events cause failed grain set (floret sterility) when the heat occurs prior to head emergence, or reduced final grain size when the heat occurs at early grain filling.
We use growth chambers to apply heat treatments at particular developmental stages and combine these data with molecular marker information (such as DArTseq) to identify chromosome regions controlling variation for heat tolerance. This information is being used to develop molecular markers to enable breeders to more effectively select new heat tolerant varieties. We also conduct field trials in collaboration NSW-DPI, where late sowing is used to expose plots to late season heat stress. With my collaborators at NSW-DPI, we are also investigating the effects of heat on end-use quality traits relating to bread and pasta making.
Our work also aims to uncover basic knowledge of mechanisms of heat tolerance effects, by undertaking physiological, anatomical and ‘omics studies, in addition to positional cloning of the underlying heat tolerance genes.

Date Position Institution name 2021 - ongoing Visiting Research Fellow (Titleholder) The University of Adelaide 2016 - 2019 Research Fellow The University of Adelaide 2004 - 2015 Research Fellow University of Adelaide 1999 - 2003 Postdoctoral Scientist Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich 1996 - 1999 Postdoctoral Scientist Plant Industry (CSIRO), Canberra -
Date Institution name Country Title 1991 - 1995 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 1990 - 1990 Monash University Australia Honours 1987 - 1989 Monash University Australia Bachelor of Science -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2016 Roy, S., Collins, N., & Munns, R. (2016). Abiotic stress genes and mechanisms in wheat. In C. Wrigley, H. Corke, K. Seetharaman, & J. Faubion (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Grains (Vol. 4, 2nd ed., pp. 393-397). Academic Press.
DOI2002 King, B., Paltridge, N., Collins, N., Ford, C., Li, R., Symons, R., & Langridge, P. (2002). A map-based approach towards cloning the Yd2 resistance gene in barley. In M. Henry, & A. McNab (Eds.), Barley yellow dwarf disease: Recent advances and future strategies (pp. 75-77). Mexico: CIMMYT. 2002 Collins, N., Sadanandom, A., & Schulze-Lefert, P. (2002). Genes and molecular mechanisms controlling powdery mildew resistance in barley. In The Powdery mildews : a comprehensive treatise (pp. 134-145). The American Phytopathological Society. -
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Date | Project/ No. | Investigators | Title | Funding Body |
2011-2014 | UA00123 | Collins NC, Emebiri L, Parent B, Street K, Sissons M, Taylor H | Identification of genetic variation for heat tolerance in durum and bread wheat | GRDC |
2015-2020 | LP15010069 | Baumann U, Haefele S, Collins N, Praud S |
Exploring genetic diversity to identify new heat tolerance genes in wheat. |
2015-2018 | UA00147 | Collins N, Emebiri L, Sissons M, Taylor J, Taylor H, | Genetic analysis of heat tolerance in wheat | GRDC |
2016-2018 | AISRF33760 | Fleury D, Collins N, Baumann U, Haefele S | Mining alleles for heat tolerance of wheat in Australian and Indian environments for development of heat resilient cultivars | AISRF |
2015-2020 | IH130200027 | Fleury D, Baumann U, Borysyuk N, Collins N, Haefele S, Kaiser B, Langridge P, Miklavcic S, Appelbee M-J, Juttner J, Kuchel H, Mullen D | Genetic diversity and molecular breeding for wheat in a hot and dry climate | ARC |
2015-2018 | 56114781 | Haefele S, Barrett-Lennard E, Collins N, Roy S, Heuer S, Nield J, Smart K, Cox A, Setter T | Production trials to assess the differences between the biodiversity associated with the tolerance of wheat and barley GMOs | Western Australian Agriculture Authority |
Date | Course Title | Institution | Course Level/ Code | Contribution per year |
2007-2012 | Masters in Plant Genomics | University of Adelaide | 2710_PLANT_SC_7227WT | one 2-hr lecture |
2011 | Masters in Molecular Diagnostics | University of Adelaide | PLANT_SC_7120WT | one 2-hr lecture and ran one tutorial |
2016 | Foundations in Plant Science | University of Adelaide | mentor to 5 students | |
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2016 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Genetic Mapping and Physiological Analysis of Heat Tolerance in Wheat Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Mohammed Mizanur Rahman 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Genetic and Physiological Bases of Heat-Induced Floret Sterility in Wheat Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Million Fikreselassie Erena 2012 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Genetic and biological analysis of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) resistance loci in wheat Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Shefat Rahman 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Genetic and physiological studies of heat tolerance in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hamid Shirdelmoghanloo 2011 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Physiological Traits and Genetic Controls Associated with Heat Adaptation of Bread Wheat Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Reyna Suzuky Pinto Gonzalez 2010 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Genome sequence and variation in the Australian native Velvet tobacco mottle virus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Kieren Arthur 2005 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Dissection of Traits Relating to Flowering and Reproductive Frost Tolerance on Chromosome 2HL of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Andrew Chen 2004 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Toward Map-Based Cloning of a Na+ Exclusion Gene from Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alireza Rivandi 2004 - 2010 Co-Supervisor The Genetic Improvement of Wheat and Barley for Reproductive Frost Tolerance Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Jason Reinheimer
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2012 - 2013 Member South Australian Barley Advisory Committee - - 2011 - 2012 Member Australian Winter Cereals Pre-Breeders Alliance Steering Committee for Abiotic Stress - - 2008 - 2010 Member School of Agriculture, Food and Wine Research Committee - - -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2015 - ongoing Associate Editor BMC Plant Biology - -
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