Leigh Rushworth
School of Allied Health Science and Practice
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Mr Leigh Rushworth is a lecturer and clinician researcher in physiotherapy within the School of Allied Health Science and Practice. Joining the university in 2021, Leigh is a titled APA Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapist with over 15 years experience working clinically in ICU and the acute care setting. Completing an Advanced Clinical Masters at the University of SA in 2018, Leigh currently holds positions as the Principal Inpatient Physiotherapist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide and as a Lecturer of Physiotherapy at the University of Adelaide. Leigh has been the recipient of research grants from the SA health Allied and Scientific Health Office and the Physiotherapy Research Foundation looking at the experience and management of Breathlessness in the ICU at a local and national level.
In settings of care for people who cannot breathe without support such as intensive care units (ICU), dyspnoea (the experience of difficulty breathing) is a frequent and terrifying problem. Recent reports indicate that dyspnoea in the ICU is just as commonly experienced as pain yet dyspnoea by comparison is poorly recognised, under-assessed and under-treated. This results in increased length of ICU stay, poorer physical and long-term psychological outcomes; and occurs despite the availability of potentially suitable assessment tools and evidence-based effective interventions for dyspnoea in the ICU. Implementation of dyspnoea assessment and management in Australian ICUs is largely unexplored and Leigh’s current research projects are looking to further investigate this area.
Leigh’s other area of research is looking at the role of exercise and physiotherapy during the management of abdominal hernia, and most recently for patients experiencing parastomal hernias. In this area, Leigh is working collaboratively with stomal therapy nurses and the School of Nursing at the University of Adelaide.
Date Position Institution name 2021 - ongoing Lecturer, Physiotherapy University of Adelaide 2016 - ongoing Principal Physiotherapist TQEH SA Health 2009 - 2016 Senior Physiotherapist Queen Elizabeth Hospital 2007 - 2009 Physiotherapist Queen Elizabeth Hospital -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2016 - 2018 University of South Australia Australia MAdvClinPhysio 2003 - 2006 University of South Australia Australia BPhysio -
Date Title Institution name Country 2022 MACP Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia 2021 Titled Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapist Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia 2007 AHPRA Registered Physiotherapist Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Australia -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Cusack, L., Bolton, F., Vickers, K., Winter, A., Louise, J., Rushworth, L., . . . Salter, A. (2024). Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study. WCET Journal, 44(2), 20-28.
2022 Winter, A., Cusack, L., Bolton, F., Vickers, K., Rushworth, L., & Salter, A. (2022). Perceptions and attitudes of ostomates towards support garments for prevention and treatment of parastomal hernia: a qualitative study. The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 42(3).
2022 Cusack, L., Salter, A., Vickers, K., Bolton, F., Winter, A., & Rushworth, L. (2022). Perceptions and experience on the use of support garments to prevent parastomal hernias: a national survey of Australian stomal therapy nurses. The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 42(4).
2020 Dafoe, S., Rushworth, L., & Stiller, K. (2020). The effectiveness of kinesiotaping for patients with fractured ribs: a single-subject experimental design.. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 18(1), 10 pages. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2024 Rushworth, L., Williams, T., Williams, M., & Johnston, K. (2024). Breathlessness in the intensive care environment: Patient experiences and potential modifiable factors.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Dyspnoea 2024: Mechanisms, Measurement and Management. Montreal. 2023 Rushworth, L., Williams, P., Johnston, K., & Williams, M. (2023). Oral Presentation: Experience, Impacts and Influences on breathlessness amongst people receiving care in the intensive care unit (ICU): A Qualitative Interview Study.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Conference Abstract Booklet. Brisbane. 2023 Rushworth, L., Williams, P., Johnston, K., & Williams, M. (2023). Oral Presentation: Health professionals perceptions of dyspnoea assessment and management within the Intensive Care Unit setting – A quality improvement survey. Poster session presented at the meeting of Conference Abstract Booklet. Brisbane. 2019 Rushworth, L. (2019). Invited Speaker: Is there a role for the physiotherapist in complex hernia patients?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Adelaide International Hernia conference, Hernia Repair in 2019: The Good, Bad and Ugly.. Adelaide.
Leigh has received over $50,000 dollars as a clinician researcher.
Chief Investigator:
Allied Health Quality Improvement Project Seed Funding (ASHO) 2021/2022- Better management of breathlessness in the ICU (BreatheICU): a staff survey and patient interview study.
Physiotherapy Research Foundation seeding Grant 2021- Better management of breathlessness in the ICU (BreatheICU): A cross-sectional national clinician survey and consumer interview study.
Co – Investigator:
The University of Adelaide FHMS Strategic Research Support Grant 2022- Development of a National Risk Assessment Tool for prevention of parastomal hernias in Ostomates: Improving care and quality of life.
The University of Adelaide School of Allied health science and practice research support grant 2023 - The Australian Longitudinal study on back and neck pain.
Feb 2021 – Present, School of Allied Health Science and Practice, The University of Adelaide.
Course Coordination: Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Practice and cardiorespiratory simulation placement.
Teaching: Biomechanics of Human Movement, Managing Complexity in Clinical Settings, Physiotherapy Exercise Prescription & Activity and Biosciences for Human Health A.
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2020 - ongoing Chair, SA APA Cardiorespiratory Committee Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia
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