Bruce Northcote

Professor Bruce Northcote

Chief Security Officer

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)

Division of Research and Innovation

Prof. Bruce Northcote is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Operations), a senior management position within the Division of Research and Innovation (DRI) responsible for providing leadership in achieving the University’s strategic goals in relation to research infrastructure and building of research capacity. He is also Chief Security Officer, with the responsibility of ensuring the University complies with essential regulatory requirements and best practice in relation to defence, national security and foreign influence and interference regulations and guidelines.

Previously he was CEO of TelAri Analytics - a commercial spin out from research in his prior roles as Director of the Teletraffic Research Centre and the Centre for Defence Communications Information Networking, within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SET). In those SET roles he brought his considerable private industry communications engineering consulting experience to the Commercial and Defence sectors. For 2 terms he was an Associate Member representative on the RPDE Board, primarily focused on improving the engagement between RPDE and the academic community.

From 1994 until 1996 he worked at Bellcore (NJ, USA) as their lead consultant in Signalling System Number 7 and Advanced Intelligent Network congestion control research and Personal Communications Services performance analysis. In 1996 he joined Ascom Nexion to develop for them a coordinated performance benchmark test plan for multi-service switching platforms. After acquisition and promotion he became a Consulting Engineer in Fujitsu Nexion, working on broadband technology assessment, product definition and standardization activities for the Fujitsu broadband product range, actively participating in various standards forums (IETF, ATMF, ANSI T1S1 & ITU-T SG13).

Between returning to Australia in December 1999 and his current employment, he was a consultant for BSN Consulting Pty Ltd and Telic Australia Pty Ltd, working on projects for customers ranging from Vodafone Australia, Telstra, Telcordia (USA), Viridien (USA), to the Victorian Department of Justice. He has published over 20 refereed journal and conference papers, written numerous technical contributions for a variety of international standards bodies, is a senior member of IEEE and was an acreditted ATM Forum Ambassador for several years.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    1998 Northcote, B. S., & Smith, D. E. (1998). Service control point overload rules to protect intelligent network services. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 6(1), 71-81.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS7
    1996 Northcote, B., & Rumsewicz, M. (1996). A comparison of CCS tandem overload controls. Telecommunication Systems, 6(1), 329-345.
    DOI Scopus1
    1995 Henderson, W., Northcote, B., & Taylor, P. (1995). Triggered batch movement in queueing networks. Queueing Systems, 21(1-2), 125-141.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS11
    1994 Henderson, W., Northcote, B. S., & Taylor, P. G. (1994). Geometric equilibrium distributions for queues with interactive batch departures. Annals of Operations Research, 48(5), 493-511.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS14
    DOI WoS23
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2018 Campbell, B., Perry, A., Hunjet, R., Wang, G., & Northcote, B. (2018). Minimising RF Detectability for Low Probability of Detection Communication. In 2018 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference (MilCIS) (pp. 1-6). online: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS8
    2016 Nguyen, H., & Northcote, B. (2016). User spectral efficiency: combining spectral efficiency with user experience. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communications for all things (pp. 1-6). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus2
    2010 Northcote, B., & Tompson, N. (2010). Dimensioning Telstra's WCDMA (3G) network. In Proceedings of 2010 15th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD 2010 (pp. 81-85). USA: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus3
    2006 Northcote, B. (2006). The Bi-Mesh Survivable Network – Fast Recovery from Node Failure in MPLS enabled Networks. In Proceedings of ATNAC, Australian Telecommuncation Networks and Applications Conference Vol. paper 86. Melbourne, Aust.: University of Melbourne.
    1999 Northcote, B. S., Babic, G., & Jain, R. (1999). Methodology for implementing scalable test configurations in ATM switches. In S. Dixit, A. Somani, & E. K. Park (Eds.), Proceedings Eight International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (pp. 628-633). Boston, USA: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus3
    1996 Northcote, B. S. (1996). Analysing SCP congestion control strategies: a study of control dynamics. In IEEE Intelligent Network Workshop, IN Vol. 1 (pp. 95-106). MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA: I E E E.
    1996 Northcote, B. S. (1996). AIN Focused Overloads - A review of USA CCS network failures and lessons learned. In ITC Mini-Seminar on Engineering and Congestion Control in Intelligent Networks. Melbourne, Australia.
    1995 Northcote, B., & Rumsewicz, M. (1995). Investigation of CCS tandem overload control issues. In Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Vol. 1 (pp. 718-722).
    1995 Northcote, B., & Rumsewicz, M. (1995). Investigation of congestion dynamics in CCS networks during STP processor overload. In Communications - gateway to globalization : 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications Vol. 1 (pp. 127-131). New York, N.Y.: IEEE.
    1995 Northcote, B., & Rumsewicz, M. (1995). Bn investigation of CCS tandem overload control issues. In GLOBECOM '95 - IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3 (pp. 718-722). SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE: I E E E.
    1994 Henderson, W., Northcote, B. S., & Taylor, P. G. (1994). Networks of customer queues and resource queues. In J. Labetoulle, & J. W. Roberts (Eds.), FUNDAMENTAL ROLE OF TELETRAFFIC IN THE EVOLUTION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS, VOLS 1A AND 1B Vol. 1 (pp. 853-864). ANTIBES JUAN LES PINS, FRANCE: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBL B V.
    1991 Northcote, B. S., Henderson, W. H., & Taylor, P. G. (1991). Modeling using queueing networks with signals. In ITC. Copenhagen.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2016 Northcote, B., & Matthews, G. (2016). With lives at stake, can you afford to not have a predictive risk analysis methodology?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Institue of Project Management Inaugural Regional Conference 2016. Sydney, Australia: AIPM Conference 2016.
  • Report for External Bodies

    Year Citation
    2019 Wang, G., Costa, A., Northcote, B., Nguyen, H., Warner, N., McMahon, J., & Mihailescu, M. (2019). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Vodafone Fiji Capacity Analysis Project Report - 2019.
    2019 Wang, G., Warner, N., Costa, A., Northcote, B., Mihailescu, M., McMahon, J., & Nguyen, H. (2019). TEMS™ Capacity Manager IndoSat Capacity Analysis Project Report.
    2018 Wang, G., Northcote, B., Costa, A., McMahon, J., Warner, N., Mihailescu, M., & Nguyen, H. (2018). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Vodafone Fiji Capacity Analysis Project Report.
    2018 Britton, M. S., Northcote, B. S., & Webb, M. R. (2018). Final Report for Modelling the AIR 6500 Network: Phase 2.
    2018 Britton, M. S., Northcote, B. S., & Webb, M. R. (2018). Final Report for Modelling the AIR 6500 Network: Phase 1.
    2016 Northcote, B., McMahon, J. J., Costa, A., Wang, V., Mihailescu, M., Warner, N., . . . FitzGerald, D. (2016). TEMS™ Capacity Manager H3 Italy Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Ericsson: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2016 Northcote, B. S., costa, A., Wang, G., Mihailescu, M., & Warner, N. (2016). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар) Region Capacity Analysis Project Report.
    2016 Northcote, B. S., costa, A., Wang, G., Mihailescu, M., & Warner, N. (2016). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар) Region Capacity Analysis Project Report.
    2016 Northcote, B. S., McMahon, J., Costa, A., Wang, G., Warner, N., & Mihailescu, M. (2016). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Vodafone Ireland Capacity Analysis Project Report.
    2016 Northcote, B. S., McMahon, J., Costa, A., Wang, G., Warner, N., & Mihailescu, M. (2016). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Vodafone Ireland Capacity Analysis Project Report.
    2016 Coyle, A. J., Nguyen, H., & Northcote, B. (2016). Tactical Radio Modelling - Overview Report.
    2016 Northcote, B., McMahon, J. J., Costa, A., Wang, V., Olio, C., & FitzGerald, D. (2016). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Telcel Mexico: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., McMahon, J. J., Costa, A., Warner, N., & Mihailescu, M. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Zain, Saudi Arabia: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., McMahon, J. J., Nguyen, H., Oliu, C., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Guadalajara Capacity Analysis Project Validation Report Prepared for AT&T Mexico: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., McMahon, J. J., Nguyen, H., Oliu, C., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Guadalajara Capacity Analysis Project Validation Report Prepared for AT&T Mexico: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Nguyen, H., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Dar Es Salam Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Airtel Tanzania: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Nguyen, H., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Dar Es Salam Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Airtel Tanzania: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Nguyen, H., Warner, N., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Mandalay Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Ooredoo Myanmar: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Nguyen, H., Warner, N., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Mandalay Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Ooredoo Myanmar: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Nguyen, H., Warner, N., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Mandalay Capacity Analysis Project Validation Report Prepared for Ooredoo Myanmar: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Nguyen, H., Warner, N., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Mandalay Capacity Analysis Project Validation Report Prepared for Ooredoo Myanmar: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Schaplitz, S., Holubowski, P., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Monterrey Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Telefonica Group: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Costa, A., Schaplitz, S., Holubowski, P., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Monterrey Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for Telefonica Group: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., McMahon, J. J., Nguyen, H., Brooks, T., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Atlanta Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for AT&T USA: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., McMahon, J. J., Nguyen, H., Brooks, T., & FitzGerald, D. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager Atlanta Capacity Analysis Report Prepared for AT&T USA: TEMS™ Capacity Manager Client Capacity Analysis Project Reports. Reston, VA, USA: The University of Adelaide.
    2015 Northcote, B., Warner, N., McMahon, J. J., Coyle, A., Costa, A., Mihailescu, M., . . . Britton, M. (2015). Devil WCDMA network dimensioning 2015 workshop. Telstra.
    2014 Northcote, B., Warner, N., McMahon, J. J., Coyle, A., Costa, A., Mihailescu, M., . . . Li, Y. (2014). Devil WCDMA network dimensioning 2014 workshop. Telstra.
    2014 Nguyen, H., & Costa, A. (2014). SAPN Restoration Analysis Forecast Tool v1.0.
    2014 Northcote, B., & Coyle, A. (2014). Modelling Aeromedical Evacuation Services for Aspen Medical 2014 Final Report.
    2014 Coyle, A., Britton, B., Li, Y., Webb, M., & Northcote, B. (2014). LAND 2072 Modelling & Simulation Services.
    2014 Northcote, B., Coyle, A., Nguyen, H., & Naguleswaran, S. (2014). TelAri Analytics LTE Audit of Huawei Network Prepared for Dialog Axiata Sri Lanka: TelAri Anaytics Audir Reports. The University of Adelaide.
    2013 Northcote, B., & Coyle, A. (2013). TelAri Analytics Audit of Huawei and Ericsson Networks Prepared for Maxis Berhad, Malaysia: TelAri Analytics Audit Reports. The University of Adelaide.
    2013 Coyle, A., Webb, M. R., & Britton, M. (2013). LMAES Wireless Technology Study Final Report. DSIC.
    2013 Coyle, A., & Northcote, B. (2013). Modelling Aeromedical Evacuation Services for Aspen Medical 2013 Final Report.
    2013 Britton, M., Li, Y., & Mihailescu, M. (2013). Timetable Optimisation Analysis and Guide.
    2013 Britton, M. (2013). Dentistry Clinical Chairs Timetabling Study.
    2013 Naguleswaran, S., & Coyle, A. (2013). Acumen Data Fraud Detection Report.
    2013 Northcote, B., Warner, N., Coyle, A., Costa, A., Mihailescu, M., Nguyen, H., . . . Li, Y. (2013). Devil WCDMA network dimensioning 2013 workshop. Telstra.
    2012 Northcote, B., Webb, M. R., Britton, M., & Coyle, A. (2012). JP2047 Defence Tactical Communications Network - Tender Evaluation. DSIC: Depatment of Defence.
    2012 Northcote, B., Warner, N., Coyle, A., Costa, A., Mihailescu, M., Nguyen, H., . . . Yates, S. (2012). Devil WCDMA network dimensioning 2012 workshop. Telstra.
    2012 Naguleswaran, S., & Britton, M. (2012). Modelling and Analysis of Communication Networks SRA3. DSIC.
    2012 Britton, M., Naguleswaran, S., Nguyen, H., Coyle, A., Yates, S., & Mihailescu, M. (2012). FogNet v4.0 User Guide.
    2012 Coyle, A., & Northcote, B. (2012). Modelling Aeromedical Evacuation Services for Aspen Medical 2012 Final Report.
    2012 Britton, M., Naguleswaran, S., Nguyen, H., Coyle, A., Yates, S., & Mihailescu, M. (2012). FogNet v4.0 User Guide.
    2012 Webb, M. R., & Coyle, A. (2012). TDL Bakchaul Network Modelling in Support of JP2089. DSTO.
    2011 Webb, M. R., Yates, S., Porter, C., Britton, M., & Coyle, A. (2011). FLIMSY User Guide.
    2011 Britton, M., & Li, Y. (2011). ILLUMIN8 Facility Optimisation Study. The University of Adelaide.
    2011 Coyle, A., Nguyen, H., Naguleswaran, S., Britton, M., Porter, C., & Webb, M. R. (2011). SANLab Year 3 Report.
    2011 Britton, M., & Northcote, B. (2011). Combat Systems Theme Scoping Study. DSIC.
    2011 Naguleswaran, S., & Porter, C. (2011). Facilities and Timetable Modelling - Final Report. The University of Adelaide.
    2011 Coyle, A., Northcote, B., & Britton, M. (2011). Modelling Aeromedical Evacuation Services for Aspen Medical 2011 Final Report.
    2011 Northcote, B. (2011). Dimensioning WCDMA Networks Final Report. Maxis Malaysia Berhad.
    2010 Northcote, B. (2010). Analysis of expected time between Keno Spot 8 & Spot 9 jackpots in South Australia based on prior Spot 10 analysis. SA Lotteries.
    2010 Naguleswaran, S., Coyle, A., & Britton, M. (2010). Dynamic Tactical Networking Project Phase 3 Report.
    2010 Coyle, A., Nguyen, H., Naguleswaran, S., Britton, M., Porter, C., & Webb, M. R. (2010). SANLab Year 2 Report.
    2010 Coyle, A. (2010). Satellite Link Analysis for APN Final Report.
    2010 Britton, M., & Webb, M. R. (2010). Final Report to DSTO ISR Division for Network Engineering Support to JP 2096 (Surveillance Enhancement) ADIIB Test-bed Experimentation.
    2010 Britton, M., & Coyle, A. (2010). Combat Systems Research Proposal Final.
    2010 Warner, N. (2010). Kidney Health Australia Final Report.
    2010 Porter, C., Northcote, B., Britton, M., Warner, N., Webb, M. R., & Yates, S. (2010). FogNet Version 3.0 User Guide.
    2010 Porter, C., & Naguleswaran, S. (2010). Facilities and Timetable Modelling Final Report. University of Adelaide.
    2010 Porter, C. (2010). Gentamicin Dosage Calculator Final Report.
    2010 Britton, M. S. (2010). DEDIR Modelling Report.
    2010 Priestnall, G., Filippidis, A., Sioutis, C., Webb, M. R., Campbell, P., Scott, W., . . . Northcote, B. (2010). JP 2089 Phase 2 DSTO Network Management System Trial Evaluation – Preliminary Client Report (DSTO-CR-2010-0317).
    2010 Priestnall, G., Filippidis, A., Sioutis, C., Webb, M. R., Campbell, P., Scott, W., . . . Northcote, B. (2010). JP 2089 Phase 2 DSTO Network Management System Trial Evaluation – Initial Client Report (DSTO-CR-2010-0242).
    2009 Webb, M. R., & Northcote, B. N. (2009). Extended Inmarsat GAN Analysis.
    2009 Northcote, B. S., & McMahon, J. J. (2009). 3G Dimensioning Project – Modelling Overview (WCR0247). Adelaide, Australia: TRC.
    2008 Webb, M. R., & Northcote, B. N. (2008). Analysis of ADO Inmarsat Communications.
    2007 Northcote, B. S. (2007). 3G Dimensioning Project (WCR0186). Adelaide, Australia: TRC.
  • Patents

    Year Citation
    2002 Hunt, D., & Northcote, B. (2002). 6430154, Supporting multiple application traffic types over connection oriented networks. United States.
    - Northcote, B. S., & Tompson, N. (2008, November 20). 2008328520, System and process for dimensioning a cellular telecommunications network. Australia.
  • Theses

    Year Citation
    1993 Northcote, B. S. (1993). Signalling in product form queueing networks. (PhD Thesis, Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, 1995).
  • Internet Publications

    Year Citation
    2016 FitzGerald, D., & Northcote, B. (2016). A Call to Action for Improved RAN Management: Using Headroom as Metric for Efficient Wireless Network Expansion. Ascom Network Testing.
    2015 Northcote, B. (2015). Defining Capacity in UMTS/LTE Networks from an End User Perspective. Ascom Network Testing.
    2015 Northcote, B. (2015). TEMS™ Capacity Manager: Cost-Efficient Mobile Network Dimensioning. Ascom Network Testing.
    2015 Gabriel, C., Downey, M., & Northcote, B. (2015). RAN dimensioning Lessons learned by Telstra. Maravedis.
  • Software

    Year Citation
    2019 Costa, A., Northcote, B., McMahon, J., Warner, N., Nguyen, H., Mihailescu, M., & Wang, G. (2019). Telstra Devil Mobile Networks Capacity Planning Tool Release 2019 (Version 2019) [software].
    2018 Costa, A., Northcote, B., McMahon, J., Warner, N., Mihailescu, M., Nguyen, H., & Wang, G. (2018). Telstra Devil Mobile Networks Capacity Planning Tool Release 2018 (Version 2018) [software].
    2017 Costa, A., Northcote, B., Warner, N., McMahon, J. J., Nguyen, H., Mihailescu, M., & Wang, G. (2017). Telstra Devil Mobile Networks Capacity Planning Tool 2017 Release (Version 2017) [Computer Software].
    2016 Costa, A., Northcote, B., Warner, N., Mihailescu, M., McMahon, J., Nguyen, H., & Wang, G. (2016). Telstra Devil Mobile Networks Capacity Planning Tool 2016 Release (Version v2016) [software]. Adelaide: -.
    2015 Northcote, B., Warner, N., Coyle, A., McMahon, J. J., Mihailescu, M., Costa, A., . . . Britton, M. (2015). TelAri Analytics v2.0 [Computer Software].
    2014 Nguyen, H., & Costa, A. (2014). SAPN Restoration Analysis Forecast Tool v1.0 [Computer Software].
    2014 Northcote, B., & Coyle, A. (2014). Aspen Medical WARAME Decision Point Software Tool V3 [Computer Software].
    2014 Northcote, B., Warner, N., Coyle, A., Yates, S., McMahon, J. J., Mihailescu, M., . . . Li, Y. (2014). TelAri Analytics v1.2 [Computer Software].
    2013 Coyle, A., & Northcote, B. (2013). Aspen Medical WARAME Decision Point Software Tool V2 [Computer Software].
    2013 Northcote, B., Warner, N., Coyle, A., Yates, S., Mihailescu, M., Costa, A., . . . Li, Y. (2013). TelAri Analytics v1.1 [Computer Software].
    2012 Northcote, B., Warner, N., Coyle, A., Yates, S., Mihailescu, M., Costa, A., . . . Li, Y. (2012). TelAri Analytics v1.0 [Computer Software].
    2012 Coyle, A., & Northcote, B. (2012). Aspen Medical WARAME Decision Point Software Tool [Computer Software].
    2012 Britton, M., Naguleswaran, S., Nguyen, H., Coyle, A., Yates, S., & Mihailescu, M. (2012). FogNet v4.0 [Computer Software].
    2012 Britton, M., Naguleswaran, S., Nguyen, H., Coyle, A., Yates, S., & Mihailescu, M. (2012). FogNet v4.0 [Computer Software].
    2011 Webb, M. R., Yates, S., Porter, C., Britton, M., & Coyle, A. (2011). FLow based Information Management SYstem (FLIMSY) [Computer Software].
    2011 Coyle, A., & Northcote, B. (2011). Aspen Medical WARAME Decision Point Software Tool [Computer Software].
    2008 Northcote, B. S. (2008). WCDMA dimensioning tool analysis engine [Computer Software]. Telstra-internal, COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE: Telstra.
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    1994 - ongoing Member IEEE United States
  • Position: Chief Security Officer
  • Phone: 83136014
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Engineering South, floor 1
  • Org Unit: Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)

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